Berkshire Area N Gauge Society Group

Started by Bob Tidbury, July 05, 2022, 08:42:26 AM

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Bob Tidbury

The Berkshire Area N Gauge Society Group are Building a new layout based on Wokingham this will be
as near to the real thing as possible .
A lot of research has taken place by several members who have spent hours going through old maps and photos ,One member Gary in particular is making some superb buildings .
At the moment all the track is laid and holes drilled in the sleepers for the third rail by Hailstone the chairs have been bought by David .
We are a really friendly N gauge group and welcome members of all ages and experience youngsters welcome with an adult .
Ww meet at The West London Aero Club WHICH IS ON AN ACTIVE AIR FIELD so anyone wishing to come along and see what we get up to please contact our Chairman Snowwolflair  David Calderwood on  07394 211917  for more information ,as Safety is very important he will give you all the details ,
Hope to see some new members from around the Reading /  Maidenhead area .
Bob Tidbury


I have to say I like the idea of a group that can be abbreviated to BANGG!



Bob Tidbury

Actually the group are known as the
BAGLADDIES the Scotts version of Lads as our Chairman Snowwolflair is from Scotland .
so in English it would be ,
Bob Tidbury


It was  Welsh member who named the web site bagladdies  ???

See you On Thursday Bob

Regards Kettle


Hi Bob @Bob Tidbury

Great to catch up and here's the latest Tidbury creation;topicseen#msg832877

Keep up the good work and modelling skills gents


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