what are people doing on their layout right now

Started by B1 61126, August 16, 2011, 07:59:35 PM

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Quote from: newportnobby on November 28, 2011, 09:25:16 PM
Quote from: RichardBattersby on November 28, 2011, 08:39:35 PM
I'm tryng to convert to DCC! Think it might end up an over-Christmas job though.

Which Christmas might that be then ::) (soz - couldn't resist it)
One before I'm dead. Best case scenario.
Askham Battersby MKII - NE/Midland Modular Layout

"We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing."


i am sat on the sofa looking at my new HST that i got today.
Day dreaming on how to build up the scenary around the layout.

My Layout build thread.... Milton grove TMD 1988 - 2000 WCML loosly based


waiting for the postman to deliver a few odds and ends so I can finish off a couple of kits before I start the next one. :sleep:
Modelling stupid small scale using T gauge track and IDl induction track. Still have  N gauge but not the space( Japanese Trams) Excuse spelling errors please, posting on mobile phone


Got fed up trying to build Heljan's AWFUL version of a trestle bridge...  :(  Wish i paid a bit more to get the walthers one...

This could go in the angry thread, but i'm a firm believer of 'don't get mad - get EVEN !'  :evil:

So, unless anybody wants this twisted rendition of one of America's finest wooden structures..... It's going to landfill !

For the rest of this evening, i will be looking lovingly at my awesomsly build, stained, real, wooden deck bridge instead.  :-*

If it's got rails... you have my full, undivided attention - Steam, diesel and electric, 'tis all good !



Quote from: 4x2ybecauseican on November 23, 2011, 07:36:22 PM
Finally started work on my shelf layout, even got the shuttle unit working !  ;D

UPDATE ! I've added the trackage in the yard, has been tested ok - let the scenics begin !  ;D

If it's got rails... you have my full, undivided attention - Steam, diesel and electric, 'tis all good !



Looks like a busy place! :thumbsup:

A shame about the trestle bridge.  It looked fine to me.


At the moment im trying to find my layout under all my boxes and bits as im moving house. i need to get some pictures of the turntable motor for graham.

once i have moved house i either will be selling the layout as a project for somebody to finish, and will start my new layout in my converted garage train room.



Where our songs are challenged we shall sing them all the louder!!!!!


Painting the roofs of my VEP. Finally got some Precision Paints "roof dirt" from Harburn Hobbies at the weekend.
The colour is spot on, but I'll reserve judgement on the finish until it's 100% dry.
Two rails good. Three better.



Closed up the shed for the winter. All engines are in the house where it's nice and cosy. I'll still do my modelling/painting/scratchbuilding in the house, but I don't venture out to the shed very much. Roll on Easter. :smiley-laughing: :wave:




Hi Tank,

Yup. I usually do the bulk of my writting during the winter months, but as I'm not doing that now I may crack open the door a couple of months early. :wave:



Quote from: Tank on December 04, 2011, 12:48:42 PM
Looks like a busy place! :thumbsup:

A shame about the trestle bridge.  It looked fine to me.
The pic of the bridge does look good, but trust me... you know when you build a kit and think 'thats rubbish - i wish i hadn't bought this...' well, thats how i felt and no matter what did it just wouldn't fit the way the instructions said it would.  >:(

So it's in the bin where it belongs !
If it's got rails... you have my full, undivided attention - Steam, diesel and electric, 'tis all good !



I've just got Sheaf up for a check over and to make a list of what need to be done before it's next Exhibition outing at the end of Feb.

Hi I'm Ollie, and I'm a addicted to buying MK1s......

My Previous Exhibition Layout - The Sheaf Valley Railway

My Current Exhibition Layout - Wenlock

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