GB Olympic Gold

Started by Crackerbill, August 01, 2012, 12:21:24 PM

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Heard on Chris Evans radio show this morning that if Yorkshire was a country they'd be 10th in the medal table :laugh:


Quote from: Pengy on August 05, 2012, 07:37:33 AM
Looked at the medal table and shocked to see our great rivals, the Aussies, so far down.

The trouble is they didn`t have long enough to become acclimatised. It take ages to get used to standing the other way up and trying to get used to the revesed direction of gravity that we have in the northern hemisphere

:laughabovepost:  :D :D
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Quote from: newportnobby on August 06, 2012, 08:54:34 AM
Heard on Chris Evans radio show this morning that if Yorkshire was a country they'd be 10th in the medal table :laugh:

Dorset would also be above Australia in the medal table!


Even Borat Country is above the Ozzies!  :claphappy:
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As a Brit living in Australia, I have to say I am enjoying seeing the Australians not doing so well almost as much as I'm enjoying seeing the Team GB successes. I've said for a long time that Aussies are bad losers and ungracious winners - you get the impression that the other competitors are just there to mkake up the numbers. (If Australia wins, they're the best. If Australia lose, they had a bad day.)

I have to bite my tongue, because SWMBO is Australian . . . but she doesn't complain about modelling BR, so life isn't all bad  :D

- Michael


I'm very much of the same opinion. I personally don't care too much who wins and loses, I'm just enjoying watching it all unfold. I do however, like many New Zealanders take exception to the Australians taking credit for win's they had absolutely no responsibility for, and claiming our Gold's as belinging to Greater Oceania.

Well, they don't!

New Zealand athletes won the Golds for New Zealand, and themselves. Not for Australia, Australasia, Oceania, or Aus Zealand for that matter! The only input Australia had in our Gold's was that they didn't win those same events, and we did! :veryangry:

Grump over  :thankyousign:

Quote from: ToothFairy on August 06, 2012, 09:36:10 AM
As a Brit living in Australia, I have to say I am enjoying seeing the Australians not doing so well almost as much as I'm enjoying seeing the Team GB successes. I've said for a long time that Aussies are bad losers and ungracious winners - you get the impression that the other competitors are just there to mkake up the numbers. (If Australia wins, they're the best. If Australia lose, they had a bad day.)

I have to bite my tongue, because SWMBO is Australian . . . but she doesn't complain about modelling BR, so life isn't all bad  :D

- Michael
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The major problem is the media put that Aussie sportsmen on a pedestal when they are doing well, as soon as they start loosing the bring them down like a ton of bricks, for that reason I feel sorry for the blokes and girls that train so hard to achieve success.

It is true in some cases the Aussies can be poor losers and I have seen and heard it in this games but for every bad sport there is still another that is gracious in defeat.

I just wish all sportsmen were as good in defeat as Roger Federer when he was beaten by Andy Murray in the tennis, a true gentleman and great sportsman.

Being an Englishman I am having a ball watching England climb the medal ladder but not as much as I like to see any team on the planet beat them in the cricket, now that is what I call a real pack of moaners.
Keep on Smiling

Dock Shunter

That is utterly absurd......frankly if i was an Aussie i would be seriously embarrassed by that :hmmm:
It's like the Manchester Evening News or the Liverpool Echo putting their teams name in with the other teams name......depending on who was top of the league.
Liverpool United.....Manchester Pool......anyone...? ???
It just wouldn't happen..... :no:.....


I've heard that the Royal Mail are going to produce future stamps with Gold winning British athletes on them.

I'm sending at least x16 letters to the Australian Olympic Sports federation. :laugh:

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.


I was starting to feel sorry for the Aussies until I saw Kaiwhara's comment!

However the thread is about GB gold so congrats to Andy Murray on his win (and I agree with the comments about Roger Federer. He is a truly great sportsman.)

Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy


Righto you lot!
Stop whining about us whinging  :D that said on tv today one station went to the length of using medal tally vs population, the best we could do was forth, it had no up as first but I think that might of been wrong as I don't think it is real country :P :P
Anyway as has been said our media and the sponsor make them to be better then they are and when they get the big sponsor dollars or mag money like Rice and co, they forget what themy are supposed to be doing, that's swim that's win because it's my tax dollar that is paying for their lifestyle they choose. They should be setting examples to my kids in leadership,sportsman like behavior but they are off the rails. At work I have to improve productivity and performance(not sure how that works in fire fighting maybe need to use less water who knows) but in the real world they be looking for a new job going by the way some of them behave.
Anyway have to go prepare for the next plane load of kiwis who want to be Australian hahahaha


Righto you lot! This topic has been hi-jacked by all of this Aussie bashing :thumbsdown: It is about GB Gold  :bounce:
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy


Quote from: Pengy on August 06, 2012, 12:14:18 PM
Righto you lot! This topic has been hi-jacked by all of this Aussie bashing :thumbsdown: It is about GB Gold  :bounce:

Fair dinkums :-X


Quote from: jonclox on August 06, 2012, 09:00:43 AM
Quote from: Pengy on August 05, 2012, 07:37:33 AM
Looked at the medal table and shocked to see our great rivals, the Aussies, so far down.

The trouble is they didn`t have long enough to become acclimatised. It take ages to get used to standing the other way up and trying to get used to the revesed direction of gravity that we have in the northern hemisphere

:laughabovepost:  :D :D

Well I don't agree. The kiwis got acclimatised real quick. That's why they got more golds  :laugh:

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.


Bit of irony from Jonclox there :hmmm:

Right, back to Team GB please :thumbsup:

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