Import Duty etc On Goods From UK After 1 January 2021

Started by dannyboy, December 08, 2020, 07:46:52 PM

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If you buy through the GSP there shouldn't be any hidden charges, that's the point. It's not cheap, but it's 'certain'.


I've just been reading this thread which is a little confusing as some of the entries refer to imports into the UK.

I live in SW Crete and sadly my experience is not as happy as Danny's recent piece from France. I have had to pay Greek VAT and the carrier's 'desk driving' charges. Before Xmas I bought a number of items from Langleys in anticipation of Brexit which they efficiently prepared for timely dispatch but sadly the UK postal service, in anticipation of Brexit/Covid/work, was not accepting deliveries for the EU and it was finally dispatched in January. It therefore 'qualified' for Greek VAT etc despite my providing proof of €200 transfer from my Greek bank account. Greek VAT is 24% and the Greek Post Office charges €20 for their additional labour! That's cheap as DHL recently wanted to charge me €40 plus VAT, in addition to their charge for 'expedited delivery' sic, for 4 Metcalfe kits from Hattons. I told them to put it where the sun doesn't shine and Hattons helpfully accepted the return and reimbursed me.

This saddens me as I have in course of building my layout developed very happy relationships with, for example, Hattons, Kernow, Osbornes, TMC, CMC to name only a few, which sadly are no longer 'cost effective'. Whilst some items I can source within the EU, (although Greece is a bit of an ngauge desert), 1950's WR steam is a bit of an eccentric interest in the EU. So the above are more than anonymous websites, they are effectively my local model shops. When I asked Mike Broomfield, NGS, about local groups in Crete he replied that I was it!

I don't know if my circumstances are similar for other EU based members. Is it viable to use this forum or NGS to create a directory of EU based, British outline, ngauge suppliers? I've recently had very helpful service from Marks Models in Dublin who have a limited stock but who are happy to order. But it is also the little bits that are frustrating to source. For example I want some iron railings of the sort that were familiar around UK parks and municipal buildings or, in my case, the west end of Penzance Station. Langley have them at a reasonable price, less than a fiver, but do I want to pay an additional €15 to some 'desk jockey' in Athens to own them now I'm no longer an EU citizen? Our political leaders can compose endless agreements but in the final analysis much of it becomes feeding fodder for the 'job's worths' who hold the real power.

Will it help if EU based respondents attach the flag of their country of residence, or even the EU flag if that doesn't cause offence.

Can I look forward to an Irish, German, French model shop advertising in the NGS journal?


Welcome to the forum @Doddy
When I started this thread, it was with the express intention of asking about VAT and Customs duty on exports from the UK into the EU - specifically Ireland and it does seem to have gone off track a bit. I have found that a lot of UK exporters to the EU are now deducting UK VAT. On arriving in Ireland, Irish VAT should be added, now 23%, plus Customs duty if the value, (decided by Customs, not what I paid for an item  >:(), is over €22, (I think - until June), plus a 'collection fee' imposed by the Irish postal service, although I have never been charged more than €3.50. (I have to admit that a couple of orders have arrived without being 'intercepted'). What is annoying me regarding UK exports to the EU is the postal charges that some companies impose - if indeed they will post to the EU.
To answer one of your queries, a lot of respondents do show their country, further down the left hand column.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Hi Dannyboy, thanks for the welcome.

I'm not sure about deferring UK VAT as I have avoided ordering anything from the UK since Bidet but postal charges seem to vary enormously from shop to shop. Hattons had mentioned it but I thought they were suggesting that they had to make discreet arrangements with each country and the amount of business with Greece didn't merit it. I don't know if this is Brexit related but the post seems to have become very slow since the end of 2020 and your point about inconsistency is relevant. I've received a copy of the NGS Journal, two copies of the RM and a copy of David Maidment's Kings book dispatched since Bidet which arrived without additional charge although, I think, VAT is chargeable on books here. I guess there might be further variations after June.

I had seen that residency was noted on the left but, as you commented, the thread had gone off track and it was a bit tedious scrolling through to clarify who was referring to experience of goods received from the UK. Hopefully we can keep to your intended thread. I think Ireland is important in this as not only does the settlement create particular issues for the north and as a consequence all of Ireland but also Ireland is becoming an important transit route for goods from the UK to Europe and the shared history might also provide the expertise to develop the (ngauge) model railway business.

Jerry Howlett

Just to resurrect this topic with a bizzare example.

Yesterday the Post lady phoned me (I had an Amazon Italia ordrer coming) to tell me she had my order plus, another package from the UK.

I got an email from KR models a few weeks ago to tell me a package was on its way....  this is weird as I havent bought anything from them, I did express an interest in the N Scale GT3 but that was it so just thought it was a email error.

Lo and behold the post lady produces a large box which I see is from from KR models and says that will be Euro 67 please.  Needless to say a quick Non Grazie was delivered.  So said large model is on its way back to the UK.  I did email KR models but no response, I haven't paid for this and could have got myself a OO bargain for E67.   The lesson that I have now learned is that I will no longer be able to order anything from the UK with stupid added charges like that.  It also now puts my current order of a 66xx from Revolution and the Parcels Railcar in doubt. 

