Prostrate problems

Started by jonclox, January 11, 2012, 04:49:26 PM

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I`m being urged by my GP to undergo a referral to a specialist regarding my 'enlarged prostrate gland' which could entail a bout of surgery at some point.  :-\
Has any member experienced a procedure to cure this and if so was it long and did it work out well in the end?
I`m happy to discuss anything via PM rather than on the open board
John A GOM personified
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Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards


Hope you feel better soon

"sounds like a right pain in the ..."

Ill get me coat

The only way to guarantee failure, is not to try


Very sorry to hear about your prostate problem, Jonclox.
I've no experience so can't help, I'm afraid.
All the best :wave:


What I do know is that if prostate issues are caught early, the outcomes are good.
Two rails good. Three better.


Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.


I have had an enlarged prostate for years now but my GP did a digital rectal examination and found a small lump on the prostate.

I was referred to a Urologist who did the same examination but said that the lump was so small that if they did a biopsy they would most likely miss it, at the time my PSA was 1.8 which is very low and indicates that everything is OK, this was 12 months ago and the Urologist said he doubted if it was cancer.

I do get pain from this lump every now and then and had another PSA test last November which was 2.0, still very good, due for another PSA test in March as I have to go for a checkup with the Urologist on the 14th.

John if your PSA is high you need to see a Urologist, if you are just having problems passing urine and the PSA is normal he way want you to have a catheter passed down to your prostate and through it they use a scraper to remove the calcium build up, I have to say that every bloke over about 55 has an enlarged prostate as its all part of getting old, the procedure is quite simple and except for the tube being inserted is pretty non invasive.

I had a shocking bout of Prostatitis 20 years ago that is what caused my prostate to enlarge, I was on antibiotics for nearly a year, once enlarged they do not shrink but there are many over the counter remedies available including Prostate Support and Saw Palmetto.

If you are having problems urinating including getting up in the night at least twice I would go with the GP recommendation, a Urologist will sort things out for you, either way don't stress over your problem as most of us old blokes are in the same boat.
Keep on Smiling


The pen is mightier than the sword (and easier to write with!)


Quote from: tadpole on January 11, 2012, 07:01:08 PM
What I do know is that if prostate issues are caught early, the outcomes are good.

Although I haven't expeienced it yet, I agree the earlier you get seen the better so they can sort it out.  I know how iffy just getting the exam is, so I'm sure you've got to be brave and get through all the prodding.

Good luck.  We'll all be wishing you well.
I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


Quote from: Mustermark on January 11, 2012, 09:15:02 PM
Quote from: tadpole on January 11, 2012, 07:01:08 PM
What I do know is that if prostate issues are caught early, the outcomes are good.

Although I haven't expeienced it yet, I agree the earlier you get seen the better so they can sort it out.  I know how iffy just getting the exam is, so I'm sure you've got to be brave and get through all the prodding.

Good luck.  We'll all be wishing you well.

Couldn't agree more  :thumbsup:


The last cystoscopy I had I watched what the urologist was looking at on the monitor,he wouldn't let me have a video copy though. ;D

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


Lawrence said: >>I agree the earlier you get seen the better so they can sort it out.  I know how iffy just getting the exam is, so I'm sure you've got to be brave and get through all the prodding.

NHS Scotland has been very proactive with bowel cancer screening (we are invited to send off stool samples on our 50th birthday, and bi-annually thereafter)(OMG my 54th is in 2 weeks!). The results have been so good that it's going nationwide, I believe.
Maybe someone should take a similar lead with prostate screening, and I reckon it's Wales' turn.
Two rails good. Three better.


Many thanks to you all for all the advice, encouragement and comments posted/PMd so far.
I`m still open to any more of the above.
The family is starting to lean on me to go to the next stage and I hope to get a GP appointment for early next week, he has already expressed his need to see me  ???
Ive no idea of costs but I may to speed things up consider 'private treatment' :o if costs arn`t prohibitive
John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
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Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards


Best wishes for an early appointment and hopefully some news that will put your mind at rest :thumbsup:


Having just spent the best part of two years (now at the tender age of 32) suffering from an unrelated but equally debilitating illness I wish you a speedy recovery and some good news. I would agree that you should see a GP and specialist as soon as you can. The NHS specialists are very good these days and the help I've had from them has been, in the main, second to none, and pretty swift too.


Ive just been reminded on another board of the old joke of the guy with my problems going with his mate to a football match.
As half time approached he whispered to his mate that he was desperate for a pee but wanted to see the finishing 5 minutes of the 1st half through before going
His 'ex-sufferer' muttered back to him
''Turn towards the guy on your left and pee in his coat pocket. He wont know till much later''
''I cant do that'' replied the sufferer ''He would know instantly''
''No he wouldn't, you've not realised that I peed in yours 20 minutes ago''  :-[ :-[
(do I get my jacket and leave now? :smiley-laughing: :wave:)
John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
Electronically and spelling dyslexic 
Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards

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