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Started by longbridge, June 30, 2012, 09:05:24 AM

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Dylan Cole

Today I have received the Dapol HST Intercity Swallow livery coaches TF, TRSB, and TS as pictured below.

[smg id=22365 type=preview align=center caption="Dapol HST Coaches"]

I have also received the Dapol DVT in intercity Swallow livery, I have shown it with the TF to give indication on the colours.

[smg id=22366 type=preview align=center caption="DVT and TF - sideview"]

[smg id=22367 type=preview align=center caption="DVT and TF - top and sideview"]

I am now waiting on Dapol to release the HST bookset and the TGS. I may even decide to get the HST in the Blue and Grey livery.
I have wanted to own a model of the HST since I first saw it in a Hornby catalogue in the late 80's.

Of course this throws out my purely steam era layout idea, well sort of. When people see anything that doesn't belong in the steam era, I can say it's a heritage line  8)



Nice rake! The TGS apparently isn't far away from release now so we should be able to complete our HST rakes at some point in the near future. It's such a shame the DVT's still in the wrong colours though. The HST booksets were due at the end of last month but Dapol have once again managed to miss their own release date...


(P.S for some reason your images aren't currently working under Google Chrome but work fine with Firefox)

Dylan Cole

Quote from: jivebunny on March 04, 2015, 12:41:02 PM
Nice rake! The TGS apparently isn't far away from release now so we should be able to complete our HST rakes at some point in the near future. It's such a shame the DVT's still in the wrong colours though. The HST booksets were due at the end of last month but Dapol have once again managed to miss their own release date...


(P.S for some reason your images aren't currently working under Google Chrome but work fine with Firefox)

Thanks. The intercity swallow livery is what first drew me to the HST. I did have an aversion to the blue and grey, but that livery is slowly growing on me.

After receiving them in the mail, I compared the coaches to the DVT while they were still in their boxes and they didn't look too bad, but once they were out it was noticeable.

I was mystified that Chrome was not displaying the images, I had to use IE to even know that my pictures were loading fine.
Problem Solved - don't use minus signs and commas in the file name.


lil chris

Here is my new Sharge cleaning wagon purchased at the Preston show last weekend.
Lil Chris
My new layout  East Lancashire Railway
My old layout was Irwell Valley Railway.
Layout previous was East Lancashire Lines, changed this new one. My new layout here.


I simply couldn't resist the new Duchess and bought a green early crest one in January, but wanted a maroon late crest one as well (ok - I know I'm being greedy!) well it arrived today and ran as good as it looks (so does the other one) and placing the old one next to them just highlighted how  crude it really is, even though I put a spare modern Farish bogie under it, even the lining looks crude compared to the new ones.

I hope that the Castles when they finally turn up are of a similar standard as these are jaw dropping to watch gliding around my main line with a rake of coaches in tow.




Never take Life too serious, we are never going to make it out alive

Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree ... that makes it a plant which means ... chocolate is Salad !!!


They look great! How do they pull?  I would love the maroon one even though it would have to operate under rule 1( despite my layout being LM Region of the correct era).
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


So is that a defective chip or had the previous owner deliberately set it to not work on DC?


Ah, well in that case I don't think Hattons can be blamed for thinking the motor or chip was dead. If someone handed me a chipped loco in what looks to be a bit of a poor state I'd have probably assumed the same thing on finding it didn't budge on DC. Still, £30's not a bad price for a working chassis and a budget chip (and some knuckle couplers by the looks of it!)


E Pinniger

I haven't made any new acquisitions as regards N gauge rolling stock for a long while, but having built a new layout with reliable trackwork I decided it would be worth buying some up-to-date (not in prototype terms!) motive power to match. There are still bargains to be found on eBay if you avoid collectable liveries/numbers - to be honest, in terms of "value for money" current locomotives are a much better buy on eBay than old Farish/Minitrix models. I'd much rather pay £60-70 for a Dapol GWR Hall-class than £40 for a Poole Farish one, even given the livery issues with (some examples of) the former!

