NGF Most Wanted Survey FAQs - please read - even if you have already voted

Started by Pengi, May 19, 2012, 12:48:56 PM

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What is the purpose of this survey?
The purpose of this survey is to ascertain which are the UK profile locomotives that you would like the manufacturers to produce.

But we've just done a survey, why is this different?
We are the only N gauge specific forum whilst other polls have focussed on all scales. Many of our members would have been unaware of the other polls and we also believe that our poll is particularly relevant given that our membership is primarily N gauge enthusiasts.

The basis for our poll is also different, we are asking for six votes only so our results will truly be based on what you want - rather than you providing a wish list of dozens of locos. We also understand that some locos were excluded from the list in other polls because they were available in OO or had been announced for production at some stage but have not materialised

Can I vote for a continental/US model?
Not at this stage although we may run more polls in the future

Are existing models counted in this poll?
The poll is about the models that you would like to be produced. We will take note of any votes that are for current locomotives (as they indicate models that you would like kept in production) but they will be excluded from this poll

What if a locomotive is 'in the pipeline' should I vote for it?
If the locomotive has definitely been announced for production with a date against it then there is no need to vote for it. If it is 'on the back burner' or there is an an element of doubt then vote for it. However please bear with us on this - it is a difficult call.

What about EMUs/DMUs?
You can vote for six "locos". You can have any combination of A) steamers, B) diesel locos and C) electric locos, D) DMUs and E) EMUs as long as you do not exceed three votes in each any one category. For example, you can vote for two EMUs, one DMU, two steamers and one diesel but, for example, you cannot vote for four steamers.

Should I vote for a specific livery/class of a multiple unit or the overall 'family type'?

Voting for a specific livery/class will dilute the votes for a particular locomotive and push it down the list.

How do I vote?
It is very easy to vote. All you need to do is to submit your six votes by PM to Newportnobby, there are no complicated forms to fill out or lists to wade through.

I've already voted - can I change my vote as a result of these changes?
You may amend your vote by sending a PM marked 'Amended Vote' to Newportnobby. Your final vote will override all previous votes.

When will we know the results?
We aim to publish by 30th June 2012

What will happen to the results?
We will make them available to the major manufacturers however this is dependent on us getting enough votes.

Why should I bother with this poll?
Because this is YOUR opportunity to choose which locos you would like to be manufactured in a poll completely dedicated to N gauge. Vote now - it only takes a few seconds to do.

Please send Newportnobby your votes if you wish to take part.  :)
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy



Please send your votes by Private Message to NEWPORTNOBBY and not to me please! :thumbsup:


How about just make multiple bodies and wheels for common chassis types?

Any real N gauge enthusiast has the thing apart in minutes to see how it is put together anyway!

The MiniTrix Britannia chassis and Dock Tank have had a number of body kit options over the years. Plus all the CO-CO and BO-BO units could probably use just two chassis variants for all but the pedantic.

And I assume we all know about these days?



The common wheels/chassis is pretty much how Farish used to work. Unfortunately the real loco designers didn't do the same so you have tricky compromises.

The problem with doing that for the modern chassis is that they also have a very short lifespan, they appear with a loco, and a year later they may well no longer be made. That's not really a practical base for kits.

Historically you used to be able to take a fair bet that a loco would continue to be produced, and produced just in different liveries for many many years.

"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


As of tonight we have 1264 registered members but only 120 have voted - less than 10% :(

This will not help our cause if we are to lay the results in front of the manufacturers. I can't see them being impressed.

I don't want to sound negative, but we really need your input if we believe we can influence their production plans so, thanks again to those who have voted, but please PM me with your votes and let's show Farish/Dapol that we really appreciate what they do and can maximise their sales by helping them decide what to manufacture.

You have 6 votes to use in the steam loco, diesel loco, electric loco, DMU and EMU sections up to a maximum of 3 votes per section. Total 6 votes - simples :thumbsup:


Come on everyone, we need your votes!

The manufacturers DO listen - e.g. the Blue Pullman has made it into production after campaigning from users.

