The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Sorry to hear you've been done over by some lowlives, George.
Hope they catch the sods and send 'em to , erm. oh no, that won't work, will it :confused1:



I'm there already, unfortunately
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

mr bachmann

any Poms [/I ]in the area? if not its one of your lot ,
I learnt the had way now keep every thing locked up .


I totally sympathise with you George. I had over £3000 nicked a couple of years back and hate thieves with a passion. I can't tell you what I would do to them as a moderator doesn't like it!
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Adverts  :veryangry: ie brainwashing. 

Television..It's just taking the wee-wee now with programs being torn to shreds with 'em..Pick up a mag or paper in Smith's and ad leaflets fall out..Find a pile of them on the door mat every morning (straight in the bin unopened)..Try to look at and story on the front page of Yahoo, and the computer invariably locks up or taking too long to load the add's so I give up..Every available hoarding space in town is covered with add's, and even more annoying, to me anyway, is whenever someone is interviewed on a sports pitch on tv, they have a bloody great screen behind them covered in more brainwashing >:(..The list goes on, right?.....Brian

[mod]Foul language is NOT acceptable even if you try to disguise it with ***'s - this is a family-friendly forum![/mod]
I just love the way the Earth rotates. Makes my day!


Quote from: Jillingsbri on August 04, 2016, 06:46:40 AM
Adverts  :veryangry: ie brainwashing. 

Television..It's just taking the wee-wee now with programs being torn to shreds with 'em..Pick up a mag or paper in Smith's and ad leaflets fall out..Find a pile of them on the door mat every morning (straight in the bin unopened)..Try to look at and story on the front page of Yahoo, and the computer invariably locks up or taking too long to load the add's so I give up..Every available hoarding space in town is covered with add's, and even more annoying, to me anyway, is whenever someone is interviewed on a sports pitch on tv, they have a bloody great screen behind them covered in more brainwashing >:(..The list goes on, right?.....Brian
Agree - particularly with web-sites and full screen pop-up adverts where the close button is hard to find. And even after closing they still come up. I know I could block them . . .
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy

Steve Brassett

If a website takes more than a few seconds to load, then I leave it and go elsewhere.  If they are going to annoy me they don't deserve my business.


AdBlock Plus - all these ad-heavy sites are a breeze without the ads on them...
Quando omni flunkus moritati

My layout thread - Hambleside East:
My workbench thread:


I also hate ads on TV or on the web even though advertising is what pays for a lot of these services. What is particular galling is that our local pay TV (Foxtel) is also loaded with repetitive ads of similar poor quality to those on our commercial TV stations. To make things bearable I just record everything and watch it all later with a ready finger on the fast forward button (30x speed). A bit of a nuisance, but much preferable to sitting through great slabs of ads. I pay no attention to the ads anyway so you couldn't say that the advertisers are losing out.

On my computer, my Adblock Plus installation gets rid of most of the pop-up advertising so it gets a big tick from me too.



Quote from: Jillingsbri on August 04, 2016, 06:46:40 AM
Pick up a mag or paper in Smith's and ad leaflets fall out..
Unfortunately for the publishing trade, making magazines and newspapers financially viable without advertising is impossible. People simply won't pay the full cost of the magazine. Your railway modelling magazine costing £4-5 seems expensive, but it almost certainly would cost more than that without all those advertisements. Most hobby magazines have content (articles) provided by freelancers paid a few hundred pounds for 2500 words (I know this because I used to be one) -- but the people calling up potential advertisers and maintaining existing advertisements will be on full-time salaries!

Quote from: Webbo on August 04, 2016, 09:48:51 AM
On my computer, my Adblock Plus installation gets rid of most of the pop-up advertising so it gets a big tick from me too.
Anyone using an ad-blocker is pretty much no, actually, stealing content. Bandwidth costs money, and content on decent websites will be written by freelancers or full-time writers who need to be paid. I'm sorry if this causes offence, but as someone who worked (and to a degree still does) in online publishing I see the use of ad-blockers as, to my mind, much the same as people who leave dog mess in park -- dealing with an annoyance by making it someone else's problem rather than theirs.

For sure some advertising methods are more obnoxious than others. Scientific American at the moment has a system that makes the otherwise wonderful Tetrapod Zoology blog a right pain to read! So I'm not without sympathy. But ad-blockers are simply pushing advertisers to use ever more insidious methods of advertising, and in some cases, extorting money from websites by offering to put them onto a paid-for "white list" that isn't blocked.

Cheers, NeMo
(Former NGS Journal Editor)


Don't have a TV, Adblock plus sorts the web, I live in a retirement block and hardly see any junk mail except the occasional addressed to "The Occupier", and none of the door to door leaflets either. Only go out about once a week, tend to watch the road rather than gawp at hoardings when driving.
Cheers MIKE
[smg id=6583]

How many roads must a man walk down ... ... ... ... ... before he knows he's lost!


I have no problem with adverts in magazines; if I buy a mag. it's because I'm interested in the content and the ads are usually relevent and I can read or ignore as I choose. On the other hand computer pop-ups are seldom of any interest but get in the way of what I am wanting to do so ad blockers have a use and if they become more widely used will force the advertisers to use a method which makes an advert relevent and makes it possible for computer users to read or ignore without it getting in the way.
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


If I have the choice of 2 programmes on at, say, 9pm so have to record one of them it will always be the commercial programme which gets recorded so I can just run through the ads with the remote. I tend to accept advertising as a necessary evil but hate the ones that know they are annoying - Go Compare (fantastic) springs to mind - whereas the Leccky and Gaz ones had me chuckling at first viewing.
The only good thing about adverts in TV programmes is the time it gives you to make tea, pay a visit to the smallest room etc


If I had a choice of two programmes at 9pm it would mean I'd be very tired tomorra.

Way past me bedtime.  :D
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: NeMo on August 04, 2016, 09:58:40 AM

Quote from: Webbo on August 04, 2016, 09:48:51 AM
On my computer, my Adblock Plus installation gets rid of most of the pop-up advertising so it gets a big tick from me too.
Anyone using an ad-blocker is pretty much no, actually, stealing content. Bandwidth costs money, and content on decent websites will be written by freelancers or full-time writers who need to be paid. I'm sorry if this causes offence, but as someone who worked (and to a degree still does) in online publishing I see the use of ad-blockers as, to my mind, much the same as people who leave dog mess in park -- dealing with an annoyance by making it someone else's problem rather than theirs.

For sure some advertising methods are more obnoxious than others. Scientific American at the moment has a system that makes the otherwise wonderful Tetrapod Zoology blog a right pain to read! So I'm not without sympathy. But ad-blockers are simply pushing advertisers to use ever more insidious methods of advertising, and in some cases, extorting money from websites by offering to put them onto a paid-for "white list" that isn't blocked.

Cheers, NeMo

You've got a pretty very strange definition of stealing NeMo. Someone uses MY download byte allocation that I pay for to throw obnoxious irritations up on my computer screen and you tell me I'm stealing if I choose to ignore them. Wow! Google and other purveyors of web advertising are making plenty of money out of all of us don't worry about that.

As for skipping over ads on TV, all of us indirectly pay for TV advertising (including me) through a cost built into all the products I buy whether I pay attention to the advertising or not.


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