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Forum Ideas and Problems. / Re: Unable to reply to 'Railto...
Last post by Newportnobby - May 25, 2024, 10:55:14 AM
That's exactly the problem, Martyn.
If you scroll across the page you'll find the buttons you need for replying.
I've no idea why the forum doesn't wrap some of these long URLs
Forum Ideas and Problems. / Unable to reply to 'Railtours ...
Last post by martyn - May 25, 2024, 10:47:07 AM
I can open the pages of the 'Railtours and specials' thread to read them, but can't access the 'member actions' or 'reply' buttons to respond to a post.

Don't know if its related to the ultra long URL in previous message posted at 06;01;55 on 24/5?

General Discussion / Re: what are you listening to ...
Last post by Newportnobby - May 25, 2024, 09:14:29 AM
I, too, prefer the MSC version of 'Woodstock' and have it still on 45 :D
Love Joni Mitchell to bits, and here she is at The Band's final concert singing 'Coyote' along with some exquisite geetar playing by a stoned Robbie Robertson

General Discussion / Re: what are you listening to ...
Last post by port perran - May 25, 2024, 08:02:25 AM
Thanks Tim.

I prefer Joni's "jazzier" work with Hejira indeed being one of her best albums.

I also agree that the MSC cover of Woodstock is excellent and one of my favourites from the early 70s.

How about this version of Woodstock ?
General Discussion / Re: An Eventful Christmas at T...
Last post by Chris in Prague - May 25, 2024, 07:33:53 AM
Giles cut a dashing figure in his black velvet dinner jacket and midnight blue bow tie, every inch the consummate gentleman. The vibrant, sophisticated scent of his 'Acqua di Parma Colonia' cologne perfumed the air between them, a scintillating reflection of his quiet power.

As Giles took in the vision of Eli descending the grand staircase at his side, he was utterly transfixed. His companion's midnight blue silk chiffon gown, adorned with intricate silver beading, seemed to shimmer like the star-studded midnight sky, perfectly complementing his own refined attire. The dark fabric seemed to hold the whispers of constellations.

As they descended together, the castle's ancient stones seemed to hum in recognition of the suppressed energy passing between them. Though from different generations, their souls intertwined like the vines whose transformed fruit Giles so dearly cherished, bound by a shared appreciation for beauty, artistry, and the mysteries awaiting beneath surface appearances.

And oh, how Eli moved! Her gown swirled around her like a comet's tail. The 'Pochette Constellation Poussière d'Étoiles' clutch in her hand sparkled, each facet reflecting the brilliance of distant galaxies. Beneath the sumptuous ballgown, her delicate Givenchy undergarments ensured both an exquisite fit and sublime comfort with every breathtaking movement.

But it was not just the gown that held Giles captive. It was Eli's smile—a radiant beacon that illuminated the softly lit stairway. In that moment, he felt the weight of years melt away, leaving behind a sense of renewed possibility. The years of duty, of responsibility, were replaced by the promise of something more—a chance to dance among the stars.

Eli's heart fluttered at the admiring look in Giles' pale blue eyes. Though an unmistakable age gap remained between them, she saw something ageless reflected back at her—a soul alike to her own in its appreciation for life's finer things and its unspoken depths. With Giles, she sensed a rare kindred connection.

Their eyes locked, a charged silence enveloping them. Giles, his pale blue eyes wide with unabashed admiration, was the first to break it. "You look stunning, Eli", he murmured, his voice hushed with awe. As she took a step closer, her delicate lips twitched in the ghost of a smile. The alluring floral and fruity notes of her perfume wafted toward him like a dizzying siren's call. Eli flushed, momentarily rendered speechless by the surging emotion. She knew her feelings for this enigmatic man could no longer be ignored or suppressed.

A blush stained Eli's cheeks as she bestowed him a radiant smile. "And you, Giles, are the epitome of a dashing English gentleman", she replied, her azure eyes sparkling with pure delight. Emboldened, she moved one step closer still, allowing the rich, familiar fragrance of his cologne to suffuse her senses completely—a scent as much a part of Giles as his warm smile and compassionate heart.

Their meticulous preparations, from sumptuous attire to the complementary fragrances that now intermingled, were not mere frivolities. Rather, they stood as an exquisite reflection of their personalities, their refined tastes, and the profound bond they shared.

As Giles and Eli converged at the head of the grand staircase, their eyes locked in a moment electrified by shared anticipation and unvoiced yearning. The very air between them seemed charged with an invisible, ephemeral current—a silent acknowledgment of the depths of feeling that bound them so ineffably together.

Ever the gentleman, Giles took that final step closer, his reverent gaze never wavering from Eli's face. Reaching out with tender devotion, he gently cupped her freckled face in his strong hands, his thumb tracing the curve of her flushed cheek in a gesture of quiet intimacy that set her heart fluttering like the wings of a caged bird.

Eli's bright blue eyes shimmered with a kaleidoscope of emotions as she instinctively tilted her face up to meet his adoring gaze. Within those pale depths, she saw his admiration for her shining back as clearly as if illuminated by the light of a thousand candles. She felt the warmth of his hands cradling her face, gentle yet firm, and knew she never wished to be parted from this exquisite connection.

As if pulled by the inexorable force of destiny itself, their faces began drifting infinitesimally closer until their mingling breaths hung betwixt their yearning lips like a breathless vow. Finally, their mouths met in a soft, lingering kiss—one that spoke volumes while transcending the bounds of mere words. It was a kiss that laid bare the depths of their feelings in a single, searing instant of electrifying intimacy.

When they finally parted, their eyes met once more in a gaze heavy with shared understanding and longing. They were ready—ready to descend this grand staircase hand in hand, prepared to make their entrance into the Great Hall in a vision of magnificent splendour. For tonight was a night of magic, and they intended to embrace it with every fibre of their beings.

