Calling all grandads/great grandads

Started by B1 61126, September 11, 2013, 07:57:59 PM

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B1 61126

Hello all had what I thought was a eureka moment let me explain a few years ago a young couple moved into the street with a couple of small children a girl and a boy who at the time was 6 years old over time we got talking and one thing lead to another we became firm friends etc.
Anyway one day they where round ours having a Barbeque as we where eating outside I didn't need to move my workbench out the dinning room and needed to check emails the little boy came into the room with his dad and saw the bench he asked what I was doing .Told him I am building some kits for my railway and he seemed quite curious about them so after that every time they came round for a meal or a chat the lad asked what I was doing this time .
so after a year or two had a word with his dad to see if he thought the boy would be interested in making his own kit dad said give it a try so next time we where in town I go one of those cheap aircraft kits that come with glue paint etc. the upshot of this is that the lad is now a very competent kit builder and on top of this just before xmass last year asked for a train set unfortunately he was a bit late for last year but o boy is he in for a surprise this year as his dad has put up a shed 8 by 12 and with my help and a qualified sparky we have insulated and got electric in made some baseboards and are a the stage of laying a double track mainline using one of the Hornby plans from one of the early mags just so as when the young man gets the shed key on xmass morning he will be able to play trains.
The reason for the title of this post is that we are now heading towards a nation of people who don't work with their hands to make/fix/build things but just offer services instead but those of us who are of the age of granddads great granddads still know how to use our hands so with any luck this young man just might be part of the future of our hobby as an aside to this his father is also now a very keen modeller and has been the driving force behind the new layout that he is building it will be a DCC control .
so if in future your grandkids show some interest just try a little bit of encouragement you never know just how far it may go
really hope that you folks get what I am trying to get across
some of your grandkids just may be the future of our hobby
good luck


What a great story, and what a Christmas morning that young man is going to have.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.


Lovely story, and what a lucky boy.

I'm thinking of running an 'after school' club where I work.  I will see if there are any pupils interested in n gauge, but probably in a couple of years.  :)


I have tried getting my 10y/o Godson interested in my hobbies and had no success at all.

He does like to watch me flying my helicopters but has no interest in flying one.

I set up an oval of track with a loco and some stock, he made it go faster and slower whilst watch television.

His interests are football, karate and games stations  ::)

cheers John.


I just told my dad this story and his reply was "what a lucky boy shows his dad must love him, thats why you didn't get anything like that."

Even at 27 that can be quite a hurtful thing to say! :(



Quote from: alibuchan on September 12, 2013, 06:14:48 PM
I just told my dad this story and his reply was "what a lucky boy shows his dad must love him, thats why you didn't get anything like that."

Even at 27 that can be quite a hurtful thing to say! :(


I would start sending him brochures for old age homes  >:D

cheers John.


I keep forgetting to add Cheers Mike on the end of my posts....

So.....  Cheers Mike


Quote from: alibuchan on September 12, 2013, 06:14:48 PM
I just told my dad this story and his reply was "what a lucky boy shows his dad must love him, thats why you didn't get anything like that."

That's what my dad my dad would have said! :smiley-laughing:


Quote from: scotsoft on September 12, 2013, 04:08:04 PM
I have tried getting my 10y/o Godson interested in my hobbies and had no success at all.

He does like to watch me flying my helicopters but has no interest in flying one.

I set up an oval of track with a loco and some stock, he made it go faster and slower whilst watch television.

His interests are football, karate and games stations  ::)

cheers John.

I have had a similar experience with 3 of my 4 children; only the youngest shows any interest in taking part in the practical side of my hobbies, like John including model helicopters, model railways and also full size flying (PPL). Happy to watch but not take part.

It has appeared to me over many years that they seem afraid to take part in a past-time that they cannot achieve instant skills, indeed practice-makes-perfect doesn't appear in their vocabulary at least in "competition" with Dad!

Certainly my two oldest ( now 28 and 30) despite being brought up in an engineering and electronics environment actively chose careers in fields where I was not able to lend experience and knowledge.

Or were they just fed up with my interference! I'm sure a psycologist could have a field day!

On the other hand, my 7 year old needs to be watched like a hawk .... spare Kato track and locos disappear regularly!

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