TTA decals 2010-ish

Started by MacRat, June 18, 2011, 06:34:55 PM

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Hello all

I hope you can point me in the right direction. I want to convert a set of green and grey Farish TTA tankers into 2010+ condition like this
grey: and
green: variants.

I'm looking for decals that reproduce the recent warning and UN number hazard panels with code 1202 for diesel and heating oil. I checked precision decals, model master and fox. Sadly ScaleModelTransfers does no longer exist. I found that Fox does a sheet for oil tankers, see sheet F2120. Although the panels are hard to read I think they show the hazard code 1270 which has been replaced with 1202 (diesel fuel, heating oil) and 1203 (gasoline). Does anyone know who produces transfers of the currently used lettering and panels for TTA wagons?

Thank you very much.

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