Would You Be Interested In An NGF 10 Year Wagon/Van? - available now!,

Started by Tank, January 01, 2021, 09:58:58 PM

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Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


I'm a "not sure".

A standard length box van or plank wagon would probably find a home on my shunting puzzle layout but not anything else.

Polo shirt perhaps?
Tonbridge MRC Member.
My Southwark Bridge thread can be found at https://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=38683.0
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Train Waiting

Quote from: Bealman on January 01, 2021, 10:53:51 PM
I think it's an excellent idea. Prototypicality (if that's a word - I suspect not) is not an issue for me. It's a fun thing, and commerates an occasion.

I'm not interested in decals, just a wagon. Here a the Antipodes I run a souvenir/commemorative train with wagons from Minatur Wunderland, Kyoto Railway museum, and of course NGF!

Count me in!  :thumbsup:

I agree completely with George.  It's a terrific idea and, to me, such things are part of the fun of model railways.  At present, as a fairly recent convert to British 'N' gauge, I've only one souvenir wagon; for the Borders Railway re-opening.  It often runs in the goods trains on my little layout.  As for relevance: I can't see the railway from my house, but I can hear it (especially steam specials!), so I think the wagon is especially relevant.  The Forum wagon would be equally relevant as it would be a tribute to all the Forum Friends who have provided such friendship and inspiration since July 2017. 

Also, a NGF wagon would be absolutely lovely for photographs of 'through running' - a fun-filled activity in which some of us take part from time to time!

Yes, please, @Tank - an NGF wagon would be a wizard wheeze; please count me as a definite.

All best wishes from a winter wonderland between the Forth and the Tweed.

Please visit us at www.poppingham.com

'Why does the Disney Castle work so well?  Because it borrows from reality without ever slipping into it.'

(Acknowledgement: John Goodall Esq, Architectural Editor, 'Country Life'.)

The Table-Top Railway is an attempt to create, in British 'N' gauge,  a 'semi-scenic' railway in the old-fashioned style, reminiscent of the layouts of the 1930s to the 1950s.

For the made-up background to the railway and list of characters, please see here: https://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=38281.msg607991#msg607991


Not one for me. Totally get why people might want one, but see no point myself. I'm a member of the forum. I'm unlikely to forget this, a wagon I won't use doesn't really help! Each to their own!


@Train Waiting

John, haven't got your snow, but it has not been hot here where I live. But it's great! Raining outside and so much better than our horrible bushfires last year.

I am a little amazed by what seems to be almost venomous opposition to a tenth anniversary wagon, no matter what era.

As you say, we're in this for fun, and I can't wait for such a model!  :beers:

Happy New Year, everyone!  :beers:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


I'd be totally up for one, no matter the era or type (so long as it has standard couplings). I standard 10ft box van would be ideal to keep alive the spirit of Railmail of Watford :-)
Best Regards,
Adam Warr
Peterborough, UK


Quote from: Bealman on January 02, 2021, 10:19:47 AM
@Train Waiting
I am a little amazed by what seems to be almost venomous opposition to a tenth anniversary wagon, no matter what era.

As you say, we're in this for fun, and I can't wait for such a model!  :beers:

Not seeing any venom, just not something 1/4 respondents are interested in. It's one of those things that if I saw on an exhibition layout I'd say "ahh, you're on the NGF are you?" So in that respect I support it wholly, and get why people would buy one. But I'm not exhibiting anything, and as a model I have no interest in it, that's all.


Not for me. One of those things that loses its relevancy almost immediately. I recall another club I was in that did something similar, and ended up with stock left several years later that no-one was interested in.

'...things are not done by those who sit down to count the cost of every thought and act.' - Sir Daniel Gooch of IKB


Happy to acquire any NGF commemorative model, no matter the style, era, country or wording.

But as my layout and collection is 99% Swiss, I would like to suggest - with no real seriousness - that to satisfy myself and all other Continental and Worldwide modellers as well as the UK contingent, a suitable passenger carriage could be emblazoned with something like "N Gauge Forum 10th Anniversary World Tour - Modellers on the Move!". 

Individual modellers could then add model Forum members of their choice to occupy the seats. (Every model purchased would of course be pre-fitted with a seated figure of Chris @Tank ).


Sufferin' succotash!


Quote from: Bealman on January 02, 2021, 10:19:47 AM
I am a little amazed by what seems to be almost venomous opposition to a tenth anniversary wagon, no matter what era.

I wouldn't say "venomous", just a few people stating that it wouldn't interest them, probably better from a point of view of assessing potential demand than just ignoring the thread.


Quote from: captainelectra on January 02, 2021, 10:32:24 AM
I'd be totally up for one, no matter the era or type (so long as it has standard couplings). I standard 10ft box van would be ideal to keep alive the spirit of Railmail of Watford :-)

Crikey, until two or so years ago I'd been out of the hobby for over thirty years yet that name immediately jumped off the page at me.
Funny how much one remembers but doesn't know that they do until something reminds them of it.


for what it is worth, transfers might be a good option, as members could then add to wagons, or containers or even carriages that fit their layout.

just my thoughts, I'll head back to where I seem to belong

the  :veryangry: thread  :smiley-laughing:


For the 50th anniversary of Hull MRS we considered a special edition wagon with the Society logo on it. Partly due to minimum production quantities demanded by the RTR manufacturers and necessity to appeal outside the Society membership, in the end we decided rather than a fictional livery to do a prototype with a local connection ("Hull Corporation Electric Dept"). Sadly 00 only - we couldn't make the numbers work for an n-gauge version at the time.


Wider sales (literally worldwide) were handled by a local model shop and could have easily shifted at least double the quantity. Last one I spotted on e-bay made £50...

Red Onion

The forum has been a veritable source of useful information for me so I wouldn't say no to it.  My era is modern so anything new would run in that (I'm very much rule 1!) however I'm looking at adding a small heritage section to my layout and I'm sure a suitable siding can be found for it!

Chris Morris

Peco will do very small runs of wagons with special artwork. We found they were the best unless you can guarantee sales of 504 wagons which is the Bachmann minimum.
Although I am very fond of the NGF  I probably wouldn't buy one. I do have a small number of commemorative wagons but they just sit in their boxes and are never seen.

One thing I do for myself is have a couple of commemorative mugs made for each layout I build. Just thinking that might be another approach for the NGF birthday. These two mugs arrived this morning- they cost £11 including postage. I would be more inclined to buy an NGF mug than a wagon.

Working doesn't seem to be the perfect thing for me so I'll continue to play.
Steve Marriott / Ronnie Lane

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