The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Quote from: polo2k on November 24, 2011, 02:00:43 PM
Well, I broke my usual calm persona and jumped up and down a little (not phisically of course!) and ive got an appt on Monday now.
I had the CT scan a while ago, the result from that was to get the nerve blocker (to stop the siatica (extending into my foot)). at the same time they were talking about operating, however when the consultant kyboshed the nerve blocker, he appears to have axed the operation too, but he left the room so fast I didnt get a chance to talk to him about it.
Months ago my chiropracter was too concerned to do much apart from a shoulder massage so im expecting a similar experiance to you. Im trying not to contemplate private treatment until I actually know what will work as at the moment I have been getting 3 months of being passed pillar to post!
I feel your pain with the tramadol. Currently on 2 every 4 hrs. plus diclofenic and this week my doc has added another pill to lessen the chances of an ulcer caused by the medication. Im a bit concerned about the addictive side of these painkillers too, he mentioned using oramorph at one point, but I declined for exactly that reason.

fingers crossed itll be on the mend soon!
It can't go much further than your foot (Well, big toe). Sounds like you need a discectomy like I had. UK docs say Tramadol not that bad. US forums are calling for it to be listed.

What you can do is pay for a private consultation and then go onto the NHS waiting list. It will probably cost a couple of hundred pounds and you get a proper relaxed and thorough consultaion (Well, I did). It's queue jumping, but what the hell.
Tonbridge MRC Member.
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Bloomin' Railmatch paints!  The primer never dries properly when I've painted it on my models - despite vigerous mixing AND when I haven't used the paints for ages I just can't get the lids off of some of the jars without the lids cracking or breaking them. >:(  I much prefer the tins of Phoenix paints, although I can't complain about the quality of the paints themselves, superb!.


Finally ditched PCs earlier in the year (the final straw was weeks of problems with Windows 7 service pack) and moved to Macs which was expensive. But the ease of using the Macs particularly things working first time, upgrades working, backups working, intuitive interface etc and suddenly I had a smiley face instead of miserable face. I had reclaimed hours, if not days, of time that would have been spent with Windows. And their 'Office' equivalent is much cheaper and, IMHO, better to use. And now we have Apple iCloud which is superb for keeping the calendars and contacts up to date on all of my Apple devices - as well as holding a limited number of documents. Double smiley face!!

But the most of the rest of the world uses Microsoft. Was sent a Powerpoint presentation (.potx) file that Mac Keynote would't open and the sender of the presentation was now on leave. So had to go back to MS Office via Parallels to open it. All of the old frustrations came back, Windows told me my copy of Windows 7 wasn't genuine (which it is) etc, etc etc. Hours of time lost, miserable face came back - is there no escape from Microsoft?
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy


Quote from: Pendy on November 26, 2011, 10:41:45 AM
Hours of time lost, miserable face came back - is there no escape from Microsoft?

Resistance is futile - you will be assimilated :evil:

Jerry Howlett

I thought Macs are what you wear to keep the rain off !
Some days its just not worth gnawing through the straps.

Dock Shunter

Quote from: Jerry Howlett on November 26, 2011, 10:59:33 AM
I thought Macs are what you wear to keep the rain off !

I thought it was that place that sold dodgy hamburgers.... ;D


Quote from: Pendy on November 26, 2011, 10:41:45 AM
Finally ditched PCs earlier in the year (the final straw was weeks of problems with Windows 7 service pack) and moved to Macs which was expensive. But the ease of using the Macs particularly things working first time, upgrades working, backups working, intuitive interface etc and suddenly I had a smiley face instead of miserable face.

- is there no escape from Microsoft?

Hi Pendy,

I've got totally frustrated and angry with trying to use windows 7 on my wife's laptop so I took it in to get Windows XP put on it.
After reading your post it got me thinking,I phoned the computer shop up and the lap top has not been put on XP .The chap there in charge said he will do a part exchange and is getting me some prices for a Mac laptop on Monday.

I'll continue with XP on my PC,but when the time comes I could well get a Mac instead.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


I buy my stuff from the on-line Apple refurbished store saving lumps of money although it might not be the very latest spec. The stuff looks as good as new and is covered by warranty - so far I have not had any issues, just counted the savings! The other saving is that I am running a free virus checker as Macs are not as susceptible (at the moment).

Some people have gone over to Linux which you can run on a PC and have had good results - Ubuntu is free to download.

It would be worth checking what ports you need with your laptop. Macs do not have very many (and the Macbook Airs are wireless only) but you can get display adapters from Amazon etc.
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy


Both my wife and myself are over the pension age and she decided she wanted to get with it and have a laptop.

As any new user,she often needs help and I can't do it with the horrible Windows7 GUI. so something needs to happen.All she wants basically is to get on the web and send emails,but everything seems such hard work in Windows7.

I wanted to uninstall a program and had to type uninstall in the search to find it...that's progress huh.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


If all she wants is Web and e mails then get an iPad. My 83 year old Mum took over my iPad last year. She has never used a computer before but loves the iPad and spends hours on it. She has severe arthritis in her hands but can use the touch screen ok. I bought her a stylus and that improved things for her further - particularly clicking on links in small fonts.
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy


Quote from: Pendy on November 26, 2011, 10:41:45 AM
But the most of the rest of the world uses Microsoft. Was sent a Powerpoint presentation (.potx) file that Mac Keynote would't open and the sender of the presentation was now on leave.

Openoffice/Libreoffice is your friend.

I have to admit my non work computer is rapidly becoming my Android phone however.

"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


I preordered a 4-CEP on the 23rd at Lendons, thinking that they hadn't updated the webpage.  I emailed yesterday and they replied today (very impressed!) to say that all of the first batch have been sent out to customers and I'd have to wait until the next batch arrive - date unknown!  Doh!!!


I've tried Macs on several occassions and have never found them particularly intuitive. AFAIC Apple stuff is a triumph of style over function; great if you want to look flash, but poor when it comes to hard use. itunes is a great example; it's so quirky and difficult to use. As another example I've got two sisters with iphones who both say that the extras (music, texting, web browsing, etc) are great, but when it comes to being used as a phone the functionality is very poor; poor quality sound, noise, connectivity, often drop out mid conversation, etc. And that certainly seems the case when they ring me.

But I guess it's horses for courses; for a bit of up-market, one upmanship techno-bling, Apple gear certainly catches the eye. As I said, a triumph of fashion over function. ;D



What are you all doing with Windows 7 to make it so much more hard work?  ???

I am really surprised as I find W7 much nicer and easier to use than XP...hardly surprising given that some parts of the GUI appear to have been "borrowed" from OSX (and other interfaces).

Apple stuff is nice, but at a very high price in terms of cost and flexibility (both of hardware and software).


Quote from: red_death on November 28, 2011, 11:48:17 AM
What are you all doing with Windows 7 to make it so much more hard work?  ???

That's my point,I'm not doing anything with it because it's such hard work.
It constantly opens a new window and hides what I'm trying to look at,when I do want to look at anything I have to actually click on it instead.
The control panel is a mess and I have to type in what I'm looking for.

If I'd found it intuitive to use I wouldn't even have thought about a Mac, and certainly not for a bit of up-market, one upmanship techno-bling as H put it,neither am I interested in what Apple phones are like.

I went from an Amiga to Windows Millenium without any problems,then I went to XP without any problems but Windows 7 is just a lot of frustration,anger and swearing for me.

Anyway,I'll know one way or the other when the Mac arrives.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.

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