Farewell, Johnnie Walker

Started by Newportnobby, January 05, 2025, 10:52:18 AM

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Slipped under the radar a bit but he was the background to my youth and a damned nice bloke.
He first introduced me to this alternate version of Mason Williams, a regularly played track on his shows, so this is for you Johnnie. R.I.P. (or at least with good music playing)


Yes, someone who has always been there in the music scene (RIP JW).

Beggars Opera (a Scottish band) did a number of good prog albums and fell apart by the mid seventies. Some members went on the play with other artists such as Cliff Richard, David Bowie and Iggy Pop.




Johnny Walker was my favourite DJ, and a real influence on my musical taste. I first heard him on the Radio 1 lunchtime show in the early 70's where he played a lot of stuff that wasn't the norm and got me into many bands that would be long term favourites. I then bumped into him again on GLR in the late 80's while driving around a lot for work, and also on the Drivetime slot on Radio 2 in the 90's. I loved him on BBC2 on Top of the Pops 2 where he opened my mind to many new bands once again.

A great loss


Builder of "Brickmakers Lane" and member of "James Street" operating team.


Like Newportnobby, JW was part of my youth and likes in music. radio was always on in the shed, or garage when fixing bikes, motorbikes, or my first car - a 105E Anglia.
R.I.P. (with good music I hope)JW.
Finally, after waiting over 55 years I am building a permanent layout in a purpose built shed!


Was my favourite DJ. Went to one of his gigs in 1967. Always played music perhaps not heard elsewhere.




I remember him from Radio Caroline. He and John Peel could be relied on to play stuff that was a bit different. Didn't really listen to him in recent years - in fact we listen to the radio very little these days - but he was a good bloke and will be missed.



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