HB in his element

Started by Browning 9mm, December 13, 2022, 11:45:14 AM

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Browning 9mm

I'm hoping he will start to calm down soon, he was 10 years old at the end of May, but it seems to be a forlorn hope.

especially when Baloo comes down, he acts like a total idiot, and if Lady, my daughter's spaniel is down as well, the total mayhem.
she is 12, he is 10, Baloo is nearly 1, and they all act like total  :censored: :*( :*( :*(

Browning 9mm

after several months of walks on the lead, no off lead in the fields due to uncut grass / grass seed in ears / under coat / between pads, the meadows were finally cut on sunday, so monday am HB was off lead in the first field, running around like the idiot we know and [?] love  :hmmm:

then he started hunting mice / voles whatever in the cut grass.

in the just under 10 years we I have had him, he has caught five mice, one of which he dropped because it was wriggling in his mouth  ::)

yesterday, in the one field he caught four mice / voles  :o

needless to say, selective hearing cut in so he was on lead for the rest of his walk. but impressive hunting  :thumbsup:

no so impressed at 01@15 this morning, when he woke me up to let him out to redecorate the patio  :censored:  :sick:

needless to say, NO HUNTING TODAY  :unimpressed:

over the weekend, Baloo was down with us, now bigger than HB, 12 months old and definitely testing boundaries.

so, pics of HB hunting in the meadows, and Baloo at the weekend

oh, sorry, can't add photos, have to use reply, but I'm posting, not replying, and I can only drag pdf files  :veryangry:

Browning 9mm



Not sure I like the shadow of the sniper in the last shot :no:

Browning 9mm

sometimes it's the only way to get his attention  :hmmm:  :smiley-laughing:

Browning 9mm

and pics of 'little' Baloo

I must admit I had hoped that one of the points addressed in the upgrade would have been to make adding pics easier, as with google mail, click on pic and just move it to the post.

maybe next time

Browning 9mm

not HB, but Baloo,

"I'm bored"

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