Their eyes met again in a long, loaded look – one that confirmed the blossoming of something wonderous, yet fragile, between them. Whatever the future held, they would move forward as partners united in a journey of transcendent discovery.

And so, carrying with them the sweet memory of that exquisite, unspoken promise, they began their measured descent – a striking tableau of elegance and devotion made manifest. As they proceeded through the dimly lit castle corridor towards the Great Hall's double doors, the thickening snowfall beyond the mullioned windows lent an aura of hushed enchantment to the night air.

Yet inside those doors, the Great Hall stood as a warm respite from winter's icy grip. The grand chandeliers suffused the space with a welcoming golden radiance, their luminescence reflecting and refracting from the myriad glittering ornaments festooning the towering Christmas tree, causing the silverware laid out on the banquet tables to gleam and glisten in anticipation of the evening's revels.

As Giles and Eli stepped arm-in-arm into the Great Hall, the low murmur of gathered guests and the soft strains of music enveloped them like a silken embrace. The Christmas Eve-Day Grand Ball had truly begun in earnest, promising a night of unparalleled celebration and refinement – a seamless continuation of the enchanting evening that had commenced amidst the castle's magical statue garden.
General Discussion / Re: what are you listening to ...
Last post by Moonglum - May 24, 2024, 09:02:56 PM
By the mid 70s, my musical tastes were changing and this lady became a firm favourite. I first heard her single "Big Yellow Taxi" (1970) and liked it but Joni moved on from her folky early works and produced a string of jazz flavoured albums supported by some the best musicians around at the time. "Hejira" was the pinnacle of that period and must rank as one of her best albums. Joni is now 80 and has survived a serious illness but still occasionally performs. Here she is with "Black Crow" featuring the late Jaco Pastorius on bass...

I did though prefer Matthews Southern Comfort's version of Joni's "Woodstock".


General Discussion / Re: what are you listening to ...
Last post by Moonglum - May 24, 2024, 08:10:31 PM
I have not heard the original before nor indeed the album by Messrs Santana and McLaughlin. Comparing the two, I much prefer the original. CF's version is somewhat shrill for me. Interesting though Martin @port perran .


General Discussion / Re: An Eventful Christmas at T...
Last post by Chris in Prague - May 24, 2024, 04:41:51 PM
The Grand Staircase of Trevelver Castle, adorned with intricately carved bannisters and illuminated by crystal chandeliers, swept downward in an elegant, serpentine curve. Each step seemed to whisper tales of centuries past—nobles descending to galas, lovers stealing clandestine moments, and dignitaries making their grand entrances.

As Giles and Eli stood at the top of this magnificent architectural marvel, they faced a choice. The staircase divided into two curving sections – one beckoning to the left, the other to the right. For a breathless moment, their eyes met and locked, a cosmic charge crackling between them as unspoken possibilities sparked and smouldered in that heated gaze. Then, in unison and with an inexplicable certainty, they turned and descended the left-hand staircase, their fingers entwining as their hearts echoed the rhythm of the promised waltz awaiting in the Great Hall below.

The castle's ancient stones of Cornish granite seemed to hum with shared histories, and the flickering lanterns along its walls cast dancing shadows upon the sett floor. In this castle of dreams, the Grand Staircase and the Great Hall stood as silent witnesses to countless stories – a tapestry of chance encounters, longing glances, and the vibrant promise of magic shimmering in the air.

At the foot of the staircase, a vaulted stone corridor beckoned, its arched ceiling adorned with vibrant frescoes depicting mythical realms. Scenes of the fabled, long-lost Atlantis unfolded, as did visions of the voyages of the revered Twelve: the Poet, Physician, Farmer, Scientist, Magician, Architect, Astronomer, Musician, Philosopher, Artisan, Guardian, and Historian. And dominating the corridor's end, the arrival of the Last Queen-Priestess – the revered founder of the very female line that would, centuries later, adopt the name Trevelver from its family seat. But beyond this mystical, crimson-carpeted passageway lay their much-anticipated destination – the Great Hall itself.

The Hall was impressive and lofty, its sturdy walls of granite quarried from the ancient Cornish landscape. Though not opulently adorned, it exuded an aura of stately grandeur. Massive oak beams supported the vaulted ceiling while the walls were hung with richly woven tapestries. One sprawling textile captured the clashing knights and banners of the famed Battle of Sampford Courtenay – a pivotal medieval conflict during the Cornish Rebellion of 1497. In the Hall's heart, a cavernous fireplace of carved marble crackled with warmth and invitation. Lanterns flickered with dancelike movements, their buttery yellow glow casting kaleidoscopic shadows across the granite sett floor.

The Great Hall beckoned Giles and Eli inward like a charismatic promised land – an invitation to step into a realm where laughter, music, and giddy anticipation whirled like the snowflakes swirling outside. They stepped forward in sync, their souls converging, their hearts echoing the tender cadence of the waltz awaiting them amongst the growing revelry.
N Gauge Discussion / Re: Chris code trees
Last post by Le Night ferry - May 24, 2024, 03:26:21 PM
Quote from: njee20 on May 24, 2024, 03:21:35 PMNo first hand experience, but someone on Facebook reported they weren't good. With Electra back up and running under the new owners I'd be asking them if they've got gaps in the range.
Hope to see more decals from electra
In fact, I converted nearly junk 43 to Midland pullman livery, and if I get class 91, going to make 91110  Battle of Britain memorial flight.
N Gauge Discussion / Re: Chris code trees
Last post by njee20 - May 24, 2024, 03:21:35 PM
No first hand experience, but someone on Facebook reported they weren't good. With Electra back up and running under the new owners I'd be asking them if they've got gaps in the range. 
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