Why Did You Choose to Model N Gauge?.

Started by longbridge, November 22, 2011, 10:06:14 PM

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G'day from Australia, Zimonski, and welcome to the NGF!  :thumbsup:

As suggested above, let's here more about your plans in the welcome section!  :beers:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

Marcus Amison

I have always had an Interest with model railways but never actually got involved in the hobby. Over the past few months I have been visiting model railway exhibitions and although both 00 and N layouts were on display, it was always the N gauge displays that grabbed my attention, nothing to do with space but simply that N had the greater fascination for me. I now have a 8x4 currently under construction.


To create a fictitious town the ECML and to be able to run full length trains (bar the eurostar) in the space limit. Still have some 00 gauge models but am slowly selling them to fund further N Gauge.


Quote from: G_N_E_R on May 25, 2015, 12:25:46 PM
To create a fictitious town the ECML and to be able to run full length trains in the space limit.

Snap!!  :D



Welcome to the friendly forum Zimonski great to have you join us, ECML not my thing despite growing up along side it but looking forward to seeing it develope
layout here
Claywell, High Hackton & Bampney Intro
Hackton info
Bampney info


Like a lot of people; space.  But now I just prefer the smaller trains.  Even if I had the space I'd still go for N.


By the late 70's as a secondary school pupil I'd been toying with 00 gauge for good few years until the day I went to visit a mate of mine who was keen to show me an N gauge Lima Class 31 and two Mk1 blue/grey coaches running up and down a few lengths of Peco flexi track.
Needless to say the rest is history.     


As a 12-13 year old, I remember struggling with OO gauge because of a lack of space (My mother trashed it because of the mess). I also remember seeing N gauge locos in a cabinet in my local shop in Frizinghall and thinking if only I..... 25 years later, and having thought about why I like railways so much for this time, and not coming up with a good answer, I started again with my two young boys. This time with the right scale. I think space is the key and this scale helps to create a small world of nostalgia. :ngauge:


N guage continues  to expand and now has a good range of quality locos and stock etc.-a pleasure to model with. :NGaugersRule:

D1042 Western Princess

Greetings Mango 1 and welcome to the NGF  :wave:. We hope to hear more from you in time with many more posts.
Don't worry, none of us bite!
If it's not a Diesel Hydraulic then it's not a real locomotive.


Hi Mango1, and welcome to the forum :wave:
Great to have you aboard and I look forward to hearing more about your plans in N gauge.


Like so many I started out with the hornby trainset, but this was a complete pain to set up on what seemed like a gigantic 6'x4' board. My uncle, always full of grand ideas but never making them a reality, had gone through Freezers book for small plans and halved every measurement for N gauge (of course this wouldnt work in reality due to N gauge minimum radii being proportionately larger than OO's etc. etc.) but i was convinced to try N due to the space saving potential. A couple of Christmases later I'd got my farish set and it went from there.

I have to say that there's just something very endearing about a tiny little engine whizzing round a circuit of track pulling its little train. Especially if its the old Poole made farish diesels which make a massive racket. I know thats quite childlike and maybe disrespectful to many serious N gaugers, but for me its one of the main attractions of the scale.


space being the deciding factor.  i researched z gauge but not of use ,because i wanted an early uk steam layout.  not that i travelled on them when younger in  the 50 s and 60s . i only saw one on the odd occassion whilst cycling arround.  so it had to be wonderfull n gauge.i have thoroughly enjoyed myself over the last 4 years learning from scratch all the skills involved in planning building . i wish that i had started years ago.


Welcome to the friendly forum Mango, nice to have you join us and looking forward to sharing you ideas and plans plus lots of pictures too we hope.

layout here
Claywell, High Hackton & Bampney Intro
Hackton info
Bampney info


For me N gauge is all about being able to drive the trains through the landscape.
My other love in model railway is O gauge but there is only limited room for the landscape around it.


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