The Angels’ Share

Started by port perran, September 04, 2023, 04:47:25 PM

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Chris in Prague

Another very unexpected development.

cornish yorkie

 :hellosign:  :greatpicturessign:
  Many thanks Martin another unexpected twist, is Jimmy safe?
  stay safe regards Derek

port perran

Quote from: cornish yorkie on September 14, 2023, 07:20:14 PM:hellosign:  :greatpicturessign:
  Many thanks Martin another unexpected twist, is Jimmy safe?
  stay safe regards Derek
You'll have to wait and see Derek.
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.

keithbythe sea

Interesting developments.  :hmmm:

And I would appreciate either subtitles or simultaneous translations for Mr Murdoch.  :)

Train Waiting

Part Sixteen

The two policemen, one at the beginning of his career and one nearing the end, became firm friends and, to Sandy's delight, Tanner arranged with a friendly fisherman for the two of them to go out on a boat in two days' time, which would be Sandy and Doris' last full day in Port Poppy.

However, the next day, Doris and Sandy went to Sillybury on the preserved steam train and had a lovely time in that salubrious small seaside resort.  Doris told me later that they had ice cream and Sandy had even gone paddling in the sea, "Just like a big wean!"

Sandy and Doris' train leaves Port Poppy for Sillybury.  They eschewed the LMS four-wheeler for the comfort of the GWR bogie carriage.  '3F' 0-6-0T No. 7277 does the honours.  The whole train is by Graham Farish - ProperlyPoole of course.

After dinner that evening, Sandy congratulated Graham on his range of whiskies, especially the Cornish one, and asked casually if Graham had seen any young men, perhaps looking for work behind the bar.

"No," said Graham, "All our staff here are all local and they and their families are known to me."

"And richt grand they are tae," said Sandy, subtly closing that part of the conversation.

The following day, Doris had a stroll round Port Poppy, enjoying some shopping and, after luncheon in The Crown, sat outside in the sunshine and read the book she had bought in 'Maudie's' - Love on a Branch Line.

PC Peel had arranged with his serjeant to have a day off to join PC Murdoch out on the fishing boat.  The two men had a thoroughly enjoyable time, fishing, gradually emptying Sandy's voluminous hip-flask and exchanging anecdotes about their time in the police, Sandy, obviously, having many more.

Sandy told Tanner a sad story about a young man from the Gorbals, "By the name o' Jimmy Johnstone, that Ah tried a fair wheen o' times tae help keep oot o' bother wae the polis.  But that wee laddie jist didnae want tae be helpit and the last Ah kent, the laddie had gone doon Sooth somewhere.  He wis last seen getting' oan 'The Pullman' at St Enoch's."

As he told this story, Sandy looked closely at Tanner to see if there was a flicker of recognition at the mention of Jimmy's name.  There wasn't, but Tanner said helpfully, "If Jimmy Johnstone turns up in Port Poppy, I'll get in touch with you in Auchenshoogle immediately, Sandy."

"Thank ye; thank ye," replied Sandy.  "See yon headland ower there, that's Silliness is it no?"

"Yes, Sandy, it's quite a tourist attraction and when the second railway came to Port Poppy, they named the station after it."

Doris, Sandy and Tanner had a delicious dinner that evening.  Graham having cooked expertly the plaice that the chaps caught earlier in the day.  A fair few libations were had before their jolly evening came to an end.

The next morning, PC Peel met them at the The Crown and walked with them to the station, carrying one of the suitcases.  At the station, he gladly put the suitcase down and introduced Doris and Sandy to Shirley, the booking clerkess, from whom Sandy purchased two first class singles to Trepol Bay.  This pleased Shirley greatly, as it almost doubled her takings for the week.

The train from Tableford arrived in the platform, a diesel railcar this time, and Sandy and Doris climbed aboard.  Tanner helped Sandy with the suitcases and fond farewells were said.  All too soon there was on honk on the train's horn and it made its way cautiously out of Silliness station, over the girder bridge and on towards Harbour Junction and, eventually, Tableford.

Tanner watched it depart and thought how fortunate he had been to meet Sandy and Doris, although he had a niggling doubt in his head that Sandy had not been completely open with him.  Could it be more than simply a holiday?  He unbuttoned his top-left tunic pocket, took out his notebook at looked at the name he had written in it after he and Sandy had returned from fishing - 'Jimmy Johnstone'.

