Most odd/funny overheard at an exhibition.

Started by Timbo66, November 16, 2023, 11:51:53 PM

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Overheard in front of a trader...`I have `x` loco in `y` livery. You`ve got it in `z` livery. I bought it just now, but don`t want it. Can we swap?`
 Trader...`Why did you buy it, then?`
Optimistic fellow. `Err....`
Trader `No, not for full price, it`s seconhand`.
Or a certain Mrs Timbo 66 who looked at  Los Tanimals, one of my favourites locally. On seeing some discarded axles asked `Are those dumbells?`
What`s yours?

Steven B

A good few years ago I overheard a young lad saying that he liked Virgins. He meant Mr Branson's trains but the adults around shared knowing glances!


Far too many to list in one go...

Bloke with 2ft long telephoto lens: "I can't get any decent photos 'cause of all these B**** with cameras getting in the way..."

While operating Hull MRS's 'Barrowfleet' which had a 00 mainline at the rear and a narrow gauge 009 brickworks line at the front "It's a great idea to use different scales for perspective, but they've done it the wrong way round the little ones should be furthest away" [hence forth known as Father Ted's layout...]

Most relevant to this forum; Two elderly Gents who seemingly had not seen an N gauge layout before:
Gent 1: "These are way to small to have motors in them"
Gent 2: "I think They're worked by strings and magnets underneath..."


Quote from: PLD on November 17, 2023, 08:40:55 AMGent 2: "I think They're worked by strings and magnets underneath..."

Oddly enough.... I've got a hare-brained idea to have a movable decoupling magnet, so I can decouple my wagon(s) du jour... I hadn't considered putting it on string!  :hmmm:


Oddly enough, has been done before.  One iteration used a couple of pullies and a string loop to move the magnet with a moving pointer on the facia to show position.
To be called pompous and arrogant - hell of a come down.
I tried so hard to be snobbish and haughty.

| Carpe Jugulum |


Bristol exhibition in mid 80s.  Couple of lads who looked like clones of Adrian (The Young Ones) were intently examining a OO layout.  One nudged his mate and said in a quiet voice, "Jeeze, Harry, your layout looks better than this."
I was stunned.

Brisbane exhibition late 80s. I was running my Skytrex Garratt finished as LMS as per prototype.  Couple of old guys were looking and one said "LMS didn't have any Garratts", the other said with a disgusted look: "People just stick any old transfers on regardless of authenticity".  Felt like showing them my book with photos but just let it slide.
To be called pompous and arrogant - hell of a come down.
I tried so hard to be snobbish and haughty.

| Carpe Jugulum |


Although I don't model exact locations, I love it when someone says something I've built isn't prototypical - and I produce the photos of a real life example.
Tonbridge MRC Member.
My Southwark Bridge thread can be found at
My Southwark Bridge website can be found at


Whilst exhibiting one of my layouts at a show, which were driven via an iphone app. A woman cameo ver and said to my dad "don't you think you should be focusing on your trains and not texting!"

Quick witted dad responds "no its ok, we are texting the little driver inside the engine telling him what to do"


I used to go with various friends to a lot of shows in the south East in the 90's, and one big show had very little N Gauge. When we asked the exhibition manager about this, he just told us to stand further back from the 4mm ones......

Ho hum


Builder of "Brickmakers Lane" and member of "James Street" operating team.


Quote from: Southerngooner on November 17, 2023, 03:51:13 PMI used to go with various friends to a lot of shows in the south East in the 90's, and one big show had very little N Gauge. When we asked the exhibition manager about this, he just told us to stand further back from the 4mm ones......

Ho hum

Actually, I quite like that as a comeback  :D
Tonbridge MRC Member.
My Southwark Bridge thread can be found at
My Southwark Bridge website can be found at


I was at an N Gauge Society event years ago. Forget the layout name but it was a real location and the town name was in large letters above the layout. This bloke with a pipe in his mouth huffed and puffed, removed the pipe and tutted saying "A Hymek on the S&D!". The operator did not even look at him, he simply pointed to the 6" tall letters spelling out the town name and replied "Not the S&D sir". Many giggles and Mr pipe walked away.


Quote from: Southerngooner on November 17, 2023, 03:51:13 PMI used to go with various friends to a lot of shows in the south East in the 90's, and one big show had very little N Gauge. When we asked the exhibition manager about this, he just told us to stand further back from the 4mm ones......

Ho hum


I was going to post that exhibition as well!


Luke Piewalker

I was at the show in Cupar a couple of years ago and there was a layout with working signalling. As in they had a person stood either end operating each signal box with all the bells and things for communication. I think they were even curtained off so they couldn't see each other. It all went a bit wrong and descended into a lively discussion between the two over who was doing it wrong...


I was at the Doncaster show one year when I heard a young lady say when you said you where taking me out for valentines day this is not what I had in mind



Quote from: JBQFC on November 20, 2023, 05:08:56 PMI was at the Doncaster show one year when I heard a young lady say when you said you where taking me out for valentines day this is not what I had in mind


Roses are red
Violets are blue
we're off to a show
To see a choo-choo

[I'll see myself out]

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