My local bus stop

Started by Bealman, December 12, 2017, 11:17:00 PM

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Up until yesterday I hadn't either, Graham, and was extremely proud of it. I feel like I've let myself down big time! My weak excuse is that the bar staff were watching it....

And yes, Ian, Neighbours is still going.
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

The Q

if I had a local bus stop I could do the blank screen post again, All trains, all buses stopped due to snow. Many roads blocked (sometimes by  the gritter / plough)


Yeah, we're seeing it on TV here! Good luck!  :thumbsup:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


There's a picture in the local paper today of a little girl playing in the snow beside Tower Bridge in London, and it says my native NE England is totally shut down. Almost makes me homesick... NOT

Anyway, back to the bus stop.... legendary, don't you know:

There have been a few recent additions, such as a visit by Robert:

Accompanied by presumably his girlfriend:

This also turned up at the bus stop. The  mentioned car park is just across the road from the stop:

Bit sad I thought, though it's probably roadkill by now. Anyway it turned up in the local paper too:

That's all from the bus stop for now.... rug up and keep warm folks! Great railway modelling weather though!  :cold:

Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


I can't wait for the movie version of this thread ;)  :beers:


Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Perhaps you could hang around the bus stop, or do you already? :D and give writing lessons to the casual callers.
Perhaps Oscar would be interested in the movie. :no:
You know you're getting older when your mind makes commitments your body can't meet. Off on a journey


What about a Musical.

Barbra Streisand decides to move to Wollongong for the better weather. There, she fights off alien spacecraft, watches some British rugby league touring sides, becomes a master at crown green bowls, sets up a petition to ban anything other than sport to be shown on a TV in a licensed public bar, rescues missing dogs plus other adventures.

However, she's not really happy and finds solace in having a Big Mac and large fries while serenading inanimate, wheeled objects parked at her local bus stop.

Just an idea, can't think of a name though  :hmmm:. 'Hello' something perhaps?

:sorrysign: Been drinking.

Cheers weave  :beers:


 :laughabovepost: :smiley-laughing: ;D

One problem with the script: no crown green bowls here  :beers:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


How about "Hello Trolly" with apologies to Luis Armstrong.
Quote from: Bealman on March 02, 2018, 11:01:04 PM
:laughabovepost: :smiley-laughing: ;D

One problem with the script: no crown green bowls here  :beers:
The Flat Earth Society reigns supreme then? :worried:
You know you're getting older when your mind makes commitments your body can't meet. Off on a journey


Yes.... in fact in all my years here, I've never seen a crown green, although I'm sure there will be one somewhere.
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Remember the missing woof? Happy ending!

Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Reading the bit on the front of the paper, Marley must be a train fan.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


A train driver spotted the dog beside the railway line to Sydney. However, according to the paper, the owner had a bit of a run to catch him! Didn't sound too keen to go home!
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

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