Cleaning and/or finding the paint code (for Kato California Zephyr)

Started by keiron99, December 16, 2023, 06:30:41 PM

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I bought some used Kato California Zephyr carriages from ebay.

They are mostly in good condition, but some have a sort of "foxing" to the paint, like black marks. They aren't chips, and they aren't flecks of paint, so it would appear to just be an age thing.

I have tried cleaning with a Q tip and regular household all purpose cleaner but with no joy. Doe anyone have a suggestion for what other type of cleaner might work without doing damage?

Alternatively I thought I may be able to touch up (I can spray with my airbrush). But does anyone know where I could get the paint code? I have looked on Kat's website but there's no email.


I do not know if he can assist, but
an advertiser on the forum, might be able to help. Send him an email - it costs nowt.  ;)
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


You could try some metal polish or t-cut. Apply sparingly on a spot not too obvious.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Thanks. I tried some Auto Glym metal polish, and a couple of other cleaners too, even WD40. None seems to make any difference. It almost looks like ink has got on it. I will try to upload a picture to show the problem...

Steven B

Try a mild solvent like methylated spirit (check 8n an inconspicuous corner that it doesn't take the paint off).

If the sides are in good condition I'd consider applying some weathing washes too it.

Steven B


Was this visible in the ebay photos? Maybe you can link to the item? I wouldn't accept that if it wasn't shown.

I think someone has either weathered the roofs or painted them black and later removed the black paint. The Kato coaches are made of light grey plastic, so even if the silver paint would be damaged it wouldn't show black through.

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