New Server

Started by NGF Staff, December 20, 2010, 04:52:39 AM

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Bigmac, Suffolk Rob, Lagrange1, Gordon D, Ch4lkst3r, Doc Pye and 374 Guests are viewing this topic.

NGF Staff

Firstly, I would like to apologise to everyone about the poor uptime of the forum, and how frustrating it has been - especially for myself and Tank.

Tank has been working hard to change servers, and despite some problems has come up trumps with the help from a member of the SMF Support Staff (Flamer).  Thank you to them both.

The new server is very reliable, and I hope that we never have any problems again!   :D

Merry Christmas!
Kind regards,
Account used for maintenance only.  Contact Tank or other forum staff if you have any problems.  Thank you.


Been solid so far, straight in, no probs.  Well done to all involved


Much better. A great christmas present :)

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