Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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Quote from: railsquid on October 30, 2015, 07:38:53 AM

On the other hand we are having a gate put in after someone nicked the Mrs' bike from the drive the other week

Don't tell me. You daredn't say anything in case they took a fence :laugh:


Quote from: newportnobby on October 28, 2015, 12:34:59 PM
Nobby's run of bad luck continues.................

Will it never end?
Took my Mum to Chorley hospital today, didn't spot the required sign and got a parking ticket for being in a designated disabled bay. My own stoopid fault, I know, but am I getting someone else's share of  :poop:?


Oh dear Mick, you must have really upset someone to have all this bad luck.  Look on the bright side though, it can't get much worse and should start getting better real soon.   :)
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Quote from: newportnobby on October 30, 2015, 08:52:10 PM
Will it never end?
Took my Mum to Chorley hospital today, didn't spot the required sign and got a parking ticket for being in a designated disabled bay. My own stoopid fault, I know, but am I getting someone else's share of  :poop:?
Oh dear !!!!!!!

Coincidentally I was watching a Debate in the Commons ( yea, quiet in the back row, I know I am a sad b,,,,!) which was all about hospital car park charges and whether or not there should be an exemption for carers

The upshot as far as npn and us are concerned is that the minister inter alia said that he had no intention of writing that into the bill but would include "Carers" in the list of directives to trusts etc. alongside the existing suggested concessions including regular family members who may not be receiving carers allowance, many of which are implemented already across the country although not often known, it is therefore  "a good idea to ask locally what concessions are in place." ( my quote of what I think he was saying ;) )
Hansard is online, with a lag of approx 3hrs, if anyone wants to check ( I know I know ! :) )


Quote from: Caz on October 31, 2015, 11:10:28 AM
Oh dear Mick, you must have really upset someone to have all this bad luck.  Look on the bright side though, it can't get much worse and should start getting better real soon.   :)

The only bright side I can see at present is that somebody somewhere must be having some good luck while I get their share of the bad stuff, Caz :hmmm:

Quote from: MalcolmAL on October 31, 2015, 11:43:26 AM

Coincidentally I was watching a Debate in the Commons ( yea, quiet in the back row, I know I am a sad b,,,,!) which was all about hospital car park charges and whether or not there should be an exemption for carers

I did see that on the news, Malcolm. My Mum is probably more spritely than I am so I'm no carer but as both my sisters work I am the 'go to' person when Mum has to see consultants/have check ups etc.
As the hospital car park in question is run by Vinci I don't know whether the hospital gets anything from them. I know my Mum marched in and tried to appeal on the basis I was acting as her transport but the response she got was "It doesn't matter if he parked there with a dead body in his car - it won't make any difference"
The only saving grace is that, although the penalty was £40, if paid within 28 days it's reduced to £20 so it wasn't an earth shattering amount. I'm just tee'd off with myself more than anything else :unimpressed:


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Quote from: newportnobby on October 31, 2015, 12:13:53 PMI don't know whether the hospital gets anything from them
"It doesn't matter if he parked there with a dead body in his car - it won't make any difference"
I'm just tee'd off with myself more than anything else :unimpressed:
I got the impression from the debate that the sub-cons only income is what they get in "fines", the hospital gets the regular parking 'lucre
Ha ha, dead body! hoot ! well that has to be worth £20 alone :)
Yep, could have been worse.

That was another item in the debate : that it is in the interests of (some) companies to make the signage less than obvious. That was when an onnerable member opposite had proposed various levels of charges and exemptions with bays for each and,
err and,

everyone nodded off, ;D
Actually, I jest, it was talked out of time by the Minister himself


Just as well Richard III wasn't buried there, he'd have
been fined ££££ squillions...............
Nothing is certain but death and taxes -Benjamin Franklin


I saw a sign which said "Smile and be happy for things could be worse" so I smiled and was happy and lo things got worse.
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Well I went onto Uswitch today to compare tariffs and I could save £270 and I thought I am quids in, but when answering all the questions it came to Smart meters and it told me if I change over I cannot use my smart meter because that belongs to another energy company and they will not let the cheaper energy company have anything to do with it.

This country is so backwards no one will help anyone else but hey I saved £400 with the smart meter and if I had it taken away I might not check on my usage as much as I do and go back to my old ways.

So what is the point I ask myself of having a switching site if it will not work for 100% of energy users.

Rant over  :veryangry:


So what stops you switching, saving £270, the old company removing their smartmeter & the new company putting theirs in ?


Quote from: MikeDunn on November 03, 2015, 03:29:04 PM
So what stops you switching, saving £270, the old company removing their smartmeter & the new company putting theirs in ?

The point is they should be universal I do not want workmen in my property every time I change supplier.


Well, until there is a legislative solution you're going to have to put up with Company A wanting to recover their property - or not change from them.  It's not as if you'll be doing this weekly or monthly ...


Ok then my other half (I would call her better half but not after this news!),

Has been very kind and thoughtful and invited the mother in law down for Christmas, my only thought was  :censored:

Now that's bad enough Christmas till new year but it gets worse!!! I was hoping to have some quiet time at home when I go on leave for 3 weeks (one of them is already spoilt with the in law coming). But nope not only is she down for Christmas but for the entire 3 weeks I am off!!  :'(

So much for my quiet chilled out Christmas, looks like I will have to live with MRS SATAN for 3 weeks! This is going to make 9 months in Afghan look rather pleasant!!
Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!

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