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General Discussion / Re: An Eventful Christmas at T...
Last post by Chris in Prague - July 24, 2024, 06:50:04 AM
Lady Trevelver presided over the High Table with regal poise, her obsidian eyes glimmering with arcane knowledge as she savoured her '45 Bordeaux. Though seated in the magnificent Great Hall, her hereditary gift of far-sensing allowed her consciousness to drift towards the distant conservatory, as gossamer-light as a moonbeam.

The hothouse had become a realm of enchantment in the silvern glow of the December moon. Its radiance cascaded through the glass panes, transmuting verdant foliage into an argent tapestry and casting elongated, theatrical shadows across its winding pathways.

The arousing fragrance of nocturnal blossoms intertwined with the primordial scent of loamy earth, creating an intoxicating aroma that seemed to amplify the night's emotions. The garden's visitors were bathed in an ethereal luminescence, their hushed tones imbued with the singular intimacy that only a moonlit arbour can bestow.

The mellifluous trickle of fountains provided a soothing counterpoint to the night's symphony, while the whisper of palm fronds introduced a hint of the tropics to the wintry eve. The conservatory stood as a crystalline cathedral beneath the celestial vault, offering sanctuary where nature's splendour was not diminished by nightfall but rather accentuated.

Lady Trevelver, ever mindful of propriety, refrained from intruding upon the couples' privacy or observing any untoward details. Instead, her perception encompassed the conservatory's general ambience—the enveloping warmth, the clinging humidity, and the blend of floral essences. She sensed the vital force of the flora, pulsating with vigour. More significantly, she discerned the emotional auras of the three pairs. Their elation, exhilaration, and growing ardour radiated as a golden luminescence in her mind's eye. She could perceive their bonds fortifying and their connections deepening as sentiments intensified, caresses grew passionate, and gazes became laden with unspoken lust.

Time seemed to stand still in the hothouse, bowing to the night's serenity that nurtured profound connections and burgeoning intimacies. Lady Trevelver's heart swelled with satisfaction as her conservatory—a tour de force of beauty and natural harmony—fostered both nascent and flourishing relationships. Amidst the verdant exotica, affairs of the heart blossomed in a vibrant manifestation of her long-held vision: intertwining nature's marvels with the intricate tapestry of human emotions. The resultant joy and ardour permeated her being, a gratifying realisation of her fondest aspirations.

With a subtle smile playing upon her crimson lips, Lady Trevelver's gaze swept across the guests in the Great Hall. The Christmas Evening ball had scarcely begun to cast its enchantment over the assembled revellers. Lady Trevelver's almost imperceptible smile grew as she thought of the three couples who would soon reappear, their faces aglow with the passions sated within her botanical sanctuary. With the certainty born of generations of Trevelver intuition, she knew that her conservatory had played no small part in creating the evening's most intimate memories.

"Some champagne cocktails with my invigorating herbal infusion, I think", she murmured to Huw, her tone rich with satisfaction. "I daresay such refreshment will be appreciated when our wandering guests return."

As the string quartet struck up a lively gavotte, Lady Trevelver allowed herself a moment of private triumph. Once again, the Trevelver Annual Christmas Ball was weaving its magic—both in the resplendent Great Hall and in the Castle's elegant moonlit bower. She raised her wine glass in a silent toast to love, nature, and the timeless power of a scented tropical garden at night.
General Discussion / Re: Sad News
Last post by Bealman - July 24, 2024, 12:43:56 AM
Yep, he had a big influence on an adolescent Bealman's musical tastes. RIP
General Discussion / Sad News
Last post by Malc - July 24, 2024, 12:14:08 AM
It has been announced by his family that John Mayall passed away peacefully at home. The first live band I ever saw was the Bluesbreakers in 1968, been a fan ever since.
N Gauge Discussion / Re: New Bachmann (Farish?) Ann...
Last post by Roy L S - July 23, 2024, 11:17:11 PM
Quote from: mojo on July 23, 2024, 06:39:52 PMHaving watched the video again, I just had to check my version 1 models (3) to see how much the cab/tender movement was. Did not seem to swing apart anywhere near as much as this new version even through a reverse switch.
Also mentioned was the addition of traction tyres for owners to fit if required.
Unless it is tender powered, which did not come through on the video, I would not think the average buyer would want to fiddle with dismantling the conn rod bolts in order to fit tyres.

