Happy easter

Started by findus, April 24, 2011, 09:10:37 AM

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Hope you all have a great long weekend  :thumbsup: 

I feel sick already helping my little one eat chocolate  :'(


Helping, or relieving your child of them?!   ;D  I'm off to the in-laws soon. ::) :smiley-laughing:


Spending Easter in Sydney, Australia, where it is also the Anzac holiday. Haven't stumbled across any model shops, but if there are any, they'll probably be closed.
Two rails good. Three better.


Happy Easter folks out in the caravan at Blackpool lots of lovely sunny weather, have a good one folks.

Sailor Charon

Dunno where chocolate is mentioned... but it's definitely good.  :thumbsup:
I just keep trying to get a little better
Said a little better than before


I've been busy this weekend visiting family, but in between visits I've been scraping the paint off of my old garden bench (to find it's oak!), sanded, and have applied the first coats of Southern Railway paint colours to match my workshop.  It's hot out there, so I should be able to get away with a second coat soon. :thumbsup:

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