I'm over being sick

Started by 1936ace, January 18, 2013, 07:49:58 AM

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On the way back from holidays in Queensland with the family my left become sore, a bit like when your ear gets block when you go up in the mountains. Well after to trips to the hospital not too sure what the first doc was thinking but I'm told I have a very good ear infection. My face is that swollen it looks like I've grown an extra head.
I'm never a good patient and can't sit still for more then 5 minutes but I've that sick I've just laid in bed. To make matters worse I can't go back to work because I'm on drugs that are banned at work and my head won't fit into the fire helmets/ba mask.
Don't even feel like going to play in the train room.
I'm so over this. Maybe I will just have to live on forum to get by


Very sorry to hear that, Bart :(
I hope you are well soon, and in the meantime we'll try to keep you amused ;)

port perran

I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


Hi guys thanks for the "get wells" . Hey port I do like your layout site really liked the intro of its history really sets out the layout. Bart


Quote from: 1936ace on January 18, 2013, 07:49:58 AM
Maybe I will just have to live on forum to get by

And what better way to convalesce  :D  Get well soon mate  :thumbsup:


Quote from: 1936ace on January 18, 2013, 07:49:58 AM
Maybe I will just have to live on forum

Like the rest of us then?  :goggleeyes:

QuoteMy face is that swollen it looks like I've grown an extra head.

You know what they say, "two heads are better than one"  ;)

Get well soon  :beers:


Dock Shunter

Hope you're feeling better soon big hea........ i mean Bart........ :D :thumbsup:


Just got back from my gp and she has given me more morphine at a higher dose and new antibiotics as the ones the doc gave me at hospital were the wrong ones and I have had an allergic reaction to them hence why I was not getting better and my ear and side of face swelled even more, you think the second doc at the hospital would of pick up things were not right.
Oh we'll I'm off work until Sunday week hopefully it will improve, my gp said if it has not improved on the new meds in 48 hrs then the infection is gone in further and I will have to get a different one which is not just a script from doc to chemist but has to be proven as to why I need it.
Totally frustrated as I can't play trains or do anything so bored, told you all I'm a bad patient


Hope you will be feeling better soon Bart and that they get the meds sorted
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy


Quote from: 1936ace on January 19, 2013, 12:09:40 AM
Just got back from my gp and she has given me more morphine at a higher dose

I am surprised they did not give you laxatives as well, I have an ongoing battle between morphine and constipation  :veryangry:

cheers John.


Hope the new meds work quickly.

Get well soon, Bart

Dave G

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