An Eventful Christmas at Trevelver Castle

Started by Chris in Prague, December 28, 2023, 08:50:31 AM

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Chris in Prague

"It's not just me, Jeremy. Before Eli moved in, Susan came over from her nearby London home at 76 Totter's Lane and installed a hidden host of next-century security devices ranging from access controls and surveillance cameras to advanced alarm systems. As a thank you, Eli painted murals in Susan's hidden apartment in Foreman's Yard. These masterpieces range from abstract art to picturesque landscapes, transforming Susan's home, known only to a select few, into a private art gallery. Eli and Susan, both feeling like outsiders, found a deep connection with each other. Thus, their friendship, rooted in mutual respect and understanding, began."

"Yes, I can see that link between them."

"Unlocking and opening the heavy steel door, its groans echo through the stairwell. Stepping across the threshold feels like crossing into another dimension. The walls bear layers of history—a patchwork of cream, pale blue, and subtle hints of ochre. Eli sees these colours as more than mere pigments; they seep into her canvases, infusing her art with the essence of her surroundings.

"On the right, large, north-facing windows reach from floor to ceiling, allowing soft, diffused light to spill onto the weathered wooden floor. The slightly warped glass adds character to the studio. Faded crimson velvet curtains hang at either end of the long row of windows, ready to be drawn when its occupant needs shade.

"Eli's attic studio is a long, sunlit space. It's more than just a painter's atelier; Eli has made it an intimate sanctuary where art and life intertwine. The windows lining the wall bathe her easel in natural light. Opposite, just inside the entrance, is where Eli sheds her business attire, freeing the artist within. A wooden table holds a vase of wildflowers, their petals stretching towards the sunlight. Her handbag, hat, and gloves rest here.

"Beside it is an old wooden stand—its hooks, polished smooth from years of use, hold her discarded coats and scarves. Next to it, stands a wardrobe. Its paint chipped, its hinges creaking, it proudly houses Eli's tailormade artist's smock. Splatters of colour adorn the fabric—a testament to countless strokes of inspiration. Her business clothes removed, Eli flings open the wardrobe doors, dons her smock, and is transformed. The room holds its breath, awaiting the birth of her latest creation."

"What's her smock like, Giles?"

"Eli's smock is made from a durable yet comfortable cotton material that allows her to move freely. The colour is a soft, neutral hue designed not to detract from her work. It has multiple pockets, each designed to hold a specific tool, be it brushes or palette knives. The sleeves are long and loose, providing protection for her arms without hindering her movements. The smock extends to about mid-thigh, offering ample coverage against paint splatters while she's working. It bears the vibrant splatters of dried paint, each spot a memory of a past project.

"How did she find a tailor who understood her needs?"

"Well, Jeremy, she did the rounds of local tailoring shops and discussed her needs in person. This also gave her a chance to see their work firsthand. Once she found a tailor who could meet her needs, Eli worked on building a good relationship with them. She told me that regular communication and feedback were key to making sure the smock was made just how she wanted it."

"I see. But back to Eli, in her smock, ready to work her magic!"

"In front of the windows, her sturdy, well-worn wooden easel stands proudly, its legs slightly uneven. Beyond it, the ever-changing London sky spreads. To one side, another old wooden table stands, cluttered with tubes of oil paint, glass jars, and half-empty coffee cups. Eli's favourite tea mug, chipped but beloved, rests there, too.

"The jars hold her cherished collection of sable paintbrushes, ready to bridge the gap between inspiration and creation. More jars of meticulously cleaned brushes, precise and poised, line the windowsill awaiting their next artistic journey. Eli's movements mirror the dance of light upon the aged wooden floor, capturing the essence of fleeting moments. As Eli's brush dances across the canvas, each stroke weaves its spell. The world outside dims as her stories come to life, stroke by stroke.

"Across from the table, a three-legged stool crafted from weathered oak stands. Its sturdy yet slightly uneven legs bear testament to its faithful service. That's where I perch silently."

Chris in Prague

"Further along, there's Eli's beloved Dansette Tempo record player perched atop a wooden crate, waiting for the needle's touch. Rows of vinyl records line the shelves along the left-hand wall behind. Vibrant jazz legends, melancholic torch songs, romantic ballads, catchy pop anthems, and classical symphonies that soar—all are captured within their grooves. Each album carries a piece of someone's soul, Eli says. Her slim, paint-speckled fingers trace the spines, choosing a record with the care of an alchemist meticulously crafting a potent elixir, then reverently removes it, its cover adorned with psychedelic swirls, and places it on the turntable. I wait with anticipation as the needle descends and music bursts forth from a magnificent pair of state-of-the-art speakers connected to the best amplifier that money can buy. As the turntable spins tales of love, rebellion, and moonlit escapades, I close my eyes, transported, and time dissolves.