I have not been near my layout for 3 to 4 months due to gardening, domestic jobs and golf. The latter very badly!
I must say I was very thrilled to find that all locos "tested" performed very well.
I will have to ditch the golf and do more "testing", bound to get more enjoyment!

Maurice C.

The new V2 is most definitely loco drive, as to cab tender swing personally I can't think of a reason why they would be hugely different if they are both pretty accurate dimensionally as appears to be the case.

On the subject of traction tyres I have been advised that the locos will actually be delivered with the tyred wheelset fitted and the plain ones will be in the accessory pack.

N Gauge Discussion / Re: Farish 08 sounds lost
Last post by ntpntpntp - July 23, 2024, 10:20:25 PM
Some sound decoders do have a "sound off" or "mute" function, you'll need to look up the specifications for whatever decoder is fitted?
N Gauge Discussion / Farish 08 sounds lost
Last post by Si.T - July 23, 2024, 10:08:08 PM
Greetings all,

I'm seeking help to try and restore the sound to a Farish Bachmann sound fitted 08 belonging to a friend.

Previously I've adjusted the pickups and had it running beautifully with all the sounds functioning.

My friend has asked me to check it again as the sounds have disappeared, I have cleaned all the wheels and adjusted the pickups and have it running well both under DC and DCC but the loco remains silent.

Under DCC the loco responds to the F2 brake function but to none of the sound functions, we both have limited DCC knowledge so are not really sure what to do next.

Is it possible my friend has unwittingly switched off the sound functions?

Is it that the speaker has been blown?

Or have the sounds been wiped from the chip?

Any suggestions/advice gratefully received.


N Gauge Discussion / Re: New Bachmann (Farish?) Ann...
Last post by Richard Taylor - July 23, 2024, 09:52:28 PM
Any chance the thread title could now be changed to reflect that it's a discussion about the forthcoming new V2, and not a discussion about an announcement?
N Gauge Discussion / Re: newbie questions about dap...
Last post by Newportnobby - July 23, 2024, 09:23:12 PM
Quote from: Davidgjsc on July 23, 2024, 06:23:24 PMThank you, Newportnobby, for mentioning the SE&CR!

The C-Class Wainwright is a beautiful locomotive and it´s good to hear that there will be coaches and waggons available. I would really like to get one C Class locomotive. Unfortunately I didn´t find any website where it´s still available. Can you recomend one?

The loco reference you need is 372-775 but, as has been said, very difficult to find.
The coach reference is 374-910 and these are available. For instance, Kernow have some at a decent price

Rapido are doing packs of SECR wagons and these are due, according to them, in Qt3 this year

Buying from larger retailers will reduce the price by some 15% and Rapido have sold out of the SECR versions anyway
General Discussion / Re: Sir Kenneth Grange
Last post by RailGooner - July 23, 2024, 07:05:53 PM
The last great loco designer. RIP
N Gauge Discussion / Re: newbie questions about dap...
Last post by thebrighton - July 23, 2024, 07:05:00 PM
Quote from: Davidgjsc on July 23, 2024, 06:23:24 PMThe C-Class Wainwright is a beautiful locomotive and it´s good to hear that there will be coaches and waggons available. I would really like to get one C Class locomotive. Unfortunately I didn´t find any website where it´s still available. Can you recomend one?

You may well have to look for second hand as it's been a few years since they were released and I've not heard of another run yet. Of course if you like assembling things you can buy C Class spars from Bachmann. It'll cost a bit more probably but you can build a complete loco with the spares:

Quote from: Davidgjsc on July 23, 2024, 06:23:24 PMIt´s very unfortunate that shapeways doesn´t exist anymore. However, their website is still online. Is the product on the link below the one you mentioned, the brighton?
I´m considering, if it´s possible for me to scratch build this design with balsa wood and add the 6 wheel chassis from the n gauge society.

That was one of Simon's offerings but that's a L&Y coach  :)
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