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General Discussion / Re: An Eventful Christmas at T...
Last post by Chris in Prague - July 24, 2024, 04:09:50 PM
Casting a quick look at her Rolex Oysterdate wristwatch, Sylvia realised it was nearly time for the couples to rejoin the festivities in the Great Hall. Ever the gracious hostess, she gently cleared her throat before addressing her friends concealed within the conservatory's lush tropical foliage.

"My dears", she began, her cultured voice carrying a hint of regret as it carried through the verdant paradise, "I fear we must soon make our reappearance. But after we've made ourselves presentable, perhaps we ought, first, to visit the cloakrooms en route? One can't return to a grand ball looking as though one's been... gallivanting in a hothouse."

Her suggestion was met with knowing chuckles and murmurs of agreement, punctuated by the rustle of fabric as, with regretful sighs, the friends began to gather their discarded garments.

"Capital idea, Sylvia", Jeremy concurred, fumbling slightly with his wayward bow tie. "I daresay we could all use a moment to... regain our composure."

Eli's tinkling laugh floated through the air. "Oh, Giles, darling, you look as though you've been wrestling with a particularly amorous fern."

Once the couples had reluctantly finished dressing, assisting each other with the intricate buttons, fastenings, and ties, they began their journey along the serpentine paths of the conservatory. The echo of their steps resonated from the marble floor.

Upon Jeremy unlocking the door, Amanda let out a wistful sigh as they stepped out of the hothouse. "I do believe I shall never look at a conservatory in quite the same way again", she whispered. Her remark was met with Andy's hearty chuckle and Eli's lively giggle.

The change to the Castle's cooler, statelier atmosphere was striking as the six friends left their secluded tropical paradise. It was like crossing from one realm into another as they traversed the crimson-carpeted hallway to the resplendent cloakrooms adjoining the Great Hall. Each was lost in thoughts of the unforgettable experiences they were leaving behind, while looking forward to their return to the ball.
General Discussion / Re: Sad News
Last post by Moonglum - July 24, 2024, 03:05:04 PM
So sad - so here is reminder of the man featuring the late Gary Moore from 2008...


N Gauge Discussion / Polythene Wrappers
Last post by Menders - July 24, 2024, 02:43:59 PM
Nothing to do with possible music genres.

Does anyone know what the slightly rubbery polythene is that the likes of Dapol and Grafar use to wrap their models in the jewel boxes? If so, anyone know where it can be sourced?

I use foam lined cases to store and carry my models and very occasionally some delicate item gets snagged in the foam when removing them.

Thank you,
N Gauge Discussion / Re: New Farish V2 Model
Last post by eddief83 - July 24, 2024, 01:08:27 PM
Quote from: Richard Taylor on July 23, 2024, 09:52:28 PMAny chance the thread title could now be changed to reflect that it's a discussion about the forthcoming new V2, and not a discussion about an announcement?

Sorted  :)
N Gauge Discussion / Re: Varnishing questions
Last post by ntpntpntp - July 24, 2024, 12:27:46 PM
What method of weathering - airbrushed paint and washes, or weathering powders?

Personally I prefer weathering powders over the top of the factory finish, and I don't varnish over the top in case I wish to remove or re-work the weathering at a later date.
N Gauge Discussion / Re: Varnishing questions
Last post by luigiht_rail - July 24, 2024, 12:13:33 PM
I'm sure more expert team members will provide you with better insights, but based on my experience with applying decals and weathering, I always spray over a clear coat of Tamiya Spray TS-80 - Flat Clear, to make sure it's protected and looks "even" when taking photos with the rest of my rolling stock.

This is the product I use: Tamiya 100ml Spray TS-80 - Flat Clear
N Gauge Discussion / Varnishing questions
Last post by Grassyfield - July 24, 2024, 11:43:08 AM
Do you know if it is important to varnish first before weathering, or is it fine to weathering over how it is since locos come with a varnish over them of some sort in the first place when you get it brand new. Or what do you all usually do?. Also do you know what kind of brand varnish to use? or recommend.

Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: Sad News
Last post by Newportnobby - July 24, 2024, 11:21:35 AM
Heard it on the news this morning :(
His 'Bluesbreakers' was the breeding ground for so many greats of the music I love.
A very influential man who will be sorely missed.
Forum Ideas and Problems. / Re: Spammer
Last post by Tank - July 24, 2024, 09:34:18 AM
A handful more in the last 24 hours.  I've changed one of the security questions for new registrations, so hopefully that will put off any new accounts by the spammers for a while.   :-\
N Gauge Discussion / Re: New Bachmann Farish V2
Last post by woodbury22uk - July 24, 2024, 07:50:41 AM
Quote from: Richard Taylor on July 23, 2024, 09:52:28 PMAny chance the thread title could now be changed to reflect that it's a discussion about the forthcoming new V2, and not a discussion about an announcement?

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