"The centre of the room is covered by a threadbare Persian rug, its intricate patterns softened by time. Eli often sits here, cross-legged, lost in thought. Behind the rug, wooden shelves sag under the weight of well-thumbed books, their pages bearing dog-eared corners. Here are our favourites describing the adventures of curious rabbits and the magic hidden in ordinary things. Should she ever be lost for inspiration, she picks up a book and opens it. Words spill forth, painting pictures in Eli's mind, bridging reality and imagination.

"Adjacent to Eli's work area, a comfortable seating area provides a place for relaxation and contemplation. Here, she can step back from her work, sip a cup of tea, and view her creations from a distance. Adjacent to the bookshelves, another old wooden table shares space with a time-worn leather sofa. Once a vibrant chestnut brown, the sofa now bears the faded patina of time. Its cushions softened and sagging, beckon invitingly. The arms, burnished from years of use, are silent keepers of countless conversations and quiet reflections.

"Eli's studio is a veritable sanctuary of creativity, equipped with a variety of amenities designed to support her artistic process. As I've described, it boasts an expansive workspace, complete with a large, sturdy easel and a plethora of art supplies. From a rainbow array of paints to a diverse selection of brushes, Eli has everything she needs to bring her visions to life.

In the far corner stand a pair of camp beds. The studio also features a compact kitchen area with a large oblong white sink on metal legs, a two-ring electric hotplate, a small fridge, and a coffee maker. This allows Eli to prepare simple meals and refreshments without having to leave her creative haven. Above the hotplates, an old metal kettle sits on a shelf with a selection of metal tea tins, ready to help brew a warming mug of her favourite tea during her breaks.

"Quotes from fellow artists—Bacon, Hepworth, and Hockney—adorn the wall above the sink where she can review them while her kettle boils. Their words, like brushstrokes, weave a tapestry of creative inspiration around her. Eli belongs to this discipline, a thread in the fabric of artistic expression.

"Eli, with her characteristic simplicity and elegance, has had installed a shower in the far left-hand corner of her attic studio. A matching set of white porcelain fixtures, including a sink, WC, and bidet, lend an air of understated sophistication to the space. The area is defined by two walls, resplendent in their white tiled glory, meeting at a right angle. The floor, also adorned with white tiles, features a simple grill-covered drain, a practical solution for water disposal.

"The shower head, a marvel of modern engineering, is a sleek, chrome-plated fixture. It boasts multiple settings, allowing for a range of experiences from gentle rainfall to a more vigorous jet stream, catering to Eli's preferences at any given moment.

"Adjacent to the shower, a compact, wall-mounted electric water heater is installed. This unobtrusive device, encased in polished stainless steel, is the epitome of efficiency. It ensures a constant flow of water at a steady temperature, providing an uninterrupted, comfortable shower experience. The heater's advanced thermostatic control maintains the water temperature, preventing any sudden changes that could mar the tranquillity of Eli's shower.

"Together, the shower head and the water heater create a harmonious blend of functionality and comfort, mirroring the balance that Eli seeks in her art and her life. They stand as a silent testament to the thoughtfulness that has gone into every aspect of her studio, each element carefully chosen to support and inspire her creative process.

"A wrap-around translucent nylon curtain, suspended from stainless steel rails affixed to the ceiling, provides a modicum of privacy. This unassuming curtain, when drawn, encloses the space, transforming it into a private sanctuary where Eli can refresh herself after hours of intense creativity.

"Above the sink, an oblong mirror is affixed. Its reflective surface captures the studio's unique interplay of light and shadow, adding depth to the space. It stands as a silent observer, reflecting Eli's transformations as she moves between the realms of the mundane and the extraordinary.

"Indeed, the entire setup is as much a testament to Eli's practicality as it is a reflection of her aesthetic sensibilities. It is a space of cleansing and renewal, mirroring the constant cycle of creation and recreation that defines her artistic journey."

"Ah, Giles, your description of Eli's studio is positively captivating! It's as if I can see it before my very eyes. The thoughtfulness of the design, the practicality of the amenities, and the sheer dedication to the craft—it's all rather inspiring. It seems Eli has created not just a workspace but a sanctuary for her art. Quite remarkable, I must say!"

"Next to the sofa, the old table hosts the finest wines I dispatch from Chelsea—each bottle a story waiting to be uncorked. A pair of the finest crystal glasses stand at the ready. When Eli announces that her painting is over for that evening, she showers then wraps a warm dressing gown around her before, with a sigh, she sinks into the time-worn leather sofa's embrace, with, this time of year, a thick blanket pulled around us. The leather emanates a scent of history—a blend of old books, spilt wine, and shared secrets. Cradled between its worn arms, we unwind as we sit and discuss art, life, and dreams.