"I'll keep a sharp look out for young Mr Johnstone," said Tanner to himself and then went into the booking office for a cup of tea with Shirley.

Please visit us at

'Why does the Disney Castle work so well?  Because it borrows from reality without ever slipping into it.'

(Acknowledgement: John Goodall Esq, Architectural Editor, 'Country Life'.)

The Table-Top Railway is an attempt to create, in British 'N' gauge,  a 'semi-scenic' railway in the old-fashioned style, reminiscent of the layouts of the 1930s to the 1950s.

For the made-up background to the railway and list of characters, please see here:

port perran

I'm "up country" for a few days but will try to keep the story going in short episodes if I can.

Part Seventeen

Sir William relaxed back in his leather chair keeping his eyes firmly fixed on Jimmy who managed to retain his poker face over what seemed like minutes of silence although in reality it was probably only a few seconds.

Jimmy didn't know what to think. Should he say something else or should he let the distillery owner speak again.

In the end the silence was broken by Rosemary, Sir William's secretary, gently knocking the door before entering with a tray of steaming coffee and biscuits.

"Thank you Rosemary. Now Jimmy lad, I'm sorry I had to mention that business. I was pretty sure that you aren't involved but I'm sure that you can understand my concerns"

Inwardly Jimmy relaxed but, of course, he didn't know whether the police had some interest in him or perhaps there was someone else. He had heard rumours of a laddie called Daniel from Ireland who had become involved with stealing whisky up in the Glasgow area but that was all he knew.
"Of course Sir William, I fully understand. You are quite right to have suspicions but I can assure you that I am only interested in developing my whisky knowledge and perhaps, if I have guessed correctly, helping you out in some way".

"Bill, please" laughed the older man, "You know that I hate formality. And yes, you have guessed correctly. We have all been most impressed with your knowledge, your enthusiasm  and your extraordinary palate. As we said yesterday, we are looking to expand our business and you would be just the man to help us. What do you say?"

Jimmy smiled. What should he say to this proposition?

Meanwhile, some twenty miles away, an ageing T9 4-4-0 steam locomotive wheezed into Wadebridge station. Two rather dishevelled looking young people stepped down onto the platform .
They had no idea where to go but the young man said to his female companion "Let's find a pub. They are always great places for finding things out".

I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


That's a busy goods yard scene and a great story

Chris in Prague

Thanks, Martin. Always a pleasure to see Trepol Bay. I wish you safe journeys and look forward to more episodes.

Chris in Prague

Will we get an episode, today, I wonder?

port perran

Part Eighteen

That evening as Jimmy relaxed in the bar of the Cedars Hotel in St Agnes.
It was far removed from the dingy little room he had been using in Wadebridge and he was grateful to Annie, Sir William's wife, for organising it but he felt just a little uneasy.

This wasn't what Jimmy Johnstone was used to. He had just finished an evening meal of steak, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes and chips. And very, very nice it was too all washed down with a couple of glasses of wine and he was now enjoying a couple of pints of fine, foaming Cornish ale but it didn't seem right.
Jimmy was more used to cheap sausage and chips or a greasy bacon sandwich in the back streets of Glasgow.

It was time to reflect. He'd just been offered a dream job by Sir William at a salary he could previously only dream of but did he want this complete change of lifestyle? Would he be able to stay on the proverbial straight and narrow?

He had a lot of thinking to do.
And then there was Daniel Brodie to consider. Was he now in Cornwall and would he stir up trouble?

Jimmy sighed, relaxing back into his leather chair in the bar. He had a lot to consider.

A few miles away Daniel Brodie was in the Penny Farthing in Wadebridge with his girlfriend Marie.
They had only been in the pub some twenty minutes but had somehow already fallen into conversation with a large, rough looking chap called Bert.

Later that same evening a train pulled gently into Trepol Bay station.
A rather large man and his small, mouselike wife stepped down onto the platform. Outside in the station yard a taxi was waiting to take them to their hotel.

I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.



so engrossed with this story, really enjoyable.

Chris in Prague

Always good to see Trepol Bay.

keithbythe sea

It's all kicking off! I foresee nothing but trouble.  :goggleeyes:

I do hope that the subtitle machine is working now.

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