It really will be cheaper to fly over and buy direct !!

Mr Grumpy !! :veryangry:

Some days its just not worth gnawing through the straps.


Quote from: Jerry Howlett on April 17, 2021, 04:20:54 PM

It really will be cheaper to fly over and buy direct !!

I got myself registered for 'the vaccination' on Friday, so hopefully I will be getting my first jab in a week or two. What I am hoping for is that by September/October time, things will have got a lot better travel wise and I will be allowed 'back home' and I can have a shopping spree - sorry, I meant visit my brother and sister! ;). As you say Jerry, it will be cheaper to fly over and buy stuff than have it posted from the U.K., (providing of course, I don't get stopped by Customs coming back  :worried:). Nice to hear from you again. :thumbsup:
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


For what it may be worth (and you may already know this), DM Toys in Germany seem to stock a fair bit of UK outline stuff including Dapol and Farish; for those living in the EU, that may offer a cost effective alternative as DM Toys will already have dealt with any import issues.
My DB themed layout - Steinheim am Main My BR themed layout - Stoneham Yard My T-Trak module - Güterbahnhof Friesdorf
My SNCF modelling thread - Gare de Ligugé My layout planning thread - Peterhampton Junction


Quote from: GScaleBruce on April 17, 2021, 05:49:25 PM
For what it may be worth (and you may already know this), DM Toys in Germany seem to stock a fair bit of UK outline stuff including Dapol and Farish; for those living in the EU, that may offer a cost effective alternative as DM Toys will already have dealt with any import issues.

I'm also using ModelBahnShop Lippe also in Germany and who also appear to have some stock of UK bits like Peco track etc. I do wonder if it's what they all got in stock pre national foot shooting as a lot of their usual listed stuff is out of stock (then again lots of Peco bits are out of stock everywhere).

Train Waiting

Quote from: Jerry Howlett on April 17, 2021, 04:20:54 PM

It really will be cheaper to fly over and buy direct !!

Would it be possible for someone here to buy it for you and send it over with a (belated?!) birthday card enclosed?

Best wishes.

Please visit us at

'Why does the Disney Castle work so well?  Because it borrows from reality without ever slipping into it.'

(Acknowledgement: John Goodall Esq, Architectural Editor, 'Country Life'.)

The Table-Top Railway is an attempt to create, in British 'N' gauge,  a 'semi-scenic' railway in the old-fashioned style, reminiscent of the layouts of the 1930s to the 1950s.

For the made-up background to the railway and list of characters, please see here:


Quote from: Train Waiting on April 17, 2021, 06:33:22 PM
Quote from: Jerry Howlett on April 17, 2021, 04:20:54 PM

It really will be cheaper to fly over and buy direct !!

Would it be possible for someone here to buy it for you and send it over with a (belated?!) birthday card enclosed?

Best wishes.


Gifts are taxed as well, now,

Membre AFAN 0196


Quote from: Jerry Howlett on April 17, 2021, 04:20:54 PM
I will no longer be able to order anything from the UK with stupid added charges like that. 

Why is it a 'stupid added charge', it could have just been Italian VAT added to the price of a sounded fitted GT3.
GT3 295 UKP including VAT, 245 ex UK VAT, then add Italian VAT at 25%, that's around 61 UKP or 70 Euro's.


John P
Check out my layout thread.

Contemporary NW (Wigan Wallgate and North Western)

And my Automation Thread

The Q

I've avoided buying anything from abroad since January the 1st,  partly to allow brexit chaos to reduce , partly to allow this new system to sort itself out.

However I need a new sheave for the mast of my sailing boat. The mast is long since obsolete, and the company that now owns the rights don't make a replacement. After much searching online the only supplier, that had a sheave the right size, I could find is in Hong Kong.
The sheave is a huge £3, but a new mast is £1200ish, so even if there high customs duties, I have no choice.
I'll let you all know what happens when it arrives...

I note this new system of the seller  applying the country of destinations taxes  to imports is due to start to imports to the EU from June...

Jerry Howlett

Quote from: Train Waiting on April 17, 2021, 06:33:22 PM
Quote from: Jerry Howlett on April 17, 2021, 04:20:54 PM

It really will be cheaper to fly over and buy direct !!

I will now just use my good old "House of @Hailstone for all future purchases .   Good excuse to pop over to the UK and take in a few Ales.


Would it be possible for someone here to buy it for you and send it over with a (belated?!) birthday card enclosed?

Best wishes.

Some days its just not worth gnawing through the straps.


I bought my latest latest vans and locos from Schweikhardt in Germany - They have a large selection of secondhand Farish diesels, a couple of white metal kits and job lots of goods wagons and coaches (unbekannte Hersteller) as well as a selection of British railway books, many now out of print.



@Alcazar  I remember buying online from ETS way back in 2000, I think probably my first overseas purchase was from them.  It was a Bemo Regioshuttle.

In 2003 when I took my layout to the Stuttgart N convention for the first time, my team and i went on an adventure and took a bus out to their shop in Waiblingen.  I bought an Arnold ICE 3 set. 

I still have both the Regioshuttle and the ICE 3, but funnily enough both suffered mechanism failures over the years and both are now running with Tomix powered chassis  :D
Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!

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