Hello from cloughie

Started by cloughie, December 26, 2010, 11:26:07 AM

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Just a few lines to say hello :wave:
I only found this forum about 1 hour ago and it is the only one I have come across dedicated to n gauge, so hopefully you will be able to put up with me as I have been into n gauge for only a year now and I know nothing( I am a rebel without a clue) ???.
I am as daft as a brush, been a lorry driver for 30 years, last hobby was r/c tanks.
My choo choos( g.f. and union mills), steam with a few diesels thrown in to confuse the issue(it`s my layout and I run what I like, c.p.r. can be given to rivet counters) :D, dc,code 80 track,6`x3`board with plans to take over the whole room :evil:
am I there yet


Quote from: cloughie on December 26, 2010, 11:26:07 AM
.................. hopefully you will be able to put up with me as I have been into n gauge for only a year now and I know nothing( I am a rebel without a clue) ???.
I am as daft as a brush,  last hobby was r/c tanks...............it`s my layout and I run what I like
:wave: :wave: Hmphhhhhhhh  ;) Sounds to me as if you should fit in well (or at least as well as I do  ::) )
Enjoy your membership here   
John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
Electronically and spelling dyslexic 
Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards


Many thanks for the welcome jonclox
I only found out about this forum from reading another forum, I did put in "n gauge forums" into google the other day but this site did not come up, so it was a nice surprise ;D.
I will have to have a proper look round the site to see were I can stick some photos up of my choo choos and the chip fat burners and hopefully get some feedback from every one so see what I have got wrong
am I there yet


Aye, welcome aboard Cloughie, certainly be interested to see what you have running and how the layout is going.  And in my view you're quite right, it's your layout so you can run what you want

NGF Staff

Welcome to the forum cloughie!   :)
Account used for maintenance only.  Contact Tank or other forum staff if you have any problems.  Thank you.


thanks for the welcome lads :wave:
my interest is steam(LMS and LNER due to my dad was from Blackburn and my mum was from Rotherham but I have a weakness for container trains as I did 4 years lugging containers round the country by truck, if I go missing during the week days it is due to me being a lorry driver and not because I am ignoring anyone
am I there yet


cheers broadtrain
I see you are a Peters and Lee fan :)
am I there yet


Welcome aboard Cloughie. Who did you used to drive for?


welcome to the forum Cloughie.....

My Layout build thread.... Milton grove TMD 1988 - 2000 WCML loosly based


Hi Chris, ref trucks ( you a trucker) how far back do you want me to go, mind you I got some photos put up on a web site for north west truck firms, firms are
charter roadways- preston-3 months, class 1
james foley -preston-4 1/2 years, class 1
blackpool van transport- 9 1/2 years, class 1
2 goes at montgomerys-preston-5 years, class 1
2 goes at w bowkers-preston- 6 years, class 2 and 1+ adr
w carters-4 years-liverpool, taken over by wincanton in 2007, jan 2008 made redundant, class 1 +adr pack and tank

carters was the best as it was containers+ I used to load iso tanks with 20,000 liters of vodka 87.4% proof adr class 3, always worried about having a crash with a coke-cola wagon ::)
oh 3 years in the T.A.,loved it to bits,left cos they would not send me to the falklands in 82, as I have said. barking mad ;D

if it suits you enjoy it,you have to please your self just go for it, I have welcome home on a 45

many thanks for the welcome

am I there yet


Quote from: BROADTRAIN1979 on December 27, 2010, 06:59:28 PM
Quote from: cloughie on December 27, 2010, 07:50:16 AM
cheers broadtrain
I see you are a Peters and Lee fan :)
The best song they ever did was (the crying game 1975) always reminds me of the 501s pulling into canonbury station, when i was  10yrs old
fantastic!! I dont expect anyone to understand that though ??? ??? :D

peters and lee or 501s :D
now waiting to go to the naughty corner :evil:
am I there yet


I'm not a trucker myself, but spent 10 years building models and attending truck shows before moving to trains. I did spend a few weeks several years ago as a drivers mate with a bloke I knew at Medlers near Norwich but that kind of put me off becoming a driver myself.


the first thing you have got to learn as a lorry driver is how to moan about every thing ;D

that driver had a bleak look on his face cos he was not driving a steamer ;), as for memories, I was brought up in a boarding house in Blackpool that backed onto central railway station, when beeching shut it in 64 nobody could go to sleep doe to no trains going past :o, or watching the 66 world cup on the telly, seeing knobby stiles skip round the pitch with the cup held high without his teeth in :)
am I there yet


had to sell me BMW motorbike to get married,worst swop I have ever made :'(
got rid of her in the end ;D ;) :) :thumbsup:
am I there yet

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