Help needed to find station building for a mate

Started by 1936ace, August 15, 2012, 06:16:01 AM

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 :help: hi all, I'm building a 00 layout for an old bloke, mad on BR stuff and he has got some of the bachmann scenecraft station buildings but he is missing the I think it's like the booking office with awning that would be near the base of the main stairs. The part number is 44-117. Does anyone have one they no longer need or know of a place that still my have one.
Thanks in advance


Give KS Models in Stevenage a ring, hes all about 00 and N gauge only, it's like stepping back in time, the guy (must be in his 70's) still sells Lyddle End, I couldn't believe it when I picked up the exact signal box and fuel pumps I'd been looking for for ages !!


Hi Bart,

If all  else fails try contacting Bachmann   Europe could save you a lot  of searching.

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