japanese buildings or is it my Tsunami

Started by Oldman, May 07, 2013, 12:59:42 PM

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Soon to go in a  black bin bag. Having mega clear out.

Emptying alot of cr*p out of cupboards and trying to rationalise what I don't need.

T Gauge stuff cost over £400, All my ham radio gear, loads of stuff  going to be binned.  Not going to advertise it
Modelling stupid small scale using T gauge track and IDl induction track. Still have  N gauge but not the space( Japanese Trams) Excuse spelling errors please, posting on mobile phone


Having a bad day ? Put all the junk train bits in a big box and send it to Tank to auction for his shed.. sorry I mean the forum .

You can't btw put some models or amateur radio gear in a black bin bag. It's waste  electronics equipment and must be disposed of properly  :P

For the ham radio stuff don't bin it if you've got to get rid of it quickly. Phone 08000 141 743 and talk to RAIBC who can make very good use of it providing Amateur Radio equipment and help to the blind.

I think I know how you feel though. I'm staring at a large box of old bits of building thinking 'wtf did I keep these' and I've just disposed of my last remaining bits of OO. Someone small is about to be very happy to discover that he's got a Hornby pacer and some buildings not just a few bits of second hand track he thought his grandfather was going to fetch

Oh and if you care to PM me a rough list of the T gauge stuff I might be interested, including on an 'I don't know if it works, I don't care if it works, I don't want to see it again whatever' basis.

"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


Cheers Alan.
Well aware of the regs for disposal of electronic gear
I know the trancievers  need to be disposed of correctly. Especially items like a Yaesu FT817 multimode HF/VHF/UHF which was updated to the extra coverage worldwide by the manufacturers. Don't want things like that falling into the wrong hands.

Can't put antennae up here and no space in the car for mobile operation.
the non electrical/electronic stuff I can take to the local tip.

T Gauge at the moment don't know what to do with at present, including at least one spare motor.  It's all up in the loft at  present.

Not a bad day at all, just must clear out stuff not used.  We are trying to finally finish getting rid of the rest of the stuff from when we down sized from a 4 bed house to a 2 bed house 7 years ago.

Modelling stupid small scale using T gauge track and IDl induction track. Still have  N gauge but not the space( Japanese Trams) Excuse spelling errors please, posting on mobile phone


Mike, please don't bin the Jap buildings, drop me a pm please see if we can work something out

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