Farish catalogue 2013

Started by bluedepot, February 09, 2013, 07:11:15 PM

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Bachmann announce their product ranges in March. I'm not too sure on the exact date but i believe it's in around 5-6 weeks time.

Hi I'm Ollie, and I'm a addicted to buying MK1s......

My Previous Exhibition Layout - The Sheaf Valley Railway

My Current Exhibition Layout - Wenlock


We are now well into August and I'm despairing of ever seeing the new GF products on sale this year. Perhaps they should have bitten the bullet and called it their 2014 catalogue...


My wallet is very glad that releases are spread out over (at least) 2 years :sweat:
There are reviews in the Railway Modeller this month of the Ivatt 'Mickey Mouse' and the Maunsell coaches from Farish, although it looks like the Maunsells will have silver wheels :confused1:


It's not all bad. Farish have so far done alright to release things this year.
As NN points out, it gives you time to save for the big releases!

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.

http://www.c58lg.co.uk/  http://www.c60pg.co.uk/


I'm waiting for the Mk2 DBSOs with baited breath.


Quote from: HalfTheSizeTwiceTheFun on August 11, 2013, 10:18:47 PM
We are now well into August and I'm despairing of ever seeing the new GF products on sale this year. Perhaps they should have bitten the bullet and called it their 2014 catalogue...

With all respect Farish announce it as their 2013/14 Catalogue. And i believe they say that they aim to have everything released within 18 months of the catalogue and given that only 5 months have passed means that there is still plenty of time for items to be released. A quick search shows the following have been released from this year's catalogue:
374-681 MK2A DRS Courier
374-807 BR Mk1 RFO Crimson & Cream
374-808 BR Mk1 RFO Restaurant Car Maroon
374-809 BR Mk1 RFO Restaurant Car Green
374-810 BR Mk1 RFO Chocolate & Cream
374-811 BR Mk1 RFO Blue & Grey
377-603 YAA Bogie Bolster Wagon Departmental Yellow
377-841 Triple Pack Presflo Wagons 'Blue Circle' Yellow

Granted its' not a great deal, but we have recently had the Class 70, MK1 Horse Box, 24T Ore Hopper, Mk2A's plus others which were from last years catalogue. It's been 17 months since the 2012/13 catalogue was announced and a good deal of that catalogue has been released, with the remainder (A2, Class 37/4, Class 37/5, Duchess, J39, Deltic, Bullieds etc) all showing to be at advanced stages and due for release before the year ends. And lets not forget that models such as the Fairburn, Jinty and Class 25 are at the engineering sample stage and are also in sight for late this year/early next.

As NN and Owl have said i don't mind the long lead time between announcement and release as it gives me time to save up so i can pay for my rather long pre-order list! And lets not forget items like the 101 and Ivatt 2mt which have taken an awful lot longer than intended to reach us but they have turned out to be fantastic models well worth the wait


Hi I'm Ollie, and I'm a addicted to buying MK1s......

My Previous Exhibition Layout - The Sheaf Valley Railway

My Current Exhibition Layout - Wenlock


Thanks for putting it into perspective, Ollie: I hadn't appreciated that a GF catalogue was a list of items for sale as well as a list of future products! I had visions (or nightmares?) of a container ship with thousands of new GF releases being hijacked by Somali pirates en route to the UK from Hong Kong.

As for the new GF coaches, thank goodness they have now replaced the lesser detailed versions of the restaurant cars. I bought a couple, intending to populate them and realised they had no seating!


Quote from: newportnobby on August 12, 2013, 10:20:04 AM

it looks like the Maunsells will have silver wheels :confused1:

Eh?  :worried:



Thanks, Ollie. A useful reminder.

I make use of the online delivery info service from Hatton's. It isn't always 100% accurate but it warns you that perhaps a large bill may be in the offing.

I have my pre-orders in a Spreadsheet with prices and ETAs (where available) so I can see if there is or will be enough cash in the railway pot - or if all else fails, cancel the order to avoid bankruptcy!

Dave G

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