Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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Very sad to hear this Mick. Strength to you and best wishes for your Mum for a speedy recovery.

Sufferin' succotash!


My grandmother broke her hip when she was 93. She was soon up and about after surgery. So all the best to your mother.


An update for anyone interested.........
Mum was due an op Saturday but it got bumped to today. Now they've decided to do an echogram but they don't do those on Sundays so echogram tomorrow then op to be decided on.
Visiting is limited to 1 person between 1pm and 3pm but only for 1 hour max, so my eldest sis and self can't go together. It also means everyone visiting will be funnelled into a 2 hour time gap and parking at Preston was a nightmare at the best of times ::)
I am, however, happy she's getting an echogram as she's been waiting on Chorley hospital for months for one. There has to be a silver lining in this cloud but a shame it took something drastic to get this test.


Sounds like a horrible long hospital waiting game.

Best of luck with this, Mick. Good luck! Neither of us are strangers to surgery, and if it cheers you up, I had to laugh about the battle with your clothes, I have the same problem with me socks  :beers:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


hi  mick

we  are  all  interested  on  peoples  problems ,...  you  know  we  are  a  noisy  lot   ...   hope  for  a  speedy  result  for  your  mum



I know the NHS do their best and glad of it, but hospitals are a pain at the moment mainly due to Covid precautions. I've had to go to ours more than I would have liked recently. One occasion recently when the weather was at it's most severe, my wife was feeling unwell so 'phoned 111 at 8.30 pm who said a doctor would ring back. At 4.00 am next morning one did and said she should go to A and E straight away. I took her, was there before 5, a big waiting area with only one other couple but they wouldn't let me stay with her, said I'd have to wait in the car. it was dark, pouring, blowing a hooley and freezing. I could see her through the glass, when nothing had happened after over a hour, I texted her and told her I'd go home, give me a ring. It was another couple of hours before I got the call (fortunately to fetch her home).
Then a couple of weeks ago I had an appointment for a ten minute procedure at the same hospital. Three days before I had to drive the 16 miles each way for a 30-second drive through covid test and then isolate until the treatment. Despite having lateral flow test kits here and having tested negative only a few days before on the ongoing ONS random test scheme - what happened to "living with covid"?
(No complaints about the treatment or the people doing it BTW, or our GP practice which is superb.)


Quote from: Bealman on April 10, 2022, 10:13:23 AM
if it cheers you up, I had to laugh about the battle with your clothes, I have the same problem with me socks  :beers:

Yeah - this getting old malarkey really sucks >:(
My main issue is my balance is shot so standing on one leg is not easy (but storks make it look so). Thus socks, underdungees and jeans etc all plot to make me dive headlong into the wall, bedside table etc :ouch:
I'm not too proud to sit on my bed and don/remove socks but do try to stand for everything else and that could be the source of my danger :uneasy:


I too have problems balancing (especially when I've had a couple or three) but find that I can put my socks on ok if I have one foot on the floor and one on the foot of the bed, but  SWMBO always has to  come to me to put her socks on.
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Quote from: steve836 on April 10, 2022, 11:05:14 AM
but find that I can put my socks on ok if I have one foot on the floor and one on the foot of the bed

I tried that once, but being in the top bunk was never going to be a good starting point :no:


Quote from: tutenkhamunsleeping on April 10, 2022, 11:20:54 AM
Quote from: steve836 on April 10, 2022, 11:05:14 AM
but find that I can put my socks on ok if I have one foot on the floor and one on the foot of the bed

I tried that once, but being in the top bunk was never going to be a good starting point :no:

:laughabovepost: :laughabovepost: :smiley-laughing:
Oh Lordy. Thanks, Steve. That's just made my day (and caused a small escape of wee) :-[


I've only just caught up with your latest saga, Mick. Sorry to hear your troubles, and I hope your Mum is up and about again soon. My Mum did a similar thing some years ago - lost her balance and fell over on to our Christmas tree and broke her hip. Her 90th birthday it was, too. Brighton A&E were brilliant - patched her up and she lived another 6 years. That generation were a sturdy lot.

All the best,




Yeah - this getting old malarkey really sucks >:(
As my better half always says getting old is not for the youngsters as they couldn't handle it.


Quote from: Redcap244 on April 11, 2022, 04:37:47 PM
why is it that this forum seems to be 'page unresponsive' so much of the time.

looks like a waste of time joining.
I've been on here numerous times a day for years and have never had 'page unresponsive' come up. How about asking if there is a problem rather than your first post saying the forum is a waste of time?


@Redcap244 I have been on the site on three different devices through 3 different wi-fi and phone links without a single issue at all. Are you sure the problem is not with your device or internet service? Seems odd that you should have a problem when the site seems to be working well for me. Must be my Magic Mike powers. :)

Membre AFAN 0196


@Redcap244 I'm looking at the Forum on Samsung tablet, phone and a laptop, never had that message.

I suspect a problem with your comms, rather than the Forum.

Let's hope you can sort it out.
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