Revolution Alcan Tanks

Started by Suffolk Rob, February 24, 2024, 07:46:45 AM

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Suffolk Rob

Bit surprised that there's nothing on here about Revolution opening expressions of interest for scaling down the Alcan tanks that run between Northumberland and Fort William (and have, I believe, since large logo 37 days)

Appreciate they're busy at MR Scotland so thought I'd throw it out there. Usual info, details, photos on their website.




And here's a pic of my old Farish one so you can see how superior the RevolutioN one is


There's something very pleasing about these, but I have no need for them at all. We're edging closer to having the requisite parts for a WHL model now though :hmmm: 

Suffolk Rob

Quote from: njee20 on February 24, 2024, 10:11:36 AMThere's something very pleasing about these, but I have no need for them at all. We're edging closer to having the requisite parts for a WHL model now though :hmmm: 

Agree, if these get sufficient interest to proceed it's really only the 73/9 missing from the current scene, the sleeper day coaches from earlier privatisation era, 29s and timber wagons for previous diesel eras and the K? For steam.

156s in appropriate liveries are a challenge but have a saltaire one stashed away


Roy L S

The OO tanks look lovely and I feel sure they would be equally good in N.

My thoughts are that while sales will surely benefit from the fact that they moved for the most part in block trains of 10 plus wagons (or a similar number of wagons in a mixed train) and 4 packs is therefore the logical way to market them, they were only ever built for and been used on a single traffic flow which could limit interest.

Logical therefore to seek expressions of interest first and time will tell, I have been wrong before...


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