"The room warms to our laughter, and the record player spins on. There, bathed in the warm glow of lamplight, we clink our wine glasses—a toast to creativity, to the symphony of memories woven into every shared moment. This attic is more than just a studio; it's a reflection of Eli's artistic journey."

Chris in Prague

"But, Giles, talking of Eli's artistic journey. You've missed the most important detail", Jeremy grins. "I mean Eli, the artist at work, painting."

"She stands before her easel. On it, the canvas, its blankness", Giles whispered, leaning forward over his almost empty pint glass, "waits for her magic. And then, with the grace of a comet's tail, she dips her brush into cerulean blue. The stroke unfurls, a celestial dance across the white space. But that is just the beginning", he continued, eyes alight. "Crimson follows—a passionate echo. And then gold, like sunlight breaking through storm clouds. Whispers of forgotten dreams emerge, woven into each stroke."

Jeremy leaned closer, caught in the spell of Giles's words. "And what is she creating?"

Giles smiled, revealing a secret shared between kindred souls. "A masterpiece", he replied, "a symphony of colour—a reflection of Eli's bold and confident spirit."

"Sounds wonderful, Giles. You've painted quite a picture yourself!"

"Thanks, Jeremy. Eli certainly inspires me! And as you know, she is as pretty as... a picture, herself!"

The two friends laugh, totally at ease.

"So, Giles, tell me more. We have time before we meet Sylvie and Eli for dinner. Afterwards, Sylvie will want to know all the details!"

Chris in Prague

"Jeremy, my dear chap, you're well aware of how Eli marvellously blends business acumen with artistic flair. Each morning, the outfit she carefully selects serves not only to project the image she desires but also to demonstrate her inventive spirit. It's a statement of her determination to face the day with elegance, wouldn't you say?"

"Indeed, she most assuredly does, Giles. She is a young lady of considerable resolve. But do continue, old chap..."

"On those evenings, when she has the time to go to her studio, we travel together from Chelsea. I then become her silent companion, tucked away in a corner of her creative sanctuary. Even though I've witnessed the transformation before, it never ceases to amaze me, Jeremy; she takes off her finest business attire, casting off conventionality, and dives into a whirl of creativity."

"Ah, the true artist in her element! As you've so succinctly explained."

"Indeed, Jeremy. That very morning, I had the privilege of observing Eli as she stepped into the grey embrace of London's fog. Illuminated objects were scarcely discernible beyond a distance of 50 feet. The fog clung to her, shrouding her exquisite silhouette in mystery."

"A woman of mystery; rather appropriate, Giles, don't you think?" Jeremy winks. "I am quite certain that, as per usual, she was impeccably attired in the height of fashion."

"Eli's sartorial choices, my dear Jeremy, are not merely about appearing attractive. They are a tribute to the ever-changing times and the splendid woman she is blossoming into. It's a fusion of refinement and creativity, a harmonious blend of the latest fashion trends with a dash of creative defiance. Quite a remarkable testament to her character, wouldn't you say?"

"Nicely put, Giles. I believe it's my round again." Jeremy catches Maggie's eye. With a subtle nod and a raised eyebrow, he signals her to pour two more pints. Maggie, deftly working the handpumps, fills two fresh glasses with frothy ale, which Jeremy collects after thanking her.

"We still have time before we need to be at 'Simpson's In The Strand'", announced Jeremy returning with their pints. "I've booked our table for 8:30 p.m. Given Sylvie and Eli's childhood, when they developed a fondness for traditional seafood dishes, as well as a variety of meats and seasonal game, one can safely assume they would find the culinary experience most agreeable, Giles."

"Well, Jeremy, it's rather uncertain whether Eli enjoyed the pleasures of game in Brittany, or indeed, if she ate much meat at all, given her family's modest means... However, one must concur that 'Simpson's' is an excellent choice for an authentic British culinary evening. Now, let us raise our glasses in honour of the fairer sex and anticipate a splendid evening ahead!"


An excellent story that continues to entertain Chris. I think one of the things that make the reading more pleasureable is the use of correct grammar and also the extremely rare spelling errors.  You obviously put a lot of thought, not only into the storyline, but also the presentation. :thumbsup:
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

Chris in Prague

Quote from: dannyboy on April 11, 2024, 09:07:01 AMAn excellent story that continues to entertain Chris. I think one of the things that make the reading more pleasureable is the use of correct grammar and also the extremely rare spelling errors.  You obviously put a lot of thought, not only into the storyline, but also the presentation. :thumbsup:

Thank you, David. I am glad that you (and others, some anonymous) are enjoying it. It's my way of relaxing. I do check the grammar and spelling, and I hope there are no spelling errors. Please do point out any that you catch. I've read a lot about 1960s London and, thanks to my marketing students -- and not only the female ones -- have become far more knowledgeable about fashion and fashion designers in recent years. I've just watched the TV series 'The New Look', available for streaming on Apple TV+. (You can watch the series online for free with a seven-day trial to Apple TV+.) The series follows the rise of French haute couture post-World War II in Paris and features Christian Dior, Coco Chanel, Pierre Balmain, and Cristóbal Balenciaga. It also covers the Nazi occupation of France.

