what are you listening to at the moment?

Started by findus, January 20, 2011, 12:06:14 AM

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I have about 2100 tracks on my MP3 player, slowly increasing. These days, I just tend to use the 'Rarely Heard' or 'Random Play All' options, so I never know what's coming up (even though I known what's on it, if you see what I mean).

So I can get something by Led Zep, The Fall, Pixies, The Libertines, The Beatles, lots of other 60s/70s stuff...or Bach, Beethoven or Mozart, or a spot of jazz or R&B. Or maybe 16th century lute or flamenco.

I really enjoy having multiple styles interposed like this. In fact I'm not sure I could listen to a complete album of any one band or composer now...must be something to do with my failing attention span.


I tend to agree. I have an Ipod Classic 80GB with, so far, nearly 3500 tunes from classical to reggae to rock to folk to blues blah blah, and it does make a great change to hit the Shuffle button. Oh - and there's still 68Gb left to fill :music:


Just heard a remix of Adele's Set fire to the rain by moto blanco - radio edit (dont ask lots of young people in this house), absolutely superb. Mind you after reading this subject probably wont be many takers for this. I find that I listen more to what the kids like than my own preferences - (70's ish particularly Sparks and glam rock like Slade and Sweet, anything that begins with S).
On a note of what the kids like, thank goodness for Glee, can play these CD's continiously in car and stops all rows and arguments, particularly with the younger ones, even find myself joining in singing. Adele go's down well (can I say this?) and occasionally Queen are allowed an outing (again can I say this?).
Is féidir tú a choinneáil ar eascainí an madra nó is féidir a lasadh coinneal duit


I'm pretty brassed off that iTunes aren't carrying 2 really good tracks. One is 'Just Drive' by Alistair Griffin which was the closing credits to BBC coverage of the Abu Dhabi Formula 1 GP and a mix (hash?) of Police/Snow Patrol by PartyBen (check them out on YouTube) >:(


Feeling a bit 70s this morning so we have Boz Scaggs "Lido Shuffle"  then Gloria Gaynor, crikey where's me body shirt and flares and whats worse is where did all my long hair go to, :evil:
Keep on Smiling


Genesis Live - the early single CD that starts with Watcher of the Skies - zut alors :music:


iTunes recomendations cost me a lot of money..!

currently Interloper by Carbon Based Lifeforms.

don't know who they are but I'm enjoying it :)


Pink Floyd's The Division Bell is on repeat in work and the car at present.
Malice in defeat; revenge in victory


My first normal dinner cooking.. 

Yummy gammon joint slow roasted in coke a sugar  ;D ;D 





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