So far I've managed to acquire a Bachmann Farish 4MT 2-6-0 for £45 and a Dapol Hall for £65 - on my future shopping list, funds permitting, are a 38xx, Manor and 9F, and possibly a BachFar Warship.

The 4MT 2-6-0 had some serious issues when I got it (see my layout thread for more details) but after several hours of work is now a decent runner.

The Dapol Gossington Hall, on the other hand, ran superbly straight out of the box. I was seriously impressed by how well it runs - it's almost as smooth and quiet as a current flywheel-fitted diesel model, which is not a small achievement for a N gauge model of a steam locomotive with front bogie, outside cylinders and tender, even if it doesn't have outside valve gear! All the other N gauge steamers I've run, even if they run reliably and relatively smoothly, have a rather shuffling, hesitant, rattling quality to them when running at slow to medium speeds - mostly I assume due to friction/minor quartering issues with the valve gear and con rods, and track holding issues with the bogies and pony trucks. How Dapol have managed to avoid this I'm not sure, but it certainly gives me more confidence in buying other models from them in future (tender-driven ones at least, I know their earlier models of tank locomotives have some issues)

Both models will get some weathering + detail painting added in future (plus renumbering of the 4MT to a SR region loco, and a partial repaint to fix the livery issues with the Hall)

Dave Z

Three new additions sitting in my through platforms;

Farish XC Voyager, Farish FL 70 (replacement for a dud one) and a Dapol FL 66 Dummy.  Love the 70 more each time I see it, fantastic model.  Layout is filling up now which makes for interesting times when I want bring one train in and send another out.


Some trains to keep my pending-pendolino company

class 60


Mersey voyager

and Maiden voyager

I prefer the motor location on the grafar but the coupling method of the dapol... interesting what the differences are :D


Quote from: Only Me on March 05, 2015, 06:28:31 PM
Cleaned up quite nicely and as you say JB has two dapol easy couplers complete with their springs, loco is a smooth runner and all the lights work... The bonus is this is the newer chip and analogue was just switched off HA HA!!

Took the bad muck / weathering off with some IPA...

That's cleaned up quite nicely! Sounds like you've made a rather good investment, I wonder if they have any other recent, working, chipped, easi-shunt-fitted diesels in stock for £30 :D

Nice hauls also Mickster, Dave Z and E Pinniger (although I hope the 4MT comes with security harnesses to stop the driver and fireman from falling onto the ballast!)



I've been working days at work for the last 7 weeks (and no end in sight as to when I'll be going back on shifts) whilst I commission some new machinary. Because of this, time off has been at a premium and has left little time for my railway.

However, whilst I've been working days, my weathered Class 22 came back from DCC Supplies after it died in January;

Runs a lot sweeter and cooler, and I believe it has had a new chassis. The only thing I can't remember about the original is if the buffer beam was weathered red - mine now just looks weathered black. Perhaps someone else who has the Class 22 milk tanker set can help?

I also bought myself a Dapol B17 'Middlesbrough';

A bit of a bargain at £45.90 including postage (actually cost £51, but I had a 10% off code from eBay). Sold as used, the only thing I found wrong with it was one of the tender clips was missing. After running it though, I found it had the problem with the front bogie lifting and de-railing on curves (but only when running anti-clockwise!!). After a little bit of fettling, I think I've sorted it by removing the insert that the bogie screws into and refitting it not quite as far into the mounting as it originally was. The bogie now sits fractionally lower and seems to be sitting on the track better.
It's been chipped up with a Gaugemaster chip with no problems refitting the tender top (the missing clip is at the front of the tender near to the drive collet), and is currently hauling 6 BR Mk1's with no slipping issues. Very happy with it. :D


Quote from: mickeyflinn on March 06, 2015, 12:39:22 PM
mine now just looks weathered black. Perhaps someone else who has the Class 22 milk tanker set can help?

Just checked mine and it is weathered black, Mickey.
Glad your replacement seems OK :thumbsup:

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