Chris in Prague

"Cheers! So, you desire further elaboration... On that day, Eli decided on a deep emerald green as her signature colour, projecting sophistication and confidence. It was a subtle nod to Eli's rebellious spirit—the very same spirit that has led her to boldly have her hair cut into an iconic bob. So, after taking the East London line from Chelsea to East London, we strolled together, our arms linked, through the foggy streets. Eli's vibrant emerald green caught the refracted light, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who happened to cross our path."

"I can well imagine, Giles."

"So, imagine Eli confidently striding along, wrapped in a knee-length grey duster coat. This stunning creation by Coco Chanel is a true testament to the designer's keen eye for detail. The coat's tailored silhouette gracefully emphasised her waist, while the contrasting edges—navy blue against dove grey—add an air of subtle elegance. With Eli, it's not just about looks; this coat is practical too, designed to keep her warm while maintaining her impeccable style."

"I can see that our training to observe and remember every detail has paid off, Giles! Not that with Eli, that is at all difficult!"

"Agreed, Jeremy", smiled his friend. "However, as soon as the front door clicked firmly shut behind us, Eli shed her smart business wear like a second skin. The transformation takes place... First, she sets down her beloved handbag, the Sac à dépêches by Hermès, on the table just inside the entrance. Crafted with care, this structured bag boasts elegant black box calf leather. Its trapezium shape perches vertically on four sturdy studs at the base. Two straps secure its closure, while the bottom reveals three layers of supple leather. The yellow gold studs and clasps give a touch of opulence.

"A truly splendid creation indeed!"

"Within its clean lines, it holds Eli's essentials: luxurious leather wallet, matching leather-bound diary with pen, and matching business card holder with her cards; a bunch of keys on her custom-designed key ring; Revlon lipstick; Volupte powder compact with mirror; miniature manicure set; hair clip; her cherished sketchbook and pencil; and her signature perfumes. For daytime allure, she wears 'Bal À Versailles' by Jean Desprez—a rich perfume with floral notes, woods, civet, and amber. As evening descends, she envelops herself in the enchanting scent of 'Soir de Paris' by Bourjois, a floral fragrance with delicate notes of lily of the valley, rose, jasmine, heliotrope, and iris—a blend that exudes both femininity and strength."

"My, Giles, despite Eli's trenchant opinions of Paris, her favourite perfumes certainly reference Versailles and Paris!"

"That's Eli! Next, she gracefully removes the deep emerald green Christian Dior cloche hat that elegantly frames her freckled face. The woollen fabric, adorned with subtle gold embroidery, shields her from the damp and cold. A simple silk ribbon ties under her chin, adding a touch of sophistication. And there, at the hat's base, a tan leather band provides, Eli told me, warmth and grounding. But it's the contrasting peacock blue silk lining inside the crown that, she states, whispers of mystery and intrigue."

Jeremy chuckled heartily. "You're waxing poetical this evening, my friend! It must be Eli's influence. And these days, your knowledge of fashion labels is in danger of eclipsing your knowledge of wine bottle labels!"

Giles laughs before continuing. "As the hat is lifted, Eli's red hair is revealed, a freshly cut short bob, courtesy of Vidal Sassoon. This rebellious choice defies the prim and proper norms of the past. Her hair is sleek, sophisticated, and practical—a true reflection of Eli's modern sensibilities, don't you agree, old chap?"

"Certainly, Giles. But, please, do continue."

Chris in Prague

"As Eli gracefully sheds her duster coat, a captivating emerald green sheath dress emerges. Its tailored silhouette subtly accentuates her waist, while the fabric delicately clings to her amazing curves, evoking sophistication without excess. Eli explains that, designed by Hubert de Givenchy, it epitomises timeless elegance and impeccable tailoring—hallmarks of Givenchy's aesthetic."

"Despite Eli's well-known opinions about the French, she certainly favours French designers, right?"

"Yes, so it certainly seems, Jeremy. However, the intricate brooch adorning Eli's dress is a vintage piece by the Italian designer Elsa Schiaparelli. Known for her whimsical designs, it adds a touch of playfulness to Eli's outfit. Eli wears it as a talisman, a reminder, she says, of the love she has found in the labyrinth of London streets."

"However, if I remember correctly what Monique told us, Schiaparelli founded her eponymous fashion house in Paris. Now, what love was Eli referring to, I wonder?" Jeremy's eyebrows arch.

