Stock database?

Started by kirky, December 17, 2011, 04:43:58 PM

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Hi All

I've now added a Purchase Price field, and also a check box to to indicate whether the model has lights or not, and here's a screenshot of the latest revised Main Stock record screen.

Anything else anybody would like adding before I continue further?




Nice!  :thumbsup:

I guess you tab through each section with any that are just tabbed over will be left blank?

Are you going to be absolutely great, wizard and amazing and offer a report/export to xl (as well)? Screen dumps with a blue ground will consume gallons of ink!

There is always a user that always wants more, isn't there?  :-X

Dave G



I'm going to put together some reports, so that you can print out a variety of reports. As to export to XL, well, LibreOffice Calc, which can be saved as XL,  I can look at, but hadn't really considered that, as everything is contained within the database.

As for tabbing, yep that's about it, and the drop down lists, you will have to maintain them, via another screen, I'll leave some already in place, but you will of course be able to easily manipulate the drop down lists.

If you want to have a look at the 'base' software, which is the LibreOffice office suite, have a look at as you'll need this installed anyhow to use the database, but as it's free, legally free at that, shouldn't be too much of an issue :-). Who knows once you start using it, you might even bin MS Office if you have it.  :claphappy:




Quote from: linuxyeti on May 27, 2013, 04:48:58 PM
Who knows once you start using it, you might even bin MS Office if you have it.  :claphappy:

Please don't bin MS Office. A large part of my livelihood rests on creating document templates for users of Word and PowerPoint, and detailed spreadsheets in Excel  :uneasy:


Hi Tony,

I don't mean to nitpick but under the Maintenance section should the word 'teted' not read 'tested' ???



That's OK, as that field is a user editable field, here you would type in anything you wanted.




Hi All

To give a flavour of how things are progressing :

A couple of screenshots

DB Settings screen :

Screen for maintaining a list of suppliers

Screen for maintaining a list of liveries

There are similar screens for maintaining lists of :-

DCC Decoders
DCC Fitted Type
Function Actions
Model Type (RTR etc)
Stock Classes (eg Class 47)
Stock Types (Eg Diesel Locomotive)

Still a reasonable amount of work needed to finish it off, but it is coming along quite nicely.




I use Excel with 4 separate spreadsheets 1 for Locos with more detailed information the 3 more for Coaches, Wagons and Buildings.

Then Linked to Dropbox and Evernote, so that if I am out and about and need my lists I can check them on my phone.


Hi All

Just to let you know, I've not forgotten it, just work on it ground to a bit of a halt !! Work getting in the way !!




Hi All

Work is continuing on this, a little more slowly than I would have liked, however additional screens practically finished are: -

A Stock summary screen, from where you can easily select records to view or edit in greater detail.

Here's a beta view of the above screen

Also, a Multiple Select Screen, where you can build up a 'view' of what records you'd like to view and / or print. The selection criteria is made up of 5 main sections:

Stock Type
Stock Class

Here's a beta view of the above screen

So, it is getting closer, but what started out as a noddy database, has grown slightly to make it more flexible for those who will want to use it right from the offset.




Hi Tony

Do we have an update on the release yet - No rush, just wondering




There really is only a little bit of workk left to do, just that I've been swamped with work for the last few weeks !! Typical, it will be ready shortly though, honest !!




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The first 90% of the project takes the first 90% of the time

The final 10% takes the remaining 90% of the time...

"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


Quote from: EtchedPixels on July 04, 2013, 10:24:06 AM
Rule #4 of software projects

The first 90% of the project takes the first 90% of the time

The final 10% takes the remaining 90% of the time...


And rule #5

The first 90% is developing the solution.

The last 10% is understanding the requirements

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