Happy Birthday Newportnobby

Started by Lawrence, October 01, 2023, 09:29:14 AM

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A very happy birthday to one of my dearest friends @Newportnobby hope you have a great day mate and many happy returns  :beers:


Happy birthday mick

Hope you receive many railway related items



May have beaten you to it, Lawrence. Video call on whatsapp at 7.30 am your time.

He was watching the Japanese Grand Prix, but luckily it got rained off, so he was able to talk  ;D

Anyway, Happy Birthday, mate.  :beers:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

Roy L S

Happy birthday Mick, hope you have a great day  :thumbsup:


Bob G

Happy Birthday Mick @Newportnobby
I wonder what presents you got (railway related)

Bob G


Thanks to everyone who has sent messages via all sorts of media.
As George said, I was up at 03.45 to watch the Japanese MotoGP so was awake when they made the video call. The idea then was to go back to bed for some more zzzzz's and then be watching the American Football from Wembley this afternoon before going out for a family gathering in a curry house this evening.
Got some Rails vouchers, a bottle of Baileys, some miniature liqueurs, complete series of 'Prison Break' DVD box set, a book on Japan and one on the IoM TT and the day is yet young!
Card of the day so far goes to @Lawrence but with friends like this who needs enemas.....


Happy Birthday Mick!

Another succesful year of coffin dodgin'! Let's hope there's many more.

Catch you tomorrow. I've got some news here you may like!

In the mean time, here's a birthday card which I received a month ago. It's my favourite one EVER!

Brookline build thread:


Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.

Bob Tidbury

Happy Birthday youngman I did post on the facebook page .

port perran

I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


Quote from: Bob Tidbury on October 01, 2023, 06:43:55 PMHappy Birthday youngman I did post on the facebook page .

@Bob Tidbury
Sorry, Bob, but I don't do Facebook.

And so the day (which started at 03.45) draws to a close with more cards and more Rails vouchers.
Having had a very good curry night with the family all that's left for me to do now is wobble and emit noxious gases - so thank you again and good night.  :dighole:


Happy birthday old boy! :D   I hope you had a lovely day.

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