Bachmann Gasholders

Started by Mustermark, March 12, 2011, 02:37:52 AM

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About 2 years ago I heard about Bachmann bringing out gasholders in N gauge (and and electrical substation).  I pre-ordered them from Rails of Sheffield.  I visit the site to check, but they are still not released.

Does anyone have any news on when or whether these will come out?

I really wanted them as there should eventually be three prominent gasholders on my layout of Reading.  One I have in the form of a Walthers kit, and the Bachmann ones would be perfect for the other two.

Any clues?
I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


if you are getting fed up with the wait you can always get one of these
am I there yet


Thanks, that's a great thought cloughie.  I looked at them but decided they weren't enough like the prototype ones in Reading.  I think the Bachmann ones are supposed to be a fair bit bigger too, so I'll hold out till I need them and then get two more of the Walthers and kit-bash.  But I would love to have ready-to-plant Bachmann ones for half the price of the Walthers.
I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


Why not make one - it's quite easy. I made this one from a cut down twiglets container, plastruct girders and wire;

After all the hobby is supposed to be railway modelling which tends to infer making things rather than just buying and plonking.



I might just do that.  Yours turned out really well.  I will start looking out for good sized round containers!

I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


BTW in the UK there used to be a convention for painting gas holders (although not always strictly adhered to) which was grey for
those in towns and cities, green for those in the country and blue for those on the coast (by the sea).



That is really nice work H.


Looks really good that gasholder H

I've been waiting for the Bachmann one too...the hornby one is still wround but doesn't look as good IMHO

R E Faust



I agree that the Liddle End one isn't up to the job. The Bachmann ones looked just fine. I think with having to scratchbiuld most of Reading town centre it would be good to have ready to plonk gasholder to weather at least until I get to the point of wanting to scratchbuild replicas of the ones in Reading. But it doesn't look like Bachmann are getting anywhere and that part of the layout will be bare for a while.  :(
I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.

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