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N Gauge Discussion / Re: A Coarse Guide to the Stea...
Last post by maridunian - Yesterday at 08:41:42 PM
Quote from: Train Waiting on Yesterday at 08:41:04 AMA Coarse Guide to the Steam Locomotive for 'N' Gauge Modellers - Part 13 - Supplemental

Quote from: martyn on May 31, 2024, 09:52:55 AMI don't know where I read it, and it was a very long time ago, but I'm sure that a piece I've seen said that the injector was originally designed (by Giffard) to refill boilers on a proposed airship!

But that could be a faulty memory......

Thank you, Martyn and that might well be the case.  M. Giffard built a steam-powered airship.  And... it flew (or so I understand)!

This was on my mind this afternoon at the West Wales Railway Modellers' Show, where the their O Gauge Group displayed models of several other steam powered vehicles of that era.

I do hope you'll be able to cover some of these other 'ahead-of-their-time' developments in this excellent series John.

General Discussion / Re: Random Thoughts
Last post by chrism - Yesterday at 08:26:28 PM
Quote from: dannyboy on Yesterday at 07:46:25 PMWhy do shops put stickers on non-stick frying pans?

More to the point, how do they do it?

General Discussion / Re: The angry thread
Last post by thebrighton - Yesterday at 08:14:25 PM
A couple of weeks ago a guy evidently knocked on my parents front door (they're in their 80's) to say they had a tile that had slipped. He offered to pop and sort it for free. Whilst up there he "noticed" a loose ridge tile and quoted them an exorbitant amount. They said they'd have to pay by cheque so he got aggressive and left.
Today 2 chaps turned up and said there were 3 loose ridge tiles and proceeded to go up to fix them. It looks like a bit of polyfilla was smeared along the join.
Then one came inside and went upstairs then demanded cash for the work. Mum then got out a pile of cash, somewhere around £400 (who knows why she had it). The bloke snatched it out of her hand and said they'd be back on Tuesday for another £160 owed.
The bloody nerve of these people. Anyhow Police called and details taken but they admitted it was unlikely they'd have the resources to investigate.
Looks like I'll have to spend Tuesday around their house in case he turns up when the Police have instructed me to dial 999.
I could do without this stress and the amount of times I've had this chat with my parents as it's not the first time  :(
Computer Help / Graphics card problem
Last post by lil chris - Yesterday at 08:13:29 PM
I had a major problem last Sunday a new graphics card installed in my main computer rig(card was two weeks old), which I also use for gaming packed in, it started smoking. It was not hot and the game I was playing for about 5 mins, I had played for 45mins a few days earlier. I installed a old card I had to test my machine and it worked has normal, what a relief that was I can tell you. The shop I bought it from said bring it in for testing and it smoked on there rig too so they gave me a replacement card.
 I had bought the new card because my Asus Gaming monitor( 9years old) had packed in with the white screen of death a few weeks ago so a new monitor had been aquired with 4k resolution so new graphics card to match. This pc has my old card installed now, I managed to sell one of my older cards to a guy in my Modelshop, so I got some money back from that.
Chris H.
N Gauge Discussion / Re: Show your Latest GB Loco a...
Last post by Newportnobby - Yesterday at 08:13:25 PM
J188 ;)
N Gauge Discussion / I honestly don't know how thes...
Last post by emjaybee - Yesterday at 08:11:04 PM
Okay, okay, so I'm weak, whatever...

At that price, why wouldn't you. At some point they'll get renumbered/rebadged to early BR.
General Discussion / Re: Random Thoughts
Last post by dannyboy - Yesterday at 07:46:25 PM
Why do shops put stickers on non-stick frying pans?
General Discussion / Re: An Eventful Christmas at T...
Last post by dannyboy - Yesterday at 06:23:09 PM
I suppose we can manage for one day.  ;)
General Discussion / Re: An Eventful Christmas at T...
Last post by Chris in Prague - Yesterday at 06:07:24 PM
Amidst the sumptuous fare and the flicker of firelight from the hall's magnificent central hearth, the Trevelver legacy endured—a tapestry woven with ambition, intrigue, magic, and, tonight, the timeless pursuit of culinary excellence.

Jeremy leaned in, his voice low, and remarked, "Your roguish brother Gerald would no doubt be sorely disappointed to miss such culinary delights from one of the family's own ventures."

His sea-green eyes sparkled with mischief. "Though I shudder to imagine the indulgences he'd endeavour to sample if he were in residence this special time."

Sylvia chuckled, an impish light dancing in her big eyes. "Ah yes, the black sheep of the Trevelvers... Alas, the male genetic line has never been our strongest", she sighed. "Gerald's appetites acknowledge precious few boundaries."

She smiled, gesturing toward one of the buffet tables where Amanda Morgan—daring and alluring—sashayed past on Andy Tolverne's arm.

"Andy would make very short work of Gerald if he even breathed too deeply near Angela, Sylvie!"

"Indeed so, I fear, Jeremy. It's just as well then, that dear Gerald," her partner leaned in as Sylvia lowered her voice, "divides his time between 'managing'—and I use the term loosely—'The Railway Hotel', renowned for its excellent cuisine and discreet 'weekend-away' suites, and the idyllic seaside 'Rock' restaurant in Penmayne. You know, it's built precariously on a rock outcropping off the beach in Porthilly Cove, catering to the avant-garde set and managed by Gerald's long-suffering German wife, Brigita."

"Ah, yes", Jeremy smiled, "the restaurant famous for its authentic Greek cuisine, never closing, and serving alcohol at all hours during the summer season. It's his only business that can rightly be called successful!"

"Very true, darling!" smiled Sylvia.

"But let's not forget his ridiculous London exploits with his so-called gentleman's magazine, 'Avant', and his latest 'brainchild,' 'Caligula's Ass'—a five-piece band fruitlessly chasing rock visionary status", responded Jeremy.

Sylvia's eyes twinkled. "Ah, yes, Gerald fancies himself an older version of Andrew Loog Oldham, the Rolling Stones' visionary manager. But while Oldham's flamboyance is shaping the band's meteoric rise, Gerald's managerial vision, to say the least, falls rather short!"

Her fingers drifted reverently to the "Étoile Brillante" clutch; its midnight-blue velvet adorned with tiny, glimmering stars.

But that's more than enough of Gerald, darling! This evening's cosmic alignments are truly propitious", she whispered. "Fated events catalyse, unseen energies swirl, awaiting their ecstatic release." Her big, brown eyes met Jeremy's sea-green pair, and for a fleeting moment, he glimpsed the cosmic dance—the convergence of fate, desire, and secrets hidden behind the celestial silver veil.
General Discussion / Re: An Eventful Christmas at T...
Last post by Chris in Prague - Yesterday at 06:04:44 PM
I'll be travelling tomorrow. So, here's a bonus episode.
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