What's the difference

Started by 1936ace, March 29, 2013, 06:10:20 AM

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Hi all,
I'm going to get more br blue coaches and thought about the resturant cars. I already have the rub but thought why not get the others.

What's the different between the rfo and ru coaches. Is one the car that has the kitchen in it plus some tables and the other the one that has the tables only.

Thanks bart


RUB = Resturant Unclassified Buffet - Seats at tables and a service counter. Let anyone in.
RFO = Resturant First Open - Seats at tables. More refined clientele only.
RU = Resturant Unclassified - Seats at tables as above but let the plebs in as well.

Jerry Howlett

I think the RFO required a seperate Kitchen car this was a complete coach no seating just 60' of grub preparation plus a side corridor to enable passengers etc to walk through the train.  I don't think any one does this as an RTR model.

I remember them on the East Coast runs out of Kings Cross excellent breakfasts and if you wanted to annoy the staff ordering kippers was a must.

Some days its just not worth gnawing through the straps.


So a rmb was similar to a rub am I correct in saying that. And the rfo had a proper kitchen.
Am I correct that their is/was one kitchen car per train or did it have a ru next to a rfo or was their a coach that had just tables and seats next to the rfo or ru
Off to do some reading I think
Thanks again

Jerry Howlett

So a rmb was similar to a rub am I correct in saying that. And the rfo had a proper kitchen.


Am I correct that their is/was one kitchen car per train or did it have a ru next to a rfo or was their a coach that had just tables and seats next to the rfo or ru

Total Kitchen cars  are sadly a thing of the past as generally are restaurant cars amazing what you can reheatcook in a microwave (may be some preserved or running in charter sets)
Generally there was only 1 kitchen car to a train but I seem to recall a race special to cheltenham in the 70's with at least 2 in the formation to cope for the additional at seat meals.

Drowning in nostalgia now at the thought of meals past.....
Some days its just not worth gnawing through the straps.


RMB - Restaurant Mini Buffet
This is basically a TSO with a small buffet in the centre
Typically used on inter-urban services, where a full at-seat service is not required, or as a second buffet on longer trains (typically where a RK is included)

The RFO is basically a red herring, depending on the era
This coach has First Class seats, where passengers sit down for their meal, then return to their back to their seats
It would normally be marshalled next to a RK, as this has no seats, and thus provide a high quality at-seat service

The RU is a restaurant car, with unclassified seats, where passengers sit down after making their purchases, but then return back to their seats

RUB is a similar concept, but brings both together
A buffet counter, where passenger make their purchases and return to their seats
The unclassified seats are where passengers sit for an at-seat service
This was re-launched on HST, but demand was very poor and so these coaches were reclassified


Thanks guys for all the help explaining it to me. Can't have the little people go hungry on their journey from zacton  junction to brats end

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