"She won't say, Jeremy", smiles Giles.

"I can picture it all, Giles."

"Next, she carefully removes her elbow-length gloves, supple and warm, crafted from fine leather by Gucci. They are also emerald green, matching her hat and dress. The supple leather and fine stitching ensure both style and comfort. They protect her hands from the cold, allowing her to sign contracts and create art easily."

"Around her neck, she wears a string of perfectly matched cultivated pearls. This classic design, crafted by Trifari, exudes sophistication. Nestled against her collarbone, each pearl is a tribute to Eli's innate elegance."

"Indeed, Giles. Cheers!"

"She removes the necklace and places it on the table. Eli's black stockings cling to her legs, echoing the hue of her shoes—a subtle detail that only she truly appreciates. For Eli, genuine style resides in the unspoken, the hidden. She takes off her practical yet chic black leather shoes, crafted by Salvatore Ferragamo, boasting an iconic bow detail on the toe, infusing them with a touch of Italian flair. These comfortable flat loafers have soles worn from countless pavement miles, a testament to Eli's commitment to comfort and fashion. She replaces them with an older, paint-specked pair. As you well know, my friend, Eli refuses to make concessions; for her, style is non-negotiable."

"A determined elegant young lady, indeed, Giles! It's your round!"

Chris in Prague

Two fresh pints of Young's 'Bitter' set down in front of them, Giles continues.

"On her right wrist is a single strand of pearls—a creation by Les Bernard. These cultured pearls, luminous and delicate, weave timeless elegance into her ensemble. As she places them on the table, she tells me that she wonders if pearls hold memories—the laughter of parties, the hush of secrets shared in dimly lit jazz clubs."

"Well, Giles, if they do hold memories, let's all be very thankful that they cannot speak!" laughed Jeremy. "Cheers!"

"After unbuttoning her knee-length duster coat and hanging it up, she then carefully unzips her slimline sheath dress, letting it slip elegantly from her splendid body. Carefully, she steps out of the dress, ensuring not to trip, leaving it in pristine condition. Now dressed only in her matching undergarments, she also hangs up the slender dress in the old wooden wardrobe. Meanwhile, I pretend to be studying my glass of particularly fine French red wine, but I cannot resist stealing occasional glances at her, the delicate lace of her lingerie tenderly hugging her curvaceous form."

"Ah, Monique's influence", Jeremy nods as he whispers. "Every one of the 'Girls' is so attired after one of their Parisian jaunts", he continues, his sea-green eyes twinkling. "I recall the story well! Monique, who graces the catwalks for Maison Lejaby, a name synonymous with elegance and femininity in such matters, had negotiated a rather splendid arrangement with the proprietor. Monique had secured, at a most reasonable rate, new ensembles of the most exquisite silk and lace undergarments for all the 'Chelsea Girls'. Each set was meticulously selected to complement the hair hue and complexion of its recipient."

"Ah, how splendid! The ladies are indeed fortunate, Jeremy. The meticulous selection of these exquisite silk and lace ensembles, each tailored to enhance the natural beauty of its wearer, is a true testament to the Maison. And to secure such finery at a most reasonable rate, well, that's simply remarkable. A job well done, I must say."

"However, Giles, when Suzi Williams voiced her discontent about the expenditure, Monique made a rather surprising revelation. Namely, she had, in fact, disposed of all their previous lingerie! Quite the shock, I dare say. But such is Monique's audacity, resolute in her determination that the 'Chelsea Girls' are always at the pinnacle of fashion and elegance! Perhaps Suzi will pen a protest poem?" he laughs. But back to Eli!"

"Yes, Jeremy, underneath her professional outfit, Eli does indeed wear sets of exquisite Maison Lejaby lingerie. Crafted from a luxurious blend of silk and lace, they seamlessly marry comfort and style. The deep red colour she had selected to wear radiates warmth and passion, reflecting Eli's bold and confident personality. It is the perfect choice against the cold, grey December outside."

"Indeed, Giles", Jeremy takes a long draft of bitter ale.

"Her bra, a sophisticated full-coverage design with underwire support, perfectly sculpts her silhouette. Delicate cups feature a scalloped lace overlay, a subtle nod to her femininity beneath her business outfit. At the centre gore, a dainty bow adds an extra touch of elegance. Adjustable straps and a convenient hook-and-eye closure ensure a perfect fit and effortless dressing."

"Ah, 'a convenient hook-and-eye' — there speaks the voice of practical experience, I think!" laughed Jeremy, clapping his friend on his shoulder.