We are the only forum that is dedicated to N for N gauge enthusiasts. So the manufacturers ought to sit up and take note but they won't if we don't get more votes.

So vote for those locos that you have always wanted because if you don't vote, there is zero chance of them getting into production!

It only takes a few seconds to send that PM to Newportnobby that could make a big difference!
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy


Quote from: newportnobby on May 26, 2012, 11:10:36 PM
As of tonight we have 1264 registered members but only 120 have voted - less than 10% :(

The other 90% are clearly happy with the current range 8)
"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


Quote from: EtchedPixels on May 28, 2012, 08:28:02 PM
Quote from: newportnobby on May 26, 2012, 11:10:36 PM
As of tonight we have 1264 registered members but only 120 have voted - less than 10% :(

The other 90% are clearly happy with the current range 8)

EP has thrown down a challenge to you 90% who have not voted! Are you really happy with the current range and don't want have a say in what new models are produced? If not then send that PM to Newportnobby (containing your votes)
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy


You have to remember that not all of the 90% model British outline.

Alex :wave:


Quote from: EtchedPixels on May 28, 2012, 08:28:02 PM
Quote from: newportnobby on May 26, 2012, 11:10:36 PM
As of tonight we have 1264 registered members but only 120 have voted - less than 10% :(

The other 90% are clearly happy with the current range 8)

Can I assume that includes your goodself ;)


Quote from: newportnobby on May 28, 2012, 09:30:18 PM
Can I assume that includes your goodself ;)

A small kitmaker keeps producing exactly the bits I wanted 8)
"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


Quote from: Alex on May 28, 2012, 08:59:58 PM
You have to remember that not all of the 90% model British outline.

Alex :wave:

This is true. Having read quite a few posts on the forum, it is clear that a few of us are choosing to model American or European, for example, because of the quality of Dapol/Farish/Kato/Atlas etc, or because their chosen UK outline locos are not available. Of course there are many of you that wanted to do other countries from the outset.

When beginning my modelling, I wanted to do N but the availability of current UK post-privatisation express trains was so poor that I initially went down the OO route. This may well be true of others. Eventually I saw the light and went to N because of Kato track, Eurostar and Thalys (which I bought much, much later from Germany) . . . and a picture on Dapol's site of the Pendolino with its status at 'metal cutting stage' (which is still there). I really wanted to model the South though with a visiting Pendo.

I want to support the UK manufacturers but there is very little for me from Farish and Dapol.

So if you feel the same way as me (whatever type of trains you are modelling) then please use your vote.
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy


Quote from: Pendy on May 28, 2012, 08:00:12 PM
We are the only forum that is dedicated to N for N gauge enthusiasts.

We are the only UK based forum for N gaugers.
There are others elsewhere too I'm afraid.

Quote from: Alex on May 28, 2012, 08:59:58 PM
You have to remember that not all of the 90% model British outline.

Alex :wave:

As to members not voting just because you don't model UK outline:
This is a chance to improve the hobby for all, so why not vote?
Its as easy as a PM to Newportnobby!
I did even though my interest is mainly in Irish outline nowadays.

Quote from: newportnobby on May 26, 2012, 11:10:36 PM
As of tonight we have 1264 registered members but only 120 have voted - less than 10% :(

Question is, how many of the 1264 members are of the 'signed up and visited only once' type?
There's probably an equal number who 'lurke' and only post a few times a year.
I dont think many of them will vote tbh.
Personal motto: You don't have to be mad to be a modeller, but I find it helps!

My Irish layout here

My Edwardian Seaside Layout here

My Backscene painting tutorial here


Thanks Moogle :thumbsup:
There have been a surprising number of voters with no posts to their names.
Makes you wonder if anyone has registered purely to vote ;)
It worries me not - as long as they are forum members I'll take their votes as, at the end of the day the idea is to give Dapol/Farish a clue as to what the people who line their pockets would like to see them make. You would think a Marketing Manager would consider such research manna from heaven :thumbsup:

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