Uploading Pictures

Started by guest1328, July 12, 2016, 02:44:15 PM

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In order to add photos to the forum, every user has their own photo directory for which you may upload photos (not videos) to.
To add photos to the forum, click "Gallery" from the menu bar at the top of the main page.

Once the page changes, Click on "My Gallery" from the link

Now you can create an album in your gallery, by clicking the "Add Category" button

Put in a title for your album and then click the "Add Category" button

You will now be returned to your gallery and see you have a new album, Click on your album name to enter the album.

Now you can add a single picture by clicking on the "Add Picture" button

Enter in a name for your picture (you cannot use special characters or quotes, only numbers, letters spaces etc) and click the select box to select the picture you want to upload.  Once this is complete click the "Add Picture" button.

or add multiple pictures using drag and drop / select by clicking the "Bulk Add Pictures" button the pictures will automatically upload when you drop the images over the area displayed.


@Only Me - excellent post, thank you, that's helped me with loading images into galleries. Is there a way of moving photos from one category to another? E.g. I have some photos in "My Gallery" default I could now move to a category folder, how do I do that?
Hogwarts to King's Cross - My layout under construction: http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=43358.msg536504#msg536504


Ditto. Many thanks for the great explanation.
She who must be obeyed says I am spending too much time on this forum. I love her dearly but what does she know?


If you go to the gallery your pic is currently in you will see beneath the pic the option to 'Edit' the pic.
Click on that and at the bottom of the next page you will see move options like 'Copy item to another category'


Hi all - I'm having some problems with Gallery upload - what I am doing wrong?
1 - I created a new Album
2 - then selected bulk upload - dropped photos in and got the tick on all 4 I wanted to load, so looked OK.
3 - then I went to another folder to check they were loaded - but only 1 went in.

I've now had to resize the photos and add one by one and this works.
So why does bulk upload fail when I get a tick?
Hogwarts to King's Cross - My layout under construction: http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=43358.msg536504#msg536504


I don't know at what point you resized your pics but providing they are under 2MB you should be able to use the bulk upload, as I did that just this morning. If your pics were over 2MB when you first loaded them to your gallery anything oversize seems to get a tick and then just not appear. :confused2:


I've just had a whinge about this issue on the problems thread:


It has been a problem to me for a while now, and I'm obviously not alone. I know nothing about the technicalities but it seems to me that when the whole world is pasting shots of any man and his dog on social media, we should be able to take a pic, and post it on the NGF without getting invalid messages, or having to fiddle around resizing, or going to other parties such as Flickr, etc.

Rant over.

And yes, me ankle still hurts.  :D
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


I've successfully uploaded a group of 7 pics to a named folder within 'My Gallery'. I want to create a new post in the layout construction category and attach all 7 images - how do I do that please? Thanks very much.


I open two windows, one with my post, and the other with my gallery.

Get the pic up in your gallery, scan down and copy the BCC code.

Flick back to your post, and paste it there.

Ok that's one at a time, but I like posted text between pics.
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Just a warning: if you try to load pictures by using Gallery>Add picture you will see a warning notice that the max size for a picture is 7.81Mb.  That is out-of-date and the limit is 2Mb.
Perhaps the proof that there is intelligent life in outer space is that they haven't contacted us.
Layout thread: http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=23416


Posting straight from phone without all the resizing palaver is still an issue which remains unaddressed.
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: Bealman on July 19, 2019, 08:19:58 AM
Posting straight from phone without all the resizing palaver is still an issue which remains unaddressed.

Yeah but isn't that a problem with the file size the phone creates, rather than a problem with the forum as such?
Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!


On various global adventures up until last year, I could post pictures on this forum almost after they were taken.

Can't do that now.

That's all I'm saying.
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


I've been gently reminding for 12 months.

Many members are having problems.
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Yep. My Canon bridge camera pics are all 4000 pixels.
You mean phones have cameras now? :o What will they think of next.

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