Britains Model trains 2012

Started by Elvinley, November 11, 2011, 05:43:42 PM

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Just bought the new issue of Britains Model Trains. Bit pricey at £7.50, but still a good reference and enjoyable read.

Loads of N gauge in there which is a definite plus point. I would have liked to have seen more about Union Mills, but they do get a mention.

I have to disagree with some of the reviews. For instance, the Dapol Q1 is described as a smooth and powerful runner, yet the Farish V2 and Jubillee are described as being short on haulage power. In my experience the Jubilee will pull far more than the Q1. The Farish Warship and Class 24 both get 9/10 for performance, but so does the Farish class 14 and Dapol Hymek.

There is some useful info on resale value, which is sometimes wrong, but this is an ever changing thing, so hard to get right all the time.

Definitely well worth picking up.


Thanks for the review Elvinley,

I picked up my copy yesterday and agree with all you've said. I noticed CJM gets a mention too. I was a bit put off by some of the sections being copied and pasted into several other sections though.



I hadn't noticed that Mark. Will have to investigate further as I only bought it earlier today.


i think it's overpriced to be honest...

i just flicked through the n gauge section in the shop...


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