Photos to posts

Started by andy.t.south, July 13, 2014, 03:06:59 PM

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Hi I have a problem getting photos on to posts it is a problem I have come up against before as I am not computer use savvy and never really got my head round the problem partly because it was explained in what I consider computer gobbledy gook. I am using Firefox and it seems to be something to do with it as there are no bbc codes on my own photos what ever that might be.I have read the media forums and watched the vids but it means nothing to me at all. So what I want is a plain English instruction on how I get my pics onto a post where I need them I have managed to make two photo albums on here one of which is supposed to have been on a post but went nowhere near! Thanks for any help you can give.Andy.
One pair bi-focals plus one pair of modelling glasses = two locos of choice!!!!


This is probably best done if you have the forum open on two separate tabs.

Assuming you have the 'reply' box open on a thread and have typed your post out, switch to the other tab and on the forum main page hover the cursor over "Media" in the main menu and click on "My Albums". Go into the album you want (in this case I've used your album Awaiting the baseboard) and click on the title below the picture you want to post. This will change the view and show your selected photo in large size and underneath in "Item Info" there is a field marked "BBC embed code". Copy this link like this:-


and then switch back to the tab where you were posting your reply and paste that link directly into your reply.

Done :thumbsup:



Hi Sprintex thank you for that but this is where my XP running with Firefox doesn't work I do not get the photo info apparently this is a Firefox problem which they are totally unwilling to address a guy I used to know in the States had a work around but it was so complex it just lost me in the first sentence!! The other thing is I am trying to create a new post with photos for a project I would like to do not reply to one not that makes much difference I suspect put all this together with my total lack of how programmes actually work it's a tough one I know more about what happens under the lid than what happens when you push a key it was only four years ago that I learnt how to switch one on despite working for multi national computer system companies on and off! Thing was we dealt with bits not the complete ready to roll box!! I can see how you way would be great and could do that I am sure if I could source the info required from my photos!! Cheers Andy. :dunce:
One pair bi-focals plus one pair of modelling glasses = two locos of choice!!!!


Can't help with Firefox I'm afraid as I'm an IE devotee, tried other browsers but couldn't get on with them ;)

However, someone may come along who knows Firefox and may be able to help you hopefully.



I am using Firefox but I get all the info displayed as Paul has said could be something in your setup


I use Firefox all the time and don't have a problem with the method as Paul has posted, must be something in your setup I guess.
layout here
Claywell, High Hackton & Bampney Intro
Hackton info
Bampney info


Thanks for you help guys I have just tried what I thought might be the right code but nothing happened mind you it was about ten times longer than the one Sprintex got for the demo pic so guess I must resign myself to yet another site I can not post photos to there are many of them that's  for sure. Still I am going up to Win 7 shortly so that might resolve some of the probs but will still be with Firefox so maybe not. Cheers for now.Andy.
One pair bi-focals plus one pair of modelling glasses = two locos of choice!!!!


This is what you should see when you either click on the text below your picture, or click on the actual image in the Media section and then click 'Details' in the bottom right hand corner:-



Hi Sprintex I get a bit of that but  Firefox does not use the bbc codes for what ever reason on this set up I get one of the big codes in your pic and the size of the pic file name etc but that's about as much as you get as I have said there is a dodge round this one I have E-mailed my friend in the States to see if he can put it in layman's terms not much hope as he's a programmer for their military but will see what comes back,perhaps if it makes no sense to me I will post it here and see if you guys can make sense of it!! Thanks again Andy.
One pair bi-focals plus one pair of modelling glasses = two locos of choice!!!!


Do you get the one marked 'Direct Link' at the bottom of my picture above?



Hi Paul no I don't get Direct link plus I just tried something else and got a post called crocs that shouldn't have gone up and I can't delete it for some reason.  >:(
One pair bi-focals plus one pair of modelling glasses = two locos of choice!!!!


OK, thought I'd ask.

Sorted the errant thread for you ;)



My browser is Firefox and have few problems with it - much better than IE.

For posting photos onto any Forum Website it is best to use Photobucket or Flickr or similar Web hosted photo library.

1) Upload the photo(s) to one of the above from your PC.
2) If it is Photobucket click on the "IMG"  command by the photo & it will "copy" it to your PC workspace.
3) In the Forum thread where you want to place your photo simply click on "Paste"
and the photo will appear.

Any photo in your "Web" album can be copy & pasted this way, but some Forums request you to copy & paste the "URL" rather than the image itself, and in the case of Photobucket again to do this you simply click on the "Direct" command by the photo instead of the "Image" command and it will copy the URL for you to paste.

Photobucket & Flickr etc., are free and easy to use, and can be regarded as a "backup" of your photos, because if you accidentally delete the originals on your PC, they are still there on the Web Album.


Hi TDM,many thanks for that Flickr is a no no for me due to copyright problems with them in the past.Photobucket what's the security of uploaded photos like on there last thing I want is them being public for all and sundry to help them selves to in the same way that Flickr lets anybody copy especially if you use Firefox. I am ok as far as back up is concerned having a bank of external HDD's all with different subject matter on plus a second slave computer that duplicates everything all this is I did lose the lot a couple of years ago makes you very back up conscious doesn't it. I will have a look at bucket my problem seems to be more of a lack of information about my photos in places where it should be about as far as it gets is the file name and the photo number and that's it pretty much. Thanks Andy. 
One pair bi-focals plus one pair of modelling glasses = two locos of choice!!!!


I am no computer whizz either but I cannot understand why you are having the problem with Firefox. When I joined NGF I had probs too, but caused by me not seeing "details" in the bottom right corner of my pics.

When you look at pics in your album are you getting "details" in the corner of your pics? I can't check cos I'm on phone at moment.

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