Show your Latest GB Loco and Rolling Stock Purchase.

Started by longbridge, June 30, 2012, 09:05:24 AM

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Invicta Alec

I just got one of these second hand.

Yes, I surprised even myself! I've always thought them ugly (boxy).  Always been a bit put off buying one because you have to feed three decoders into them if you want to run them DCC. Not really my era either.......but then one popped up at a temptingly low price.

And you know what? It looks tons better in the flesh than it does in photos. The tiny lit destination sign is fabulous as are all the lights in general. It runs smoothly and looks excellent in its livery. Boy, was I wrong about this model. I'm enjoying watching it trundle around my layout.

You can't beat a nice drop of Southern.



So here is my obligatory post showing my TINGS haul. Or at least most of it.

The Loadhaul 56 and 3 Silver Bullets are direct from Dapol stand. I so nearly got the 56 last year, so I am lucky they were still available. Runs well and all lights work.

The NGS Shark is another thing I have fancied for a while, and will actually be my first NGS kit build. When that happens who knows....

Finally the three High Cubes are to compliment my Revolution order for KFAs.



Quote from: longbridge on June 30, 2012, 09:05:24 AM
For a person that has been less than complimentary about British N gauge Steam locos I had a great day today buying three of them, (cor what a turncoat)

I sold all my Nscale American gear today for a decent sum

Here is my loco fleet that I acquired this week, don't know how old the Black 5 is but it runs great.

Good decision to go British! I couldn't see your new investment, but steam is great!

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Stevie DC

Sorry it's a bit late but I thought I'd share this after being shamed by Railgooner for not posting in this thread for so long.

A few weeks ago, I purchased this from the 2mm Association.

But then I had to ruin those lovely etches by turning them into this while on holiday in lovely North Yorkshire...

It's running on N Gauge wheels supplied by the 2mm Association with axles to the correct length to work. It's not quite ready for painting yet but there are only a couple more bits to add.


Aaaaaaaahhhh. Sated. :thumbsup: For now! >:D

Stevie DC

Continuing my penance following my shaming at the hands of RailGooner, I would like to share the contents of a package that arrived from the 2mm Association about half an hour ago.

There are three NER Hopper wagons with associated etched chassis and two GER cattle wagons with etched chassis plus one spare for the assembled cattle wagon wagon at the back. I built the first cattle wagon a few years ago but screwed up the chassis - its been sitting waiting for a replacement ever since!

Or course, as an excuse to break of from CAD work, I had to assemble one of the hoppers; just to make sure everything fits you understand!  8)

By the way, the hoopers look like somebody ran out of plastic half way though and used a different colour from that point. Makes for some interesting patterns that'll probably be best covered with paint!  :smiley-laughing:


I ended up coming back from TINGS with yet more wagons to build 3 x Vanwide 1 GWR toolvan and a GWR Beetle special cattle wagon - so much for clearing the backlog!




Being somewhat thick when it comes to wagons I didn't query whether 'hooper' should read 'hopper' but having seen 'hopper' in your own wagon thread it seems I am not as thick as I thought ;)

Stevie DC

Quote from: Newportnobby on September 11, 2018, 09:17:43 PM
Being somewhat thick when it comes to wagons I didn't query whether 'hooper' should read 'hopper' but having seen 'hopper' in your own wagon thread it seems I am not as thick as I thought ;)

I think I was having a moment their Mick, now corrected!  :doh:  :-[


its not fair everyone has new trains and I don't  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Shiney Sheff

Quote from: paulprice on September 11, 2018, 09:27:28 PM
its not fair everyone has new trains and I don't  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Don't worry too much, neither have I  :D


Over the last couple of weeks I have spent a relaxing 3 or 4 evenings making up 5 NGS Loriot D kits.

Am very pleased with the way they look after painting: a bit weathering still to come.  Without a "load" they are very light and don't like going around curves or over points.  Room under the wagon is very tight for any lead ballast so I have gone for some Oxford Diecast trucks for the time being.  When I have time I think I will make up some weightly simulated machinery loads instead.

The only trouble is I am just not sure 5 are enough  :hmmm:   ;)


Who said you can't find a bargain on EvilBay?

My latest Jubilee has finally turned up, now which example should I turn her into?

Its a good job I don't collect mint boxed examples, as the girls helped open the package when it was delivered


Quote from: Dizz on September 18, 2018, 10:22:03 PM
Over the last couple of weeks I have spent a relaxing 3 or 4 evenings making up 5 NGS Loriot D kits.

Am very pleased with the way they look after painting: a bit weathering still to come.  Without a "load" they are very light and don't like going around curves or over points.  Room under the wagon is very tight for any lead ballast so I have gone for some Oxford Diecast trucks for the time being.  When I have time I think I will make up some weightly simulated machinery loads instead.

The only trouble is I am just not sure 5 are enough  :hmmm:   ;)

I stuck thin lead sheet under the chassis , or you could replace the load bed with thin lead, scored to look like The plastic

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Stevie DC

Having recently made some money from selling some general bits and pieces that I haven't used in years, I went up to the Dapol open day armed with £90 and picked up the following spares/repairs bargains.

Two Dapol Halls, the first of which, after replacing a shed traction tire, runs very well. The second is a non-runner which will need some investigations. Both of these were purchased as donor chassis for a class of LNER locomotive that I have wanted to model for a very long time and will look nothing like the donor parts by the time I've finished with them!

A Dapol valanced Mallard. This one is also a non-runner but I think I've got all the parts required to return it to running condition. This is a locomotive that I've wanted for some time but also wanted to remove the beading from the tender as Mallard never had this feature. Being unwilling to purchase a model at RRP to undertake the surgery, I'm very happy with this £30 purchase!

Overall I overspent on my budget for the day by only £5! I also picked up my complimentary wagon which has escaped the camera on this occasion.

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