"A gentleman never speaks of such matters, Jeremy!" admonished Giles with a broad grin before continuing lovingly. "The matching high-waisted panties ensure a seamless line under her professional attire. Matching delicate lace detailing adorns the edges, adding allure to the set. Her lingerie is a perfect blend of comfort, style, and sophistication—impeccably complementing her image of a fashionable and successful young businesswoman."

Chris in Prague

"A fashionable and successful young businesswoman, indeed. Eli truly is quite remarkable, I must say!"

"She most definitely is" Giles sighs and takes a long drink of his beer. "You know, old friend, for the briefest moment, Eli's gaze met mine—a secret shared. Her cornflower blue eyes were filled with fire and purpose. The delicate fabric accentuated the gentle arch of her back and the curve of her hips, enhancing the swell of her bust as it was cradled within the silk and lace. Then, swiftly, she turned away, reaching for the old wardrobe. The hinges creaked as she pulled out the paint-splashed smock within—the battle-worn armour of an artist. Its pockets held brushes, paint stains, and an open packet of 'Opal Fruits', along with memories of past creations.

Jeremy leaned over. "She's a chameleon, that one", he murmured. "From boardroom to studio, from boudoir to business battlefield."

Giles nodded as he leaned in, his voice hushed reverence as he recounted the memorable moment to Jeremy:

"Indeed, Jeremy", he began. "But back to Eli in her studio. Next, wearing only her deep red silk and lace bra and panties, and her black silk stockings, she slips into the artist's smock—the fabric embracing her like an old friend. Eli exudes a magnetic allure, her figure highlighted by the stockings that hug her slender legs, creating a tantalising contrast against her smock. Its sleeves, wide and generous, swallow her delicate wrists, the cool, smooth fabric contrasting with the gentle caress of the silk and lace against her bare skin, sending shivers of anticipation through her body. But it is her sparkling blue eyes that hold me—their fire, their unwavering purpose. Filled with desire and determination, they spoke volumes, drawing me in and leaving me captivated by her sensual and confident presence."

"I can well imagine, old chap", swallowed Jeremy. "What's Eli working on now, Giles, if I may ask?"

"Perched upon the easel, a half-finished canvas reveals a portrait of a mysterious full-figured female with blue-green eyes that cradle secrets. Adorned in emerald attire, she sports a regal crown atop her cascading raven tresses, signifying her sovereignty over terra firma, the briny deep, and the celestial expanse. This is no ordinary diadem of gold and gemstones, but rather a grandiose assembly of earthly elements."

"Sounds fascinating, Giles. Do continue."


Quote from: Chris in Prague on April 13, 2024, 06:22:56 AMthe cool, smooth fabric contrasting with the gentle caress of the silk and lace against her bare skin, sending shivers of anticipation through her body

her body. Think I need a Guinness from the fridge!  :)
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

Chris in Prague

"It is indeed a fascinating piece, Jeremy", sighed Giles. "In my modest and untutored opinion, it is Eli's most splendid creation thus far. I'm utterly astounded by her remarkable abilities. The figure's gown seems to be crafted from the most exquisite filaments of emerald silk, each strand glistening with a celestial luminescence. The material cascades over her magnificent form like a tumbling waterfall, its surface undulating. The elaborate designs on the fabric reflect the intricacy of the natural world, with each thread interlacing to form a tapestry of awe-inspiring splendour.

"For the gown, in all its radiant magnificence, is not simply a piece of clothing. It is a symbol of her bond with the earth, a manifestation of her sovereignty over it. It is a testament to her regality, her fortitude, and her nurturing essence. It is, at its very core, a reflection of her soul.

"Her crown is crafted from a woven tapestry of twisted twigs and vines, transformed into exquisite designs, embodying the wild and untamed side of nature. It is adorned with vibrant green leaves from the most magnificent trees, symbolising her kinship with all plant life. Nestled amongst the leaves are flowers blooming in a rainbow of colours, representing the planet's biodiversity and the splendour of its flora.

"Nestled within the foliage are precious stones—not cut and polished in the manner of conventional jewels, but in their raw, natural form. There's the deep blue of sapphire for the oceans, the incandescent crimson of ruby for the earth's core, the clear radiance of quartz for the purity of the air, and the vibrant green of emeralds, symbolising the lushness of the earth's vegetation and the figure's nurturing spirit. Each jewel in the diadem represents a distinct facet of her dominion.

"There's also a sprinkling of grains of fine sand from the globe's deserts, an acknowledgement of the earth's arid regions. Lastly, augmenting the diadem's grandeur are feathers from various birds, symbolising her sovereignty over the heavens.

"This crown, in all its natural splendour, is a symbol of her sovereignty over all life, her nurturing spirit, and her pivotal role in the earth's ceaseless cycle of growth and renewal. It's not merely a crown—it's a celebration of the earth itself.

"Her aura radiates sagacity as if she harbours the enigmas of creation. Her figure blends seamlessly with the landscape, emphasising her intimate connection to the earth.

