Motorising amd Lighting Ratio Semaphore Signal Point Kits

Started by Richard Mottershead, January 22, 2025, 07:32:14 AM

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Richard Mottershead

Does anyone have any advice on motorising and lighting Ratio Semaphore point kits?
Especially where multiple Home+Distant signals are on the same signal pole or gantry?

The lack of available information on the Internet is a concern for creating realistic signaling on a historically themed layout.

Note: Ratio seem to be the only UK supplier for such kits.


I've built a range of semaphore signals for my Houghtonbrook layout that includes a gantry, combined home/distant, junction signals and a banner repeater. These start to appear in photos and videos (many of the latter don't seem to work now, unfortunately) on my thread on the layout as of page 5 ( along with some brief descriptions on how I built them from a combination of Ratio signal posts, Evergreen styrene strips and signal arms from MSE, now Wizard models ( and activated by servomotors (ESU, I think). Building the signals has involved a lot of fiddly work with sometimes imperfect results, but I find that having working signals really brings the layout to life. I have to admit that I baulked at adding lighting to them as this would add a further layer of complexity to an already testing task.

Richard Mottershead

Good to know I hadn't missed something straightforward.
Thank you for the information.

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