"Her bounteous bosom, ample abdomen and broad hips suggest the existence she nurtures—lush forests, majestic mountains, and mighty rivers that flourish under her watchful gaze. She is encircled by flora and the quartet of seasons, the Horae—the Hours in Hellenic mythology—embodying the seasons and the natural divisions of time, signifying her sovereignty over the changing seasons. She stands at the heart of creation, her form both ancient and eternal. She is the pulse of the Earth, murmuring secrets to those, like Eli, who lend an ear. Eli's layers of oil paint, from cobalt blue to emerald green, burnt sienna and raw umber, interweave depth and texture, blending harmoniously, infusing vitality into the painting."

Chris in Prague

"What do you find most striking in Eli's painting, Giles?"

"Above all, her depiction of light, Jeremy. Eli is truly gifted in the way she paints how the light interacts with the figure's features in a highly realistic fashion. The light dances upon the figure's countenance, casting a gentle radiance that accentuates her pronounced cheekbones and the delicate curve of her nose. It shimmers in her cerulean-green eyes, making them appear as if they hold within the very essence of life itself. They twinkle with an inner luminescence, reflecting a depth of comprehension that surpasses the usual. It glides over her lips, highlighting their natural curve and giving them a soft, welcoming appearance. Her subtle smile seems to hint at secret amusement, as if she finds the world's absurdities comical yet chooses to remain silent. The overall expression on her face is one of benevolent authority, a silent testament to her dominion over the earth and its constituents. It's an expression that commands respect, yet also radiates warmth and affability. It's a face that tells of an eternal bond with the earth, a chronicle of nurturing and growth, of cycles and seasons, of life in all its diverse forms."

"Indeed, quite fascinating, Giles. I eagerly anticipate the moment when Eli displays it."

"It will be well worth the wait, old chap. The light also plays upon the figure's crown, making the various elements sparkle and shine, further emphasising her majestic bearing and her profound connection with the earth. The interplay of light and shadow on her magnificent form serves to underline her celestial beauty and the power she wields as the embodiment of the earth. It's truly a sight to see, a testament to the prowess of the painter and the grandeur of her subject."

"Ah! That must indeed be Gaia, old sport!"

"Indeed, Jeremy, the personified progenitor of all existence, as she materialised in the Grand Hall of Trevelver Castle on that unforgettable autumn night when the Daleks were defeated!"

"And Angela Evans was on the brink of perishing, old chap!"

"Indeed, but, by Jove, she's fully recuperated now, Jeremy. But let's return to Eli's atelier. Gracing a pinboard perched on a secondary easel alongside, Eli has affixed an inspiring montage. Sketches, postcards, and timeworn photographs intermingle, each telling its own story. Eli's pinboard is a mosaic of inspiration, each piece contributing to her vision of Gaia. There are several sketches of expansive landscapes, from towering peaks to verdant forests. Each sketch captures the essence of the earth's diverse ecosystems, embodying Gaia's role as the mother of all life.

"The postcards are from various corners of the globe, exhibiting the earth's splendour in its many forms. There's a postcard of the Amazon Rainforest, representing Gaia's wild, untamed side. Another postcard shows the serene Sahara Desert at sunset, symbolising Gaia's calm and peaceful aspect. A postcard of the Great Barrier Reef highlights the vibrant life beneath the sea, a reminder of Gaia's nurturing spirit.

"The timeworn photographs lend a touch of nostalgia to the montage. They showcase images of venerable trees, including Great Basin bristlecone pine trees from California and Nevada, in the United States, symbolising Gaia's enduring existence and wisdom. There are also colour photographs of blossoming flowers and teeming wildlife, representing the earth's ceaseless cycle of life and Gaia's role in nurturing growth and renewal.

"Sprinkled among the images are colour swatches in various hues of green, brown, and blue, representing the earth's terrain, flora, and bodies of water. As I've mentioned, these colours feature prominently in Eli's depiction of Gaia."

Chris in Prague

"Intermingled among the visual elements are snippets of poetry and quotations about nature and the earth, serving as philosophical and spiritual inspiration for Eli's interpretation of Gaia."

"Do you recall those excerpts, Giles, old chap?"

"Indeed, I do, thanks to our memorisation training, Jeremy. Here they are, as I recall them, Jeremy: "Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold..." that's by Robert Frost from "Nothing Gold Can Stay". Then, "I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills..." from William Wordsworth's "Daffodils", and "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep..." Robert Frost, once more, but from "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening".

"And here are the quotes: "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better", Albert Einstein, "The earth has music for those who listen", George Santayana, "In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks", John Muir, and, last but not least, "The earth does not belong to us. We belong to the earth", Chief Seattle."

"These excerpts and quotations indeed encapsulate the beauty, enigma, and wisdom of nature and the earth, Giles, aligning with the theme of Gaia. I can comprehend how they would serve as philosophical and spiritual inspiration for Eli's masterpiece."

"Indeed, Jeremy. Each fragment on the pinboard murmurs its own narrative, contributing to Eli's stunning depiction of Gaia. Her masterpiece is a celebration of the earth's natural splendour, diversity, and resilience, encapsulating Gaia's essence as the mother of all life."

"Is there anything else of significance on Eli's pinboard, old sport?"

"Indeed, there is, old chap. Among them, a monochrome depiction of the Thames at the break of day has her attention. She is already musing over her forthcoming creation, leaning more towards the naturalistic rather than the abstract, she informed me. The mist clings to the river, silhouettes of vessels materialise from the fog, and the promise of a fresh morn lingers in the air."

Chris in Prague

"But Giles, if Eli typically reserves her evenings for painting... I was under the impression that artists require the light of day for their work, do they not?"

"Jeremy, old chap, I forgot to mention that, prior to Eli taking up residence in her atelier, our resourceful friend Susan installed lighting from the twenty-first century."

"Oh, indeed?"

"Indeed, yes. This futuristic illumination allows Eli to modify the lighting to suit her needs at any given moment of the day, be it while she's engrossed in her painting, taking a moment of relaxation, or even whilst she's in the land of nod. It includes natural sunlight lamp bulbs, also known as full-spectrum light bulbs, which are not available yet. Quite remarkable, wouldn't you agree?"

"Giles, old boy, how does Eli manage all these advanced lighting and security features in her atelier? It seems rather complex for an artist's studio, doesn't it?"

"Eli assures me that managing it is all quite straightforward, although there's nothing out of the ordinary to see. Believe me, I inspected the place quite thoroughly, as we are accustomed to doing, but I found nothing that would suggest anything unusual. Just new wiring and plumbing. However, Eli confided that Susan told her that it's all quite standard for a twenty-first-century setup."

"So, how is it done, Giles?"

"Jeremy, my dear fellow, I posed the same question to Eli. With a charming smile, she sauntered over to one of her overflowing bookshelves and retrieved a rather large, oblong tome titled 'Jackson Pollock: An Illustrated Appreciation', published by the Artisan Alley Press in 1959, three years after his death. Upon opening this seemingly ordinary book, I was taken aback to discover a hollowed-out space within, housing what Eli referred to as a 'digital tablet'. When she held this device up to her face, it sprang to life, revealing an intuitive array of controls. Quite ingenious, wouldn't you agree?"

"Indeed so, old boy. Could you shed some light on why Eli chose that specific book to conceal her digital tablet? It seems a rather curious choice, wouldn't you agree?"

"Eli explained to me, with a grimace that delightfully wrinkled her freckled face, that she has a distinct lack of appreciation for Pollock's 'drip technique'. She finds the method of pouring or splashing liquid household paint onto a canvas, also known as all-over painting or action painting, does not resonate with her. She explained that Pollock used the force of his whole body to paint, often in a frenetic dancing style. The random effects, in her opinion, lack the precision and control that she values in art. Hence, she found it fitting to repurpose his book in a way that serves her artistic process much better."

"Giles, old chap, could you enlighten me on how Eli managed to adapt that particular book to conceal the digital tablet? It seems a rather ingenious solution, don't you think?"

"Jeremy, my dear fellow, Eli shared with me the process she used to modify the book. Let me explain. She began by selecting the book. In this case, she chose 'Jackson Pollock: An Illustrated Appreciation', a volume of suitable size and thickness to snugly accommodate the tablet whose measurements she had carefully noted down.

"Next, she marked the cutout. She opened the book a few pages in and marked the area that needed to be excised, leaving a border around the edges. Then came the cutting. Using a sharp craft knife, she carefully cut along the marked lines, going through several pages at a time. This step was repeated until the cut was deep enough to hold the tablet securely.

"Once the cutout was made, she carefully applied glue to the sides of the pages to hold them together, creating a solid block. The first few pages at the front of the book were left unglued, so it still looked like a regular book when opened.

"Finally, the finishing. After the glue had completely dried, the tablet could be placed into the hollowed-out area. The book could then be closed and placed on the bookshelf, effectively concealing the tablet. It's a testament to the creativity and resourcefulness that Eli brings to her everyday life."

"Indeed, it is. She is a very resourceful young lady!"

"Of course, Eli emphasised the importance of responsibly modifying books in this manner, particularly avoiding those that are valuable or rare. When she was a child, books were few and very valuable. Her choice was symbolic, reflecting her personal views on Pollock's work. Quite a fascinating process, wouldn't you agree?"

"I certainly do, Giles. But, back